Hello ladies I'm new to LHCF

Glad to have you join us! :club:

I had to stop eating salty chips and peanuts, and drink lots of water. That's when my bald spot disappeared.
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I used to do the bonded weaves but the glue made my scalp itch I never received any bald spots from that because my friend knew how to take it out... How long did it take for u to see results from the peppermint oil & the daily massages?

I started to see results (peach fuzz) within a week or so. It did not take long to grow back at all. But my hair grows fairly fast. I have several different textures in my head. The bald spot was around the front hairline where my hair has a silkier texture and is kinda thin anyway.
are you be willing to wear wigs for a while instead of weaving?

This was my first thought too...try wearing a wig instead because you can remove it daily and apply essential oils or whatever treatments you choose to use. Best wishes, I hope it grows back soon. :sunshine:
I started to see results (peach fuzz) within a week or so. It did not take long to grow back at all. But my hair grows fairly fast. I have several different textures in my head. The bald spot was around the front hairline where my hair has a silkier texture and is kinda thin anyway.

I'm gonna try the peppermint oil & the massages to see if it will help. Thank you...
This was my first thought too...try wearing a wig instead because you can remove it daily and apply essential oils or whatever treatments you choose to use. Best wishes, I hope it grows back soon. :sunshine:

Have you ever worn a wig? If you did what was your first experience like?