Hello Ladies!!! So happy to be back!

Babygurl said:
After a much needed hiatus IM BACCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!! Just for hair this time though, I promise! I missed you all and your great hair advice. Just to give a small update..my hair is doing fine. I havent taken pictures since June but those are pretty much how my hair looks today, its still healthy and still growing...Im a few inches from waist now, just hoping I make it before I reach terminal length. Yes Im still a bun girl, wear them 95% of the time! So go check out my album. Just wanted to say hey to all the ladies that I miss so dearly and hi and nice to meet you for those that Ive never met!

babygurl, your hair is making such sweet progress!!!!! and it still looks very healthy!!!!!!!
Babygurl said:
After a much needed hiatus IM BACCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!! Just for hair this time though, I promise! I missed you all and your great hair advice.

You don't need any hair advice, your hair is doing just FINE!!!!! :love: Nice to see you back . :wave: