HELP!!! my ends! my ends! my ends!


Well-Known Member
I was going along just fine, growing my hair, not having to trim in quite some time, ends were fine, if i spotted a split, i cut it and moved on.

Then one day last week I decided to trim my ends via a youtube tutorial I found and it was great. I felt like I had hit all of them.

Relaxed my hair and was loving it. Now within the last couple days, I've been seeing MAJOR splits. I mean. I got fairy knots going on, scraggly ends and I am like :wallbash:


I need help. quick fast in a hurry. I'm scared to trim them off because what if they just split again and I have to keep trimming. I'm considering getting a mini cut just so that all the ends will be cut at least an inch. Maybe getting some layers done.

The only thing I've changed in my reggie is that I've added grapeseed and sweet almond oil and I've restarted using ceramidas because I hear it's good for relaxed hair.

I really do feel like crying. :nono: finally make APL, then have to cut it off. :sad: Why me???
Dont cut just yet. Assess the situation. Sometimes your ends only "look" raggedy... but arent really.

Give yourself a good deep condition, set and style and see what you got.

Many times it looks like I have a head of splits, but its just the way the ends behave sometimes. A good wash and blow and they look much better.

Oh nooooo I'm so sorry! :bighug:

Hey, when you did your trim, did you use super sharp sheers that you only use for hair?

I think the first thing I'd do is do another dusting and search and destroy with either a new pair of sheers or a resharpened pair. Then monitor your hair with the original rock solid reggie that was helping you retain like a pro from before the changes. Don't cut, yet.

And what youtube vid was it? Do you remember the name?
My understanding is (someone correct me if I am wrong) that you should not cut your hair just before a relaxer. This may be the reason why?

ETA: Sorry about your hair. Its still beautiful in your siggy pic and it will grow back.
How new are you scissors?

Less than a year old, but I've only used them a couple times and only on my hair. I was thinking of buying some new ones just for the fun of it, but I resisted the pjism. Now I really wish I had just bought the dang things.

Oh nooooo I'm so sorry! :bighug:

Hey, when you did your trim, did you use super sharp sheers that you only use for hair?

I think the first thing I'd do is do another dusting and search and destroy with either a new pair of sheers or a resharpened pair. Then monitor your hair with the original rock solid reggie that was helping you retain like a pro from before the changes. Don't cut, yet.

And what youtube vid was it? Do you remember the name?

I've been searching for some tips and I think I may resort to using my Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1 mixed with some grapeseed or sweet almond oil and moisterizing and baggying and then do a light dusting in a week or so.

Here is the video I used. It is great

My understanding is (someone correct me if I am wrong) that you should not cut your hair just before a relaxer. This may be the reason why?

ETA: Sorry about your hair. Its still beautiful in your siggy pic and it will grow back.

OH LAAAAAAWWWWDDD. I was bored and trimmed, knowing I was gonna relax. It makes sense though. It had been some days in between the trim and the relaxer, but you may be on to something here.
Ok, so I've dug up my hawaiin silky. I hated it when i bought it because it left my hair with a white dusty look even though it felt great.
I found an old thread that recommended mixing it with some oil and i'll be gosh darned. It works to make the hair look shiny. I have applied this mix, concentrating a lot on the ends and am in my full baggy right now. I have the heat crunk up so that it can do what it does under this scarf and baggy.

I'll keep you all posted. i guess i'll sit and cut up some aluminum foil with my shears to sharpen them in anticipation of my looming dusting. wish me luck.

I think I'll add my flowers of sulfur and msm back into my reggie too to help get back some of this drama that I'm losing on my ends.
I'd say up the moisture. Our ends are the oldest part of our hair and they need to moisturized daily to retain length. Use s-curl, EQP Mango Butter, AOHB or even moisturizing oils like coconut, jojoba or avocado. You'll quickly notice a difference - trust me.
I'd say up the moisture. Our ends are the oldest part of our hair and they need to moisturized daily to retain length. Use s-curl, EQP Mango Butter, AOHB or even moisturizing oils like coconut, jojoba or avocado. You'll quickly notice a difference - trust me.

Thanks. I'm gonna have to start focusing on more moisture. During the summer(and down here summer temperatures lasts through nearly October) my hair made its own oil and my hair was just fine. Well, it's gotten cold now and my hair and scalp are pretty dry.
Less than a year old, but I've only used them a couple times and only on my hair. I was thinking of buying some new ones just for the fun of it, but I resisted the pjism. Now I really wish I had just bought the dang things.

I've been searching for some tips and I think I may resort to using my Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1 mixed with some grapeseed or sweet almond oil and moisterizing and baggying and then do a light dusting in a week or so.

Here is the video I used. It is great

OH LAAAAAAWWWWDDD. I was bored and trimmed, knowing I was gonna relax. It makes sense though. It had been some days in between the trim and the relaxer, but you may be on to something here.

For some reason this method of trimming did not work for my hair, which was surprising because I thought it was great too.
I agree w/ jayjaycurlz about upping the moisture. Maybe you should moisturize your ends at least twice a day to maintain the moisture, too.
i have a similar problem it seems like nothing moisturizes my ends they sort of feel like im just coating them and theyre still dry and breaking underneath?
For some reason this method of trimming did not work for my hair, which was surprising because I thought it was great too.

Details please. Did it damage your hair by doing this or did you just not feel that it got all the ends?

i have a similar problem it seems like nothing moisturizes my ends they sort of feel like im just coating them and theyre still dry and breaking underneath?

Yeah, my hair is like that too. Which is why I'm light handed on products because it just ends up feeling greasy. But I loaded u last night and bunned my hair today.
Details please. Did it damage your hair by doing this or did you just not feel that it got all the ends?

Yeah, my hair is like that too. Which is why I'm light handed on products because it just ends up feeling greasy. But I loaded u last night and bunned my hair today.

I thought my hair would look better since I trimmed but for some reason my hair looked more ragedy.

I trimmed those pieces that stick up & out going down the hair shaft. I didn't like the way it turned out so I only did the front.
Hey, I don't have any advice on your current situation :(

But for future prevention efforts, co-washing daily/every other day will help a great deal. A GREAT DEAL, I cannot stress that enough.
I always thought that the reason you didn't trim before a relaxer is because the NG may not be uniform... by cutting BEFORE you relax the ends may not be even.... so when you finally do relax it results in a slightly jacked up 'do.

I've used cones and my hair is really dry. I'm going to clarify tomorrow and do some serious DCing.
I think your ends will do better if you continue to baggy nightly as you have been doing and moisturizing and sealing your ends with oil once or twice a day. I've been doing this myself for the past few days and I'm now a firm believer in the baggy method. Before my ends were getting really hard and crunchy and I could foresee breakage in my future and it seemed that just moisturizing and sealing wasn't doing enough so I add the baggy method and now my ends are silky soft. I know I still have some dusting to do, but I know it won't be as bad as it would have been had I not started using the baggy method.
Hey, I don't have any advice on your current situation :(

But for future prevention efforts, co-washing daily/every other day will help a great deal. A GREAT DEAL, I cannot stress that enough.

I wish cowashing worked for me. My hair hates it. It comes out feeling nasty, no matter what condish I use

I've made numerous attempts at cowashing and as much as i wish i could do it. . .I can't :perplexed My hair is already extremely thin, but dense so it ends up mushy and then when i bump up my protein to counteract the mushiness, it ends up weighed down.

I've even considered trying Wen, but for the price, I'd be mad if it were just like regular cowashing.
I always thought that the reason you didn't trim before a relaxer is because the NG may not be uniform... by cutting BEFORE you relax the ends may not be even.... so when you finally do relax it results in a slightly jacked up 'do.

I've used cones and my hair is really dry. I'm going to clarify tomorrow and do some serious DCing.

This is true. If you're going for a trim its best done in straight your case fresh relaxer so its all uniformed. Just like for naturals you're going to trim in a curl state versus the straight state unless that natural person wears their hair in the straight state more than their natural state.

ETA: Also for ends feeling dry no matter how much you add may have to find some good deep penetrating deep conditioner treatments as relaxer has chemically altered the hair and with your ends being the oldest. Plus for me when i was relaxing a few months a go...I felt like every touch up still dried my ends are even more because of the rinsing processing of the relaxer seems to still pass through my hair to the ends. I LOVE relaxed might want to seek out relaxed ladies who have found great regiments for keeping up their ends.


I made that mistake once just because I was bored and scissor happy on my relaxed head prior to getting a touchup and I so had problems with my ends :wallbash: thereafter. I eventually had to get a "corrective" trim just to ge my hair back on the even track because they were rubbing each other the wrong way.

Try to keep your ends healthy as possible by keeping up with your moisture and a bit of protein.
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