Help! Breakage from Box Hair Color


Well-Known Member
So I only have a few grays and usually use Indigo to color them. The other day I decided to color my hair on a whim and didn't have Indigo so I rushed to the drugstore for color. I couldn't find semi-permanent so I used Dark n Lovely permanent in off black. Now my hair is breaking!! Not super bad, but noticeable short pieces and breakage in certain spots. Big mistake on my part - my hair is very fragile and I have never used any sort of real color on it before. So, what should I do now, baby it with moisturizing conditioner, or do I need to do a protein followed by a moisturizing conditioner? Will the color damage wear off over time or will the damage have to be cut off or grown out? How long until I henna/indigo it again?

This is what I used.

So I only have a few grays and usually use Indigo to color them. The other day I decided to color my hair on a whim and didn't have Indigo so I rushed to the drugstore for color. I couldn't find semi-permanent so I used Dark n Lovely permanent in off black. Now my hair is breaking!! Not super bad, but noticeable short pieces and breakage in certain spots. Big mistake on my part - my hair is very fragile and I have never used any sort of real color on it before. So, what should I do now, baby it with moisturizing conditioner, or do I need to do a protein followed by a moisturizing conditioner? Will the color damage wear off over time or will the damage have to be cut off or grown out? How long until I henna/indigo it again?

This is what I used.


That is your best bet. I color my hair a few times a year. I have found that it's best for me to do a hard protein treatment a few days before a color job, followed by a nice moisturizing DC. Since you didn't do it before, you can do the PT followed by a DC now. The color damage won't wear off. It's best to try to treat it now so that it doesn't get bad.

I don't have any experience with indigo so I can't be any help there.
Dark and Lovely is the debil! That stuff should be called "Bald and Broken". Every time I have used it back in the day I had to cut my hair off.

Deep condition with protein and follow with deep moisture treatment. And keep doing light protein followed by deep moisture treatments weekly.

I am not sure you are supposed to dye after indigo or henna but I'm not a henna user so I don't know that for sure.

Do not put heat on your hair and baby it.

I hope your hair will be ok. Mine never was though.....I always had to cut it off. :(

Good luck! I really hope you are able to save your hair.
Pray!!!! That dark and lovely made me cry real tears I lst so much hair!!!!!!!!
Thanks everyone for your advice. I used motions CPR tonight followed by Kenra moisturizing conditioner under the steamer. So far so good. The breakage has been pretty minor up to this point but I am still mad at myself for this set back. My hair was so full and healthy looking and in the best shape ever after discovering texlaxing, cowashing, henna, Caruso steam rollers and minimal heat over the past 12 months. And I go mess it all up over 3 gray hairs. SMH!