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My stylist gave me a semi-permanent rinse that lightened my hair to a light brown color. The process she used made the semi-permanent color to behave like permanent color but without the damaging effects. I have a lot of new growth now because it's been almost 1 year since I had this done. I just received my henna and indigo and want to darken my hair back to it's orginial color. I want it dark brown but not jet black. To all of the henna experts out there can anyone tell me how much indigo to mix w/ the henna to get the lightened portion darkened?
Should I do the henna first followed by the indigo? I don't want my natural color hair to come out jet black w/ the colored portion brown. HELP.... BTW, I'm getting a touch-up this weekend after 8 weeks and I have 16 weeks of new growth that didn't take to the perm last time. Can I henna in 1 week without damage to my hair? Sorry for all the questions but this will be my first time using the henna and indigo and I'm scarred!