Transitioning is too much fuss: anybody ever tempted to just cut it all off?

Tempted to? That's what I did lol! My hair didnt do well with transitioning and would do more harm than good. I just went for it and cut it all off.
Have you ever thought of just cutting all your relaxed hair off instead of transitioning? I think this would be ideal for me but I'm afraid of what I'll look like! The couple of times I've tried to transition it was difficult to detangle b/c my hair is so is quite an ordeal! Plus, why put so much effort into the relaxed hair if you are just gonna cut it anyway?

IDK, just trying to spark a discussion. Thoughts anyone?

@ the bolded...well yeah, that's the thing lol... :lol:

For me though, I was going back and forth a little recently over whether I would B/C soonish (one year post this coming Sat.) but decided against it since having one of those omg moments with my hair that I've never had before... I think I finally found a product combination that works for me. (Crosses fingers). Before that though, I found myself asking the same question. Why bother with protecting the ends and all that mess when it's all going bye bye anyway? My answer: your hair will look like a HAM and you will end up chopping sooner than you intended if you don't take care of your length. My ends have suffered from me ripping the comb through and not taking my time to detangle. I have chopped at least 4 inches since I started my transition a year ago. Not to say that I regret it though, I like healthy looking ends. I'm happy at BSL for now and think that I will stay this length just to make things easier for me.

I personally don't want to chop and not know what to do with my hair because it's so short. I bun daily, and if I can't get a ponytail, well, I'm just not sure how I'd handle that. I had short hair twice in my life by choice, but my mom was always around to style it. Right now I feel like the ends of my natural hair are almost "protected" by my relaxed hair, but once I chop, that's all over. I did a mini chop in the front and am regretting every bit of it since the hair is too short to meet where my ponytail holder gathers my hair. It's really difficult to get it to lay down and I can't wait until it grows out. At the same time though, I am enjoying every minute of my little hairline curlies :)

Transitioning isn't for everybody though, as you know it takes a LOT of patience and there are plenty of women on here who will tell you that they didn't bother with transitioning for longer than a month of two.

ETA: There's also a big difference between say 2 years worth of natural hair, vs. 2 years worth of relaxed hair. Shrinkage plays such a huge part in perceived hair length and I'm sure that with shrinkage, my hair won't come past my shoulders even at 2 years natural. This is another reason I don't want to chop too soon.
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I just cut mine all off last night. YAAAAYYY!!! The fuss of dealing with two textures just got on my nerves...and the thought of going to get another relaxer week after next - a corrective at that - just didn't sit well with me.

DH is going to slightly even me out today and I'll be set for good. I'll be co-washing every day for a while....:creatures:creatures:creatures
I totally feel you... my initial transition goal was 18months, then I cut it down to 12 months and now I have a feeling I will BC when I have enough hair to hold back with and alice or head band. I work out 5 days a week and I do not love dealing with 2 textures after working out... I will NOT do braids or twists or weaves or wigs so I'm gonna see how long it'll be before I BC.

I am scared to have a TWA because I have a big head, lol but you have a cute face and smaller head :-)
Hang in there guys. I did a fairly long transition (about 17 months) and the way I kept myself motivated (and less likely to go back to relaxing like I did once before during a transition) was to cut my relaxed ends of in stages. I got two major cuts during my transition and I made me more motivated to continue (since I'd already sacrificed some length). And later it was less of a shock when I cut off the last of my relaxed ends since I wasn't going from my longest ever length relaxed to natural hair prone to shrinkage. I personally waited until I had enough hair for a ponytail before cutting off the last of the relaxed ends.

I think the BC or a long transition can work and it just depends on a person's personality. As far as having two textures and wanting to neglect the relaxed ends, I handled that by using products that worked well for my newgrowth and my relaxed ends.

Stay strong ladies. It seems long now, but when you look back on this time transitioning when you're natural it will all feel like it was worth it. Or at least I feel it was worth it. I really enjoy being natural.
What helped me get over my 1-minute "But I'll look weird!" stage was looking at other women's TWAs on Fotki. Oddly enough, once I really started looking, I just didn't see many people who looked all-out bad with their TWAs. :ohwell: In fact, I got more & more pumped to see myself with one. Give yourself a break from all the long-hair photos and Fotkis and go stalk out some with TWAs. It's really not as bad as you think it is. And always keep in mind that your face doesn't change when your hair changes. If you are pretty with long hair, you are still pretty with short hair or no hair. :yep:

This is so true! I was scared to BC and wondered if it would change my look but I get a lot of compliments on how it brings out my features. It hasn't stopped men from trying to date me. I think cutting my hair gave me more confidence cause its something most women wouldn't dare do. I posted some inspiration pics for anyone contemplating the BC and my fotki is always open for viewing.


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Have you ever thought of just cutting all your relaxed hair off instead of transitioning?

Absolutely, that's just where I am right now. My last relaxer was in April of 08 so it's been almost a year. I don't quite have the length I want in the new growth, though I think I'll do. The reason I haven't done the BC yet, is that I'm not sure what to expect from my natural hair and I won't know how to style it. Right now, I'm doing as much research as I can because my patience is short and its only a matter of days before I stand before a mirror with scissors...
I will just cosign and say that ajoyfuljoy and the other ladies thinking about a bc don't have anything to worry about concerning how they will look. I tried transitioning for a year and got so frustrated that I relaxed again. Then, I transitioned 6months and did a BC...what happened? I really noticed my face. All your features really stand out when there isn't much hair to notice...someone with ajoyfuljoy's beautiful face shouldn't mind that. Then what happens?... before you know it, your TWA grows out and your wondering what you are going to do with all that hair......Caveat: You will have haters during this brief TWA time because they will wish they had your guts/courage. Then when it grows out, they will ask you "how you grew your hair out."

once again you make me e-blush :blush: Thank you so much! It's true, having a TWA really makes you pay more attention to your face. And that doesn't have to be a bad thing :yep:

I so wanted to start just a thread. Arghhhhh! I have been transitioning for 13 months and I know, if I were to reach any nice length, that would be great. BUT

I can not manage. I have kept my hair braided underneath a wig, and aggg. It is to thick, my wig is stretched out:perplexed (The wig has survived like 9 mos:lachen:).

But I is tired. Even relaxed hair under a wig will do.:yep:

I'll keep you guys posted, but I am perming this mess. I give.

If only I could just wear a nappy fro, and get away with it:ohwell:.

Girl, I know yo wig is tired and you need to lay it to rest and give it a proper burial :lachen:I know you have a lot of hair let us know when you are ready to cut!

I totally feel you... my initial transition goal was 18months, then I cut it down to 12 months and now I have a feeling I will BC when I have enough hair to hold back with and alice or head band. I work out 5 days a week and I do not love dealing with 2 textures after working out... I will NOT do braids or twists or weaves or wigs so I'm gonna see how long it'll be before I BC.

I am scared to have a TWA because I have a big head, lol but you have a cute face and smaller head :-)

I love working out too and I get tired of worrying about reversion of NG. Until I figure out how to not make that happen (my mom had skillz and could get my hair very straight when I was a kid/natural, I just have to figure it out now)

And by the way, my head is big! Maybe not jumbo but I got square corners going on :lachen:Sometimes I feel like my face makes the shape of the number five

Remember sesame street?: "this episode was brought to you by the letter X and the number 5." That was me and my face :lachen:

This is so true! I was scared to BC and wondered if it would change my look but I get a lot of compliments on how it brings out my features. It hasn't stopped men from trying to date me. I think cutting my hair gave me more confidence cause its something most women wouldn't dare do. I posted some inspiration pics for anyone contemplating the BC and my fotki is always open for viewing.

Wow you look stunning with your hair! It adds a glow to your face.
Funny I was justthinking about this.. so I went ahead and cut it all off about two days ago. I should change my siggie from neck length to no lenght. lol. Anyways I have no problem with any length of hair. Ihave had all lengths and I honestly felt the prettiest with a very low TWA. As someone stated before your face dont change and you dont change when your hair changes so honestly you should be fine if you just cut it off. One way to see how you might look is to slick your hair all the way back really flat, and it will show you how your face willloook with no hair to hide it. At the end of the day whether you transition for months or wether you transition for two weeks, and then chop you are just as natural no matter what length it is. HTH
I didn't transition at all. I did the BC. I opted instead though for other protective styles such as micro braids (not too small), full weaves, and half wigs. I guess it's a personal choice plus felt I had more options. I just started wearing my hair out in a bun after two years of growing it out.
I'm eagerly anticipating my BKT I hope it helps my transition- I've been unintentionally transitioning since Nov but will now stick with the natural hair if BKT works for me
I'm afraid people
will mistake me of a man.
If I didn't get the :ohwell::blush::nuts: reactions
with all my friends and just people
in general I would
chop it off.
I'm so afraid the point
that I might have a panic attack.
I only think about it when I see signs of my hair growing, I'm in the Wig Challenge so I really could BC anytime, but I've been known to be a very implusive person. The whole idea of going natural came when my stylist did get here delivery of Phyto relaxer and I save $125; I thought she can straighten my hair and I wouldn't even notice that I didn't have a relaxer; I'm treking along 6 months post; I started Chlorella, and if/when the growth starts to kick in, I will pregressively chop instead of a BC. I guess I'm chicken like that; but I will be wearing a wig until next March.
I've beem thinking about it but I just cant. I had to bc some years ago because of a very bad home perm. I did enjoy it because while it was short it was easy to take care of. I have gotten used to my hair being long and I know I will kinda miss it once it's gone. So I am just gonna progressively cut my hair as it grows untill it is at least shoulder length. Also I don't think my fiance would be to happy with it too short either....but who know how I'll feel in a year............