Help Me Before I Cut All My Hair Off!


I don't understand what I'm doing wrong with my hair. It is growing like wildfire and it just looks awful to me. I thought I successfully relaxed my hair w/ CON, but maybe I was wrong. My hair is back to looking texturized, and what's more, the back of my head looks like crap! :eek: I've been looking at overprocessed threads, but none seems to fit. I've experienced no breaking, my hair is growing, and all seems to be well. I've tried to do other things with my hair, like wrap ir and I even tried to flat iron it. I can't do either one of them! Some parts of my hair will curl, but the other parts won't. :confused: I don't know what to do here. I'm scared that I seriously damaged my hair w/ my self relaxing. :wallbash: What can I do? I'm still unable to braid my hair, but the gel and slick style is the only thing I can do. I think I'm gonna have to break down and go to a stylist, which I'm paranoid b/c I'm afraid she'll cut off all my hair again. :mad: I'm just very disappointed right now and I'm afraid all my good work is gonna go down the drain. It's times like these that makes me wish I were brave enough to go natural. : :cry3: :hammer: :whyme: I've been relaxed so long, I don't know anything else. I'm sorry for the long vent, BUT I'M AT THE END OF MY ROPE! :( Can anybody give me any tips on what helped them decide whether to relax, go natural, or do nothing? Help a sista out, will ya? To top things off I've got 2" of ng since my last relaxer. Is it me or does overprocessed hair grow like this? :ohwell: OK, I'll shut up until somebody answers me....
Why aren't you brave enough to go natural? Do you dislike your natural hair or dislike how you look with short hair or how you look with natural hair or both? Do you really want to be natural or do you really just want your hair to stay straight after it's relaxed? If you do want natural hair, why? Only you know the answers to these questions. I'm not so much saying you should tell me so much as saying you need to ask yourself these questions, you know? Two inches of new-growth is a lot, enough to wear a nice twa or enough to get braids with extensions. Do you know someone who can do braids for you? Some people go natural but where braids until there hair is at a length they are comfortable with. Why do you say you still can't braid your hair? Is it because you don't know how to braid? Or, you could transition for a few months. Or you could relax the new growth and get more length. If you go to a stylist she will likely want to cut so you better go with a plan ahead of time and you really need to do your research ahead of time so that you can find a good stylist that you can trust. Good luck. HTH
I think it's because I don't know how to style my hair naturally. I've been relaxed for 20 yrs. and I'm real challenged with the idea of going natural and not being able to style my hair. I am stuck w/ my vanity, I guess. :( I don't know how to braid or twist and in the area I live, the stylist charges the highest prices for whatever services u need. This has been an inward struggle for me for so long, that I know it is fear on my part to go natural. I want to, but I don't know anything about natural haircare or styling. I hope I am making sense with this post and I hope u guys can help me with any helpful tips. :ohwell:
Are you moisturizing you tresses?? How about deep conditioning or a cholesterol treatment? What's your regimen? You could be underprocessed, bad batch, or CON doesn't work for you...
Hang in there:up:
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Ashee said:
Are you moisturizing you tresses?? How about deep conditioning or a cholesterol treatment? What's your regimen? You could be underprocessed, bad batch, or CON doesn't work for you...
Hang in there:up:

i agree, do you have any pic of you hair it might help
I thought I was doing all those things. I've been washing my hair 2xs a week, I always use a prepoo...glover's/sulfur8 mix. I was using ORs poo and mayo, but now I use eqyss poo and the rebuilder. That stuff has helped moisturize my hair so much. I just don't know why my hair refuses to curl. It won't wrap smoothly bc I don't think it processed fully. I don't know what else to do with it anymore. :( Ye, my hair is growing. When it was badly damaged, it shed horribly and didn't grow. I'm so confused. No breakage, it's growing, can't style it. HELP!
First: Be thankful that there is no breakage or shedding. That is wonderful.
Second: It is growing very well. That is wonderful.
Third: You have a problem with being able to style your hair. That can be changed and fixed without getting rid of your hair!
Do your really WANT to cut it? If not, ask some of the ladies for some really neat ways that are sophisticated, funky or fab to do some interim styles to get you over the hump until you realize that IT IS GOING TO BE OKAY!!!!. and you will one day feel great about your hair again. Hold on lady...the ladies are loading up the pickups and headin' your way!!!smiles and hugs of compassion coming at ya!! Bonjour....bring on the hair troops!!!
Hey Lady...

I feel bad for you, but you have to realize a few things. First: less is more. Maybe you should give your hair a break from all of the products you're putting into it. I've never done a pre-poo before, but is it really necessary? :confused: (I am in no way knockin' anybodies hair treatment options, but that is what it is -- an option)

Second: If you are thinking about going natural, visit I lurked on that site and visited hair journals for a year before I took the leap. I have never felt better!!! Most of us think we cant live without a relaxer, but you were born without one, so you can definitely learn to live without one like all the other women who've made the decision to stop relaxing. There ARE a gazillion styling options for natural hair!! ;)

Third: Please realize that everyone's hair is different. The way your hair responds to certain products and styles is not going to always be the same as the way "Lisa's" hair responds to those same products and styles.

Do some more research and be patient. It is really easy to make an irrational decision when it comes to hair out of sheer frustration. And if you're seriously considering going natural, visit You will not be disappointed.
Love_Goddess_Oshun said:
Hey Lady...

I feel bad for you, but you have to realize a few things. First: less is more. Maybe you should give your hair a break from all of the products you're putting into it. I've never done a pre-poo before, but is it really necessary? :confused: (I am in no way knockin' anybodies hair treatment options, but that is what it is -- an option)

Second: If you are thinking about going natural, visit I lurked on that site and visited hair journals for a year before I took the leap. I have never felt better!!! Most of us think we cant live without a relaxer, but you were born without one, so you can definitely learn to live without one like all the other women who've made the decision to stop relaxing. There ARE a gazillion styling options for natural hair!! ;)

Third: Please realize that everyone's hair is different. The way your hair responds to certain products and styles is not going to always be the same as the way "Lisa's" hair responds to those same products and styles.

Do some more research and be patient. It is really easy to make an irrational decision when it comes to hair out of sheer frustration. And if you're seriously considering going natural, visit You will not be disappointed.

Thank u for taking the time to help me. This has been a battle for me for years. My hair has always been difficult to relax, but due to my inexperience in styling natural hair, I always go back to the old ball and chain relaxer. :( I have come to realize that since using my stinky challenge and mtg, my hair has gained a thickness that has surpassed my childhood. For those of u who have had the similar exp. as a child, my hair would break combs and brushes. My mom always had beautiful long hair w/ perms and figured my hair would be just like hers. It wasn't bad, but it always shed horribly. My hair is fighting the relaxers and I think it is time for me to stop fighting myself. I see the split ends and damaged relaxed parts of my hair. I know the stylist will be doing some chopping. :cry3: My only fear is lack of my own hair skills. I wish I was more knowledgeable about natural hair. I"m hoping I could get more braid tips. I wish someone would start a natural hair style thread! :notworthy :lol: