Help! Long Hair Ladies-How did you style Ear Length Hair w/ lots of new growth?


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Help! How did you style Ear Length Hair w/ lots of new growth?


How did you style your hair when you had short relaxed hair and tons of new growth.

I've come a long way since July of last year. (When I figure out the Photo Bucket thing, I will post pictures). I went from ear length to almost shoulder length. I texlaxed my hair but it's too kinky to rollerset strait. Keep in mind that I have (no curl definition at all-spongy) but it is really SUPER FINE (thin strands).

Regi. for the last two weeks: I used Keracare (no sulfate) shampoo and Keracare conditioner (20 minute DC. I conditioned with CHI thermal treatment. I followed up with CHI silk fusion. I then rollerset the hair and went under a hooded dryer until it was 90 percent dry. I flat ironed with my new CHI turbo. I set it at 293 degrees. I loved how my hair looked and felt but I am afraid of possible long term heat damage.

It is still not long enough or full enough to do the braid/twist outs.

I'm in Florida and it is now way to hot to keep rocking my lace front.

I did the phony pony when I first started my LHCF journey but noticed tension alepecia in on my front edges. I noticed the same problem with braids and twist. I'm afraid of any ponytail now for the same reason.

HELP! What next? Should I continue to rollerset and flat iron?

What did you do before your hair was long enought to bun, braid out, twist out, bantu knot?????????
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All I did honestly was wrap my hair tightly at nights (it came out str8 that way). flat ironed once a week or once every 2weeks (depending on the look). Sometimes I would just do a small french roll and that grew my hair out also. Im sure u will get other responses but this was back in september of 2009
that was just barely ear length :ohwell:but like i said, i dont know about everyone else, i just pinned my hair up in a french roll sort of or i would wear my hair out in a wrap (which was 98% of the time)

this pic here is from end of december 2009/january 2010
Ijanei, thank you for the help. Your hair texture and length looks close to my current hair length and texture. My ends do not look as healthy because they are the pre LHCF days. I think I will continue the flat iron on an even lower setting- just to be on the safe side. It's good to know that the flat iron method is safe. BTW, your hair looks great. I will post pictures as soon as I figure out the photo bucket thing.
Thanks again.
NP, before I flat iron though, i rarely use the blow dryer, I just wrap in lottabody lotion, then run profectiv on my hair, and let it air dry in that wrap. It always comes out silky
here is the wrap i did yesterday (4-12-10)

usually, i rewrap w/ olive oil spray sheen, then comb it down to get the frizz out (sounds like a lot but it's not)

good luck!!
I tried wearing a wig this weekend and umm....i was kinda feeling like everyone was looking at me funny :lachen:
thats becuz they were :lachen:

i got the same looks when i had a wig on three years ago, but shiddddd, i didnt care, i knew i was going to be WL one day becuase of them wigs having my back :grin:
Thanks Adora,

I rocked several lace fronts for 3 months. I live in South Florida and we sweat buckets just looking out the window. It's a little to hot for wigs right now (and it'ts not even summer time yet). I thank you for the suggestion and taking the time to help me out.

PS- your hair is the business. Do you have a fotki- I would love to get more tips from you
Adora is a mess :lachen:
have me here @ work lmao...
I can tell youre gonna have the ball rolling at the bowling alley next month :grin:
Thanks Adora,

I rocked several lace fronts for 3 months. I live in South Florida and we sweat buckets just looking out the window. It's a little to hot for wigs right now (and it'ts not even summer time yet). I thank you for the suggestion and taking the time to help me out.

PS- your hair is the business. Do you have a fotki- I would love to get more tips from you
thanks girl, fotki in my siggy.

i wore wigs to help me get by for six months, 6months = 3 inches on my head so i was good after that phaze :yep:
It took me a minute or two to get over the wig "is everyone looking at me" thing. Some folks (and I'm not naming any names) could not tell and others thought it was cute that I had a different color and/or look and texture every few weeks and the rest....well.
It took me a minute or two to get over the wig "is everyone looking at me" thing. Some folks (and I'm not naming any names) could not tell and others thought it was cute that I had a different color and/or look and texture every few weeks and the rest....well.

lol i remember walking into work with an "all of a sudden" short, curly, brownish redish hair, and a white lady said "oh adora your hair is beautiful like that, where did you get it done?, they did a nice cut on you" i said this no salon work my dear, i slapped this badboy on this morning," then i walked off, like this >:grin:
Well, I didn't want to call out any names but yes the white folks don't have a clue, especially since it was a lace front. I had to school so many of them and others I just let them believe. You two are too funny.
There was a guy at work that got a kick out of my wigs. Once I told him the wigs have names, he wanted to know the name of every new wig. His favorite was Sonya. When I recently took off the wig, texlaxed and flat ironed and went to work. He still thought I was wearing Sonya. When I told him it's not Sonya. He asked me if It was Sonya's twin. I think he got way to deep into the wig thing.
lol white guy? my black co-worker is curious about wigs. So we sit on here @ night while we work between patients and see the different types are out there. but names, how can they name EVERY wig?
Ladies, I have to sign off- I'm getting off of work in a few. Thanks for the suggestions and keeping me awake.
Well, I didn't want to call out any names but yes the white folks don't have a clue, especially since it was a lace front. I had to school so many of them and others I just let them believe. You two are too funny.

i keeps it real, the white folks :lachen: , *sits down*:grin:

exactly what i am doing. half wigging until i go on vacation this summer and i will braid it then. if i can convince my honey to let me spend 300 bucks on hair and another 200 on braids :lachen:.

but the half wig is the best thing for me right now. when i get a bit longer i may phony pony, but they usually look SO phony.
I tried wearing a wig this weekend and umm....i was kinda feeling like everyone was looking at me funny :lachen:

i feel the same way in a whole wig (but really dont care) there are two youtube channels i swear by for half wig styling.... - her lil country accent just tickles me and always makes me smile. lots of half and whole wigs.....really into lace fronts now, but her older videos are good. - VERY good channel for half wigs. most of my selections come from watching her.

i also only do synthetic wigs because they are cheaper and when i get tired and can trash them, and get another if i like it that much, without spending too much money.
It took me a minute or two to get over the wig "is everyone looking at me" thing. Some folks (and I'm not naming any names) could not tell and others thought it was cute that I had a different color and/or look and texture every few weeks and the rest....well.

i change half wigs every week. and my coworker bet me 50 bucks last week, that i wont come in wearing a long wig and change to a short one at lunch.

i plan to make that 50 bucks next week. :lachen:
Continue to rollerset - flat iron lightly, if needed. You should only have to flat-iron your roots. The tension from the rollers should be getting the rest of your hair straight.

I'm thinking you can just wrap or pin-curl it to maintain the look. BTW, why are you only drying your hair 90% under the hood dryer? Are you flat-ironing your hair damp? I always dry my hair 100% under the hood dryers or the curls will be frizzy/damp/limp.
Because I tend to get bored easily, I changed my hair up a lot when I was at ear length. I mainly did flexirod sets and styled those. So I would do a flexirod set and style it into a mohawk of sorts or I would style it into a puff. I also wore wigs. I would flat twist my hair, put on a wig cap, and slap on a wig. Also, when my hair go long enough to put into a nub of a ponytail, I would rock phony ponies and phony buns.

I'm currently growing my hair out from a short cut and I understand how difficult it is. I have a blog called The Awkward Stage. You should check it out. It documents every stage of my hair growth since I cut it.
Shash thank you for the help. I will definetly take a look at your blog.
...and why isn't there a spell check on LHCF? I sure need one.
Yup, I was going to suggest rod-sets too. I used to wear them all the time when I was NL w/ 5-7 months worth of NG.