HELP! My hair keeps breaking!

Hair Peace

New Member
I'm on the 3 month baggie challenge, so I'm not manipulating my hair that much...maybe every other day to remoisturize and reposition my bun, but when I do comb my hair, it keeps breaking. What can I do to stop it???:perplexed

maybe one of the products you are using is not good for your hair or
perhaps you hair needs to be strenghthened via protein
maybe you need more frequent deep conditioning
I agree with the other ladies, you may need a good protien treatment. I too am on the challenge, I found my hair to be a bit weak.what I did was change up my products and balanced all that moisture with protien treatments. What are you putting in your baggie?
SerenityBreeze said:
I agree with the other ladies, you may need a good protien treatment. I too am on the challenge, I found my hair to be a bit weak.what I did was change up my products and balanced all that moisture with protien treatments. What are you putting in your baggie?

hmmm do you all mean protein like cholestrol or are there other protein treatments you all use?
ITA with the ladies on trying a protein treatment...I know that you are on a 3 month baggie challenge but why don't you try and stop doing the baggie method for a while and see if that's the culprit?...sometimes too much moisture can be a problem...I know that my hair couldn't stand the baggie method.

Thanks ladies! Any recs. for protein treatments I can use?? I used Fantasia Vitamin/Protein Reconstructor when I washed my hair Thursday night but I don't think it helped. I put it back in the baggie/bun b/c it seemed like wearing my hair out was causing it to break. I've been using S-Curl in the baggie. I tried some Cantu Grow Strong last night too. I was doing so well last month! I don't know what went wrong...:crying3:
S-Curl may be the culprit. My hair felt great using it, but I noticed more breakage than usual. I had to stop using it. Try mixing some EOs with rose water or distilled water, then seal with some shea butter. I do my baggies nightly and sometimes during the day when I wig out.
Try Aphogee protein treatment. You can get it at Sallys. For me it will stop breakage in one treatment. Follow the directions on the side of the bottle. Its great stuff!
Thanks! I'll lay off the S-Curl for a while. Maybe I'll try the aphogee too!

@Stylepink: You reminded me that Emergencee stopped my breakage in one treatment too. I should have my Dominican stylist do it for me when I get my hair done Friday.
try a gentle clarifyer. The SAME thing was happening to me in January. I clarified and don't be heavy handed w the products.. a dime size should be enought for shoulder length hair.

Follow thru w a protein treatment then a moisturizing treatment as the lovely ladies suggested.

BE GENTLE with wet hair also! hth
some no breakage tips:

Take 1 MSM daily

stop the baggie challenge -for now to find the culprit

use carrot oil on your hair or carrot oil creme on your ends braiding it at night

try the protein treatment. IA that over moisterizing can be problematic, are you relaxed, because I have mostly natural hair and my hair drinks moisture, but if you are relaxed you should stop all the 'other' stuff, get teh treatment, use something simple like carrot oil/ceme and braid it at night.

I've gone back to using NTM silk touch leave-in and no baggie under my bun. I probably was over-moisturing my hair. I probably used too much clarifying shampoo when I washed it last Thursday too.

I am relaxed, but hair drinks moisture too. It evens soaks up the relaxer when I get a touch-up!

Thanks everybody!