Help Me Help My Cousin: Is it Possible to have healthy Relaxed AND Colored hair?


Well-Known Member
So growing up my cousin has always had that kind of hair that grows to MBL within 1-2 years time effortlessly. Her hair was always nice and thick but she's always relied on the Dominican's to do her hair, that was okay untill she started to color senior year of high school on top of the relaxer.

At first her hair seemed fine but in the last couple of years its been thinning....and she's had to cut it to APL and its pretty choppy. I really wanna do whatever I can to help her because it really pains me to see the decline in her hair health.

The color is perfect on her it matches her honey brown eyes it looks natural its her signature look its like beyonce with her color its just her signature look and it goes with her. I think if she had to sacrifice the relaxer or the color she'd prolly sacrifice the relaxer.

If you ask me what her reggie is, she doesnt have one lol she relies completely on the Dominican's:nono: Do yall have any advice for a regimen for her?

Are there any Relaxed AND Colored ladies on here that successfully grow their hair long and thick? Help me Help my Cousin:sad:
Yes, it's possible, however I believe it takes dedication and commitment to your hair. You really have to be on top of your protein and moisture balance.
Out of the box color is a NONO!! if she wants to continue coloring, talk to her about getting it professionally done at an Aveda salon. it is pricey, but from what i understand aveda permanent color is 100% plant based (i could be wrong), and is excellent at resisting fade.
Actually, if she is regularly going to the Dominicans she is triple processing her hair--relaxer, color, and heat. There is no way her hair will survive all that. Can you talk her into rollersets with weekly DC's, saran wraps if she wants the super straight look, and stretching relaxers to at least 8-10 weeks?
Okay I'll definitely talk to her about saran wrapping I had forgot about that thanks for the reminder smartypants!

She gets her hair set then lets them blow the roots only, she thinks thats better:nono:

I'm pretty sure she stretches only 2 months but she needs to push that to 3-4 months I think....I'm slowly warming her up to the idea....

I'll definitely tell her about the Aveda color thanks poookie!!

Please keep the tips coming!
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no MAM no MAM no MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMM! please please PLEASE tell her to choose between relaxer and color. I tried the honey-brown beyonce thing in 05, and of course the results were gorge ( I got the color professionally done). Then I slowly began to lose my edges until I basically had nothing to put in a ponytail (and my hair started at shoulder length :nono:. I ended up having to do a BC (to about 2" from the scalp) and wearing microbraids for a year just to get some hair back.

Maybe if I would have known about protein treatments back then, I wouldnt have had such a devastating experience. I'm sure there are ladies out there who can handle perm and color, but IMO these are EXCEPTIONS to the rule.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell her to choose ONE.
See I would tend to agree with you Barbie83......I'm really beginning to feel like she's gonna have to choose:ohwell:

It's just she doesnt seem to be ready to make that transition to natural, maybe I can tell her to ease into it by relaxing three times a year
Deep condition and protein need to be added to her routine ASAP! Also, I think it is better that only her roots are blown out instead of the entire length. Alot of ladies on this board do the same thing.
See I would tend to agree with you Barbie83......I'm really beginning to feel like she's gonna have to choose:ohwell:

It's just she doesnt seem to be ready to make that transition to natural, maybe I can tell her to ease into it by relaxing three times a year

yeah, stretching will definitely help, if she's not willing to go all the way natural.

I'm sorry, but this is just a reallllllly realllllly dear subject to me, and i just dont want anyone to have to go through the pain I went through. Seeing your hair crumble and break before your very eyes is NOT fun. :nono:
I really don't like perms or unatural color anyway.

I had a client that realxed and colored all in one day. She said she was bald as a baby's behind. I told her that, that was not a good idea and she said she knew she was not supposed to do it. It said so on the box!
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I miss having honey brown color too. I've been thinking of doing
pretty weave(sew-in) mix of my natural dark color and the browns/honey
blondes. Just a few pieces, since she already has a good length. Maybe that's
an option?
It really just depends. My hair is colored and relaxed, I've had highlights and it's been darker as well. I have used box color and professional color. Perm, semi perm and rinses.
I have never had issues or problems. So, I think it depends on each person's hair and texture. As usual, what works for one doesn't work for other's.
It is I've seen it. I had a co-worker that had beautiful colored and relaxed hair she was BSL. She did however go to the shop every two weeks like clockwork. She never missed an appointment. I never heard her talk about anything she did herself. She had been with the same stylist for like 14 years and it was obvious the woman new how to take care of her hair.
She shouldn't have to choose. My hair is both relaxed and highlighted. The key for me is NO DIRECT HEAT! I alternate weekly between protein and moisturizing deep conditioners. My hair is trimmed at each relaxer touch up, which is between 7-10 weeks. I have not used a flat iron since September 2008. I either roller set my hair and sit under a hooded dryer or allow my hair to dry naturally. If I want to wear my hair curly, I pin curl it at night. I have not had any breakage. I also take Biotin and a multi-vitamin every day. Biotin works wonders! Use at least 1000 mcg. If she keeps it conditioned, trimmed, and stays away from the heat, she'll be fine.
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Yes, it is possible to have a relaxer and color treated hair. I have been color treated for well over 10 years with no problems at all. I use Ms. Clairol and I do it myself. Although I don't aim for a specific color I use the luminize which highlights your natural hair to it's highest potential. Currently I am transitioning and I will continue with my color.

The key is keeping the hair moisturized and do not neglect it.
Thank you sooooo much you guys!!!:blowkiss: I'm taking note of all yall's recommendations:yep: Keep em coming!!!

I think she really should shy away from direct heat:scratchch....that makes sense!

I'm tryna warm her up to the DIY life and get her to do some braid-outs:ohwell: she's comin around though yall, she's comin around:yep:

Blondebydesire whats ur reggie?
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The average chic? No. Going to the Dominicans and letting them use all the heat on top of the 2 processes? Double No. But with your help and a LHCF membership....maybe. If she stays away from direct heat, gets a steamer and gets the protein/moisture balance just right. I would say stretching longer or transitioning would be a big help too.
I'm transitioning into being fully texlax...i get touch ups about every 4-5 months. I use Ms. Clariol Luminize and I have no damage. For me the key is staying away from the salons (I get a wash/set/blow out maybe once every 2 months or so...) and co-washing. 80% of the time I'm in a braid out. The other times I might air dry and flat iron or roller set at home. No direct heat and manipulation goes a very long way....
Has she ever had color in her hair before? Some people are chemical sensitive. No matter what amount of balance between protein and moisture.

If she has not had color before and her relaxed hair is not healthy I would not recommend it until she gets the hair on her head healthy enough to handle both.

Even then she will have to be very very diligent about the care of her hair. If she does not care for it very well now, I would not recommend it.
Thank you sooooo much you guys!!!:blowkiss: I'm taking note of all yall's recommendations:yep: Keep em coming!!!

I think she really should shy away from direct heat:scratchch....that makes sense!

I'm tryna warm her up to the DIY life and get her to do some braid-outs:ohwell: she's comin around though yall, she's comin around:yep:

Blondebydesire whats ur reggie?

Right now I'm transitioning ... 2x a week con wash, Sunday, wash (sulfate free poo), dc (moisture - under hooded dryer 45 mins). Airdry in a pony.

Twice a month do protein treatment on wash day.

Keep hair moisturized and leave it alone. Only heat applied is during my DC.

Now when I was relaxed - I wasn't hair conscious as I am now and my hair flourished. I do my own color about every 4 months - touch up my roots. I just washed, conditioned for about a nano second, and rollerset.