Help!!! My Hair is FALLING THE HECK OUT!!!


Active Member

I do not post that often but..... I had to post this, MY HAIR IS FALLING OUT!!! and I do not know what to do!! I would post pics but I am too embarassed. I think it has something to do with my health, my friends were saying I need to be tested for pcos but I did not read that it makes your hair fall out. I am so stressed at work!! However I don't think that is the case I need help what should I purchase... vitamins, hair products? I purchased something called growanics.HELP HELP HELP
Whats your hair care regimen? How much of your hair is falling out? Is it just excessive shedding or clumps of hair? You said that it may be in part to your health, I checked the symptoms and I don't think that your hair is falling out due to that. In fact one of the symptoms is abnormal hair GROWTH.
You need to go get a check up. Have your thyroid checked as well. I don't think hair care is suspect in this case if you feel like it's health related. Keep us updated.
Thank you all! I have extreme shedding , it's like I do not have a completely bare spot I have a large area with very few strains of hair. So basically bald I am so depressed about it.. I would cut it but if I do it will appear as though I have no hair. I had braids thinking it would help and I just took them out and it has gotten worse I do not know where to begin!!
Thank you all! I have extreme shedding , it's like I do not have a completely bare spot I have a large area with very few strains of hair. So basically bald I am so depressed about it.. I would cut it but if I do it will appear as though I have no hair. I had braids thinking it would help and I just took them out and it has gotten worse I do not know where to begin!!
I was watching Utube and there's a woman on there who is natural and recommends to use Dr woods products. One of the products she was talking about is dr. woods peppermint castille soap she said all her breakage stopped. her name escapes me I think its Najaface. Anway this soap can be used every where, Shipping is a problem other then that its pretty cheap. I dont' want to pay the shipping cost thats why I haven't ordered it yet. its like 7.00 for 32 oz and she uses it twice a day to wash up and wash her hair. go to utube and look her up. I hope this helps you.Najahface
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This severe shedding is probably due to an internal cause. Your medical professional will know what tests to perform, and you should go immediately. Once you have a correct diagnosis, you may be able to use natural methods to correct it, however, you need to know what the problem is before you can begin to correct it. GO IMMEDIATELY, ..... please.
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I do not post that often but..... I had to post this, MY HAIR IS FALLING OUT!!! and I do not know what to do!! I would post pics but I am too embarassed. I think it has something to do with my health, my friends were saying I need to be tested for pcos but I did not read that it makes your hair fall out. I am so stressed at work!! However I don't think that is the case I need help what should I purchase... vitamins, hair products? I purchased something called growanics.HELP HELP HELP
Get to the doctor and get a full blood work done. You can go to the Dermatologist, they know all the things to check for like, hormones, thyroid, low iron, etc. Make an appointment pronto!
I also suggest going to the doctor and checking into some product changes.

One this is major though, when I stress it goes to my hair. So I have to be very careful about my environment and how long I am under stress.

Stress can cause untold number of issues, if it is showing in your hair believe me it is or will be showing elsewhere on your body.

Try to alleviate some of this or everything else you are doing could be counter productive.