Hello all! NEW here


Well-Known Member
Hi all!:drunk:
What a wonderful site! Loving it! So much info here.

Im from England ,UK and I live in the country-side.My neighbours are sheep,horses and a few cows.Not many black peeps round here.No hair shops for me either! So my mum gets my stuff for me.

I currently have relaxed , neck length, 4a hair which was last retouched 8 weeks ago.
After browsing this site I decided Texlaxing is the way forward for me.
I need help tho! Just tips etc

My eyes hurt as I have been staring ,hard, at the computer screen reading every little morsel of texlax info.

I have the olive oil relaxer,coconut oil,lusters moose? and other bit my mum has got for me.

I know I said I read lots of info but havent retained as much as I would have liked to.Sorry if you have answered this stuff before.All new to me.
My fringe is broken so I have a bonded on fringe at moment.
:welcome3:to the board. There are loads of helpful ladies here that are more than happy to help you.
welcome Tallowah!!!

make sure to use the search tool to find threads/info specific to texlaxing
happy hair growing

welcome :) i suggest doing a search the following:

low or no manipulation
moisture and protein balance
relaxer stretching

i know you are building your stash right now i would add the following:
a low or no sulfate shampoo
a moisturizing dc
a protein based dc or hardcore protein treatment
a shower comb
a bonnet dryer
duckbill clips
a ceramide based oil like walnut,kukui, sunflower,safflower,grapeseed, or hemp
castor oil
a water based moisturizer
Hi all!:drunk:
What a wonderful site! Loving it! So much info here.

Im from England ,UK and I live in the country-side.My neighbours are sheep,horses and a few cows.Not many black peeps round here.No hair shops for me either! So my mum gets my stuff for me.

I currently have relaxed , neck length, 4a hair which was last retouched 8 weeks ago.
After browsing this site I decided Texlaxing is the way forward for me.
I need help tho! Just tips etc

My eyes hurt as I have been staring ,hard, at the computer screen reading every little morsel of texlax info.

I have the olive oil relaxer,coconut oil,lusters moose? and other bit my mum has got for me.

I know I said I read lots of info but havent retained as much as I would have liked to.Sorry if you have answered this stuff before.All new to me.
My fringe is broken so I have a bonded on fringe at moment.

:dance7::dance7::welcome::welcome: YAYY I haven't seen new members in such a long time. Welcome to the force I know you will enjoy your time here.

please please please take that glued on fringe out of your hair. glue is horrible for your hair. if you continue to bond on hair, be VERY careful so you don't experience more breakage from it. promise?!

again, WELCOME :)

Personal challenge to become Fit, Fine, and Fabulous at 40 in 2013. Future Bikini/Figure competitor.
:wave: Hi!! Welcome!!! I'm no expert, but I've been texlaxing for 2 years now. Feel free to ask questions. However, the best advice I could give is to use the search function. There's already so much valuable info on this site. Good luck!! :yep:

Welcome to the board! what do you think is causing the slow growth?
I think its just that I havent looked after my hair correctly with the following,not moisturising enough,not covering my hair at night to sleep,over manipulation,tugging and ripping my hair around without due care etc.

Since I have been on this site,only since Wednesday 19th, I have already seen a difference. Hair is far softer,even edges.

My new routine is as follows:

I have been co washing?(rinsing my hair out with just conditoner)

Only combing my hair through in shower.

Letting hair dry naturally till apprx 70% dry,adding or spraying hair with leave in conditioner,moisturising then sealing ends with oil.

I then gently twist my hair into two little twists and cover with a silky scarf/tie head

In morning I spray hair with leave in Aussie Leave-in conditoner.
Seal ends with oil.
Then use a ring combe to gently hold my hair in a little, low, stubby twisty pony.

Let me know what you (and others think so far) please:yep:
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welcome :) i suggest doing a search the following:

low or no manipulation
moisture and protein balance
relaxer stretching

i know you are building your stash right now i would add the following:
a low or no sulfate shampoo
a moisturizing dc
a protein based dc or hardcore protein treatment
a shower comb
a bonnet dryer
duckbill clips
a ceramide based oil like walnut,kukui, sunflower,safflower,grapeseed, or hemp
castor oil
a water based moisturizer
Thank you for the info will defo look and learn x