HELP! A story about possible breakage and the guy at Jiffy


Well-Known Member
Morning ladies :)

I'm a 4a 4b natural, this past Wednesday I decided to blow dry my hair straight to see what it looked like (I would post pics but I'm typin this from my phone)I clipped my ends and all that jazz and my hair seemed pretty fine, the only hair I noticed was long strands withe the bulb at the end. Friday though things seemed to change when I ran my fingers through my hair tiny pieces of hair landed in the sink...just a few strands here and there...this morning I saw the same thing. Am I trippin??? Is this normal or is this a sign of breakage and if it is what can I do to stop it?

P.S. LOL! Something made me smile this morning I was at the Jiffy Lube gettin an oil change today, as I was at the counter about to pay the guy looked at me and said "that's a lot of hair on your head" LOL!!! I smiled and said "thanks"
It could be. What did you do before you blow dried? What products did you use? How long has it been since your protein treatment? Did any of the pieces you saw have bulbs?

Maybe a protein DC can help. But I'd wait to hear from others before you take my word as gospel. I haven't blow dried my hair since I was knee high (my stylist did blow dry it in 2007 but I she did it just to chop it off so I didn't get to run my fingers through it or see what's that like) so sorry I can't really be more help.
If they were tiny pieces of hair then it was most likely breakage. Please answer Nonie's questions about products and what is your overall regimen? How does your hair feel? Does it feel moisturized or brittle?
Did you use a leave-in before you blowdry or after or use heat protectant? Anytime I use heat, I dc w/ protein & moisturizing conditioners (sometimes mixed together or separated) to minimize breakage.
Hey ladies,

The last time I DC'd was the week before that, I used the ORS Replenishin Pak.
Before I blow dries I did spray a heat protectant on my hair.I blow dried in sections so I applied the heat protectant on each section. I did FORGET to put in my leave-in conditioner before I did all of that. Do u think that was the problem?

That day I: Shampoo with Elasta QP, I conditoned with Yes to Carrots conditioner and then I applied the heat protectant and blowdried.