Hello there, I'm new here!


New Member
Hello everyone. I am really bad at introductions but I'll just say I'm 18 (no harm in saying my age right? :look: ) and you can call me Sophie. I have been lurking on this forum for about two years now and I only bought my subscription like yesterday. To have a little something to talk about, I guess I'll share my story for now:

I grew up MAAB so I have always had a bald head. When I was really young i used to have braids but I remember my mother braiding my hair one time and she told me to go to the next room to get the grease. I saw the scissors and started cutting my hair. That's not the story my mother remembers though, she just wanted me to have a bald head. But I always hated having it! For years I begged and begged for her to let me grow out my hair. I wanted to be beautiful and feminine but no, she just kept making me get it cut. There were a few times she let me put a texturizer or relaxer on it when it was an inch and then when my family didn't like it anymore they cut it off. Relaxers were always bad for my head though. It ended up causing two parts of my head to grow slower than the rest of my hair. Freshman year of high school I had a relaxer and my hair was only about 2 inches long and I just spiked it up. I ended up getting a bald spot in the back of my head so I cut it off. Sophomore year I found the forums and naturals on youtube and decided to start taking better care of my hair. I decided I would have long beautiful natural hair.... and then I proceeded to hot comb it. That was short lived and I decided to get a relaxer one more time. This time, my hair was maybe... 2 1/2 inches long? My friends liked it and said it looked cool. I thought it did too but it was so damaged and some parts of my hair were shorter than the others. 6 days before my birthday my father came and took me to a barber (forced me to go) and cut it off. I was angry at him for making me do that but it felt good because I could start over. Then I really started trying to take care of my hair. Finding good products and Blah blah blah all that good stuff. In the beginning of course i didn't use such good products then they got better.

Anyway, two years later and my hair is natural and when stretched, past my collar bone. I am 2 years and 5 months Natural. I usually wear braidouts. For about a month or so, I have been blowdrying my hair twice a month and washing twice a month. I'm not in college yet but I want to try finding easier ways to manage it and keep my hands out of it. My hair is in twists now. I don't think they're anything special but hopefully I should dodge some breakage in the process and I should be taking these out in two more weeks. That's all I think I should say for right now but if you have anymore questions, feel free to ask! :yep:

I hope this isn't too long.
:welcome4: I hope you hit all your hair goals! Is your family more understanding of where you're at now? What are your length goals?
:hiya3: happy hair growing !!!

I happy you have found and embraced healthy hair care practices from such a young age :yep:
Welcome! You will get everything in advice here. I'm glad you have found things that work for you and embrace your hair whether natural or relaxed. HHJ :)
Welcome! Interesting background story. I have the same questions as the ladies above. Thanks for sharing with us and good luck on your hair journey. :)
Just wanted to say welcome and good luck with your hair.

BTW what is MAAB?

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Thanks and it means Male Assigned At Birth. (I'm a transwoman)

I decided to reveal that so I could explain my hair story better because if I said they shaved my hair off you guys would probably be all, "*gasp* Why would they cut off a little girl's hair?!" Well... that's why LOL
:welcome4: I hope you hit all your hair goals! Is your family more understanding of where you're at now? What are your length goals?

Thank you, thank you! My family didn't believe my hair could grow very long but now they're all,"WOW YOUR HAIR GREW SO LONG!" Now I even have my family sneaking into my room using my products. (This actually pisses me off LOL)
I even found my vitamin E oil on top of my refrigerator and when i took it back my grandmother came in and asked for some. I bet she thinks it's going to magically "make her hair grow" or "faster" :rolleyes: . But the thing is, I bought that oil mostly for my skin (Yeah, even at 18, I'm worried about wrinkles). I rarely use it on my hair or just mix it with another oil.

ETA: I want my hair to be at least Mid-Back length. But that's more of a "I'll be satisfied with that length and less obsessed" length. But I think an ultimate goal of mine is waist length. I'm tall (6'0) so I think that will take a while to get there.
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:hiya3: happy hair growing !!!

I happy you have found and embraced healthy hair care practices from such a young age :yep:

Thank you! Me too. I can't believe I also used to wash my hair every day thinking it would grow faster; as if it were a plant or something. :lol:
Welcome! You will get everything in advice here. I'm glad you have found things that work for you and embrace your hair whether natural or relaxed. HHJ :)

Thank you! Actually thanks to my hair journey, I've ended up wanting supplements all the time, not even for my hair but just for health and seeing what I'd look like after a while of taking them. I can't be totally health conscious now but it's making more concerned about what I put in my body (as well as on, but mostly in).
What's your current regimen? What products are you using, and loving?

It's changed a bit. I'm always trying to see what works. When I was still in High School, I washed my hair once a week. I've tried Mane&Tail. Loved the shampoo but hated the conditioner. It did absolutely nothing. After trying shampoos and conditioners I just went to black soap. I think it was an okay price, about 5-7 dollars. It worked amazingly and I got it from 125th Street in New York from the African street vendors. I would wash with that every week then every two weeks and not condition because I thought it did enough for my hair. I was probably wrong but I would sometimes "condition" with Shea Moisture Black Soap Purification Masque. I loved the way the masque made my hair feel and smell so I left it in sometimes when I went to school. Some people even complained about it being too strong LOL. Little did I know you;re supposed to wash it out. I also only used Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothy and it's pretty much the only product I stick with now.

I used that for months until I got tired of going to 125th Street to get some more black soap. Now I wash twice a month and use Dr Bronners Castille Soap. People have often said it could be drying but I just dilute it with Olive, Grapeseed and Almond Oil. Works fine and I feel like it gets my hair nice and clean and I could detangle with enough product. Afterward, I deep condition with nuNAAT Karite hair Mask. I LOVE it so much it makes my hair so moist and soft and manageable. I really needed a conditioner/deep conditioner so i decided to try it even though it wasn't all or mostly natural. Then I blowdry using Cantu Shea butter as a leave in and heat protectant. I wait for that to set in and dry then I start blowdrying. I started blowdrying my hair after washing just to see how it would react and I felt like it would help me manage my hair more. I can't wear wash and go's because my hair tangles really easily and I don't want to try doing that because I have before and it was just a tangled MESS and I had to much breakage (partly due to a bad temper). When that's finished, I just use Murray's Cream Beeswax and put braids in my hair for a braid out. But because I don't go anywhere, they're just braids I wear under a scarf for maintenance. I'm also trying this new thing where I protective style (I know it's not new, but I hate doing it so much). I have twists in my hair now and I'll be taking these out in a week or two. In between that I moisturize and oil my scalp. But I suffer from HIH disease. Keeping in braids or twists is so hard for me because I could never keep a style, I just like my hair out. I do a length check ALL the time. I hope this answers your question.

Since I'm using heat a bit more often, do you have any protein treatments you recommend? Don't mind my hair pattern loosening up but I don't want my hair snapping off.

ETA: I love Castor Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Almond Oil. Curl Enhancing Smoothie is great. I like the Curling Souffle but I can't use than anymore since I started blowdrying. I love Cantu Shea Butter for blowdrying. And i think I told you about the nuNAAT deep conditioner which smells amazing. I *sniff* can't stop *sniff* smelling it. UGH I love it so much despite the mineral oil and alcohol...
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Welcome Sophie!!!!!!!! :wave:

Yes, up your protein use if you're using heat more often. Many people like Aubrey Organics GPB, Duo Tex, Motions CPR, Aphogee 2 Min, and Aphogee 2 Step conditioners. I hope that helps some. There are many threads on the different types of proteins used in conditioner, as well as reviews on drugstore, homemade, and natural brands. :yep:

When you want to start protective styling more, join the Twist, Braid & Bun for growth challenge. You already follow the rules, so it will be an 'easy' challenge for you! :lol:
Welcome Sophie!!!!!!!! :wave:

Yes, up your protein use if you're using heat more often. Many people like Aubrey Organics GPB, Duo Tex, Motions CPR, Aphogee 2 Min, and Aphogee 2 Step conditioners. I hope that helps some. There are many threads on the different types of proteins used in conditioner, as well as reviews on drugstore, homemade, and natural brands. :yep:

When you want to start protective styling more, join the Twist, Braid & Bun for growth challenge. You already follow the rules, so it will be an 'easy' challenge for you! :lol:

Thank you so much! I hope when I join those challenges I'll be able to stick with them. I already want to take these twists out of my head and it's only been a week and a day!
Thanks and it means Male Assigned At Birth. (I'm a transwoman)

I decided to reveal that so I could explain my hair story better because if I said they shaved my hair off you guys would probably be all, "*gasp* Why would they cut off a little girl's hair?!" Well... that's why LOL

Actually my second question was going to be why did your mom keep shaving your hair off? LOL