HELP Me Tame Down All This New Growth


New Member
I has been a month since my last relaxer and I have some puffy new growth. This is good since I have never experienced growth like this before but I would like to tame it
and flatten it somewhat with products. After a rollerset my hair looks puffy (bouffant) and it is like the relaxed part sits on the new growth. The worst part is the kitchen area it has grown furiously and literally lifts my hair off the nape of my neck. I tried curling it with small perm rods but this didn't help

Does anyone know of a good shampoo and conditioner that would leave moisture in my hair (even after rollersetting and sitting under the dryer)? I am a reformed product junkie so I have been using whatever shampoo or conditioner that I have in my arsenal (Cream of Nature,Keracare, & Dark & Lovely Cholesteral). I also use the KMS Flat Out Relaxing Balm on wet hair and this helps somewhat. I have been using warm oil treatments but they haven't helped.

My regimen: Bargello vitamins (except Silicone). Wash hair 2x a week with alternate rollersets (dryer 30 mins. medium heat/airdry til dry) and braidouts.

Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks.
