Height Differences in Relationships....

Alpha Female

New Member
I'm 6 feet, 2 inches tall, and I swear, it is hard as hell to find men to date. I don't meet a lot of men that are taller than me, and if I do, they're out with the women that come up to their waist!! :perplexed And every now and then, I will get some shortie that's like a foot shorter than me trying to talk to me, and I'm like, "Get real!" I've dated guys a few inches shorter than me, but a whole foot?! That's just not realistic! I could eat soup off his head!

And then aside from the actual height difference itself, you have the personality/behavior perceptions that can go along with that. For example, the last shortie I dated had a 'Napoleon' complex. It was like since he couldn't control the height difference between us, he wanted to control everything else. I let it go for awhile because I knew it was stemming from his insecurity, but after awhile, it got old, particularly since I'm not the type to be 'controlled,' plus it seemed utterly pointless because I was the one who first approached HIM.

But therein lies part of MY problem - I'm a 6'2", strong, independent, opinionated, Black woman under the sign of Leo. So then I wonder if my personality combined with my tall height is a turn-off/deterrent to the average guy OR maybe it actually scares him. I don't know - I'm trying to figure this out. I have had male friends tell me in the past "Hey, you're professional, educated, not married, no kids, independent, take care of yourself, and you could beat him up if you had to, so yeah, you're gonna scare some men off!" LOL. Anyway, has anyone else out there thought about the role height has played in their dating/relationships?
I can relate! I'm nowhere near as tall as you at 5'9", but I have dating issues with shorter men trying to hit on me, and not just a little bit short either! I get the "intimidation" factor as well! It's hard as h*ll to find a guy even over 6'! Fortunately, most of my ex-BF's have been taller than me, but my most recent ex is 5'7 or so....not cool when I like to wear heels, but I adjusted, but I wouldn't like to try that again!

Is it me, or do guys seem to be getting shorter?

BTW, it burns me up when I see a guy well over 6' with someone 5'3 or something...can't stand it...sorry to all the shorties! That's why I can't find anyone and the only ones left are 5'8 and shorter!
I'm 6 feet, 2 inches tall, and I swear, it is hard as hell to find men to date. I don't meet a lot of men that are taller than me, and if I do, they're out with the women that come up to their waist!! :perplexed And every now and then, I will get some shortie that's like a foot shorter than me trying to talk to me, and I'm like, "Get real!" I've dated guys a few inches shorter than me, but a whole foot?! That's just not realistic! I could eat soup off his head!

And what's wrong with that!? lol just playin
My s/o is 6'2 and I'm 4'10. I never wanted to be with a guy that tall (I was always into the shorter guys), but oh well. I just never wanted a guy to tower over me.
Tall men rock. I agree there should be more of them out there! I'm 5ft5 so anything around 6ft is great IMO.
I'm 5ft10, and men just stare at me :look: :ohwell:

But my cousin is 6ft, darksin (like alek wek), and a leo with a bold personality, and she gets approached by all types of men, of all sizes.
She doesn't discriminate and doesn't care if the guy is shorter than her. She still has a great time.

Ok, might get personal, but do you like being tall? do you hunch, are you self conscious? maybe you are projecting insecurities?

I doubt a man will reject a hot girl because she is 'too tall', i have yet to hear that :ohwell:.
In general men find that there are advanatages in tall and short women.
And they say tha short girls are a bit more agressive an flirtatious.
I'm 5'11" - I LOVE tall men and they LOVE me! :blush:

I agree that all men want a women who is good looking , but I've had tall guys tell me that it is refreshing to be with a TALL woman!

Its all in your attitude!

p.s. shorties may try to flirt but it mainly the boobs are at eye level!:spinning:
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Oh wow. I'm only 5'8" and I thought I had problems.
My SO is 6'5" so I guess he's the one I stole from Alpha Female. LOL.
I'm 5'10 and just recently I met a very nice guy who is.....5'6. I swear I feel like a giant when I am around him because he comes to my shoulder. He's comfortable with his height, but I am wondering if in the long run I am able to deal with the height difference. By all means I love tall men, but I find something sexy about a tall woman with a shorter man.
I'm 5'7 and all of the men I have known were shorter than me which I never really cared for. Now I know a guy who is 6'3 and I really like the idea of being with someone taller than me. I think It's a nice balance.
my ex bf was exactly the same height as me 5'11" which kind of sucked because i really always wanted to date someone taller and i was rather self concious about wearing heels compounded by the fact that i have no tall friends and i lived in a city where there werent that many tall people.

cut to now, current bf is 6'5" so ive been really indulging in my high heel fetish. most of my friends are still short but i live in a new city with a much larger population of tall people i dont feel like some strang giraffe dinosaur hybrid when im wearing heels and im out.
God I remember the time I was dating the German that was 6'6"...it was heavenly!!! Needless to say we turned heads whenever we went places - a tall black woman on the the arm of a tall white man, both over the average height for males and females! What is it that us women love about taller men? Is it ingrained in our feminine psyche to want someone 'taller & bigger' than us that can protect us if need be? And why is it that society expects & wants men to be tall, but they don't expect & necessarily want women to be tall (unless you're modeling)? And how come petite & plus-sized women get their own sections in the stores, and tall women don't?! Huh, huh?!

To the questions regarding what I might be projecting...trust me, I'm bold & confident in my height. I stand tall, and I do wear heels (though not taller than 3 inches - don't want to break my neck while trying to style & profile)! lol. I just think the population of Houston seems to have shorter men - hell, they ought to be tall as giants with all that meat & potatoes and Tex-Mex they eat in those 'Texas-sized' portions! lol
I'm tall too. I'm 6'1" and my boyfriend is 6"3 and a half. Yes he said the half counts. When I wear heals I tower over him by a couple of inches. Guys are wowed by it and girls give me the stank eye. They have the look like how dare she have a man.

Short guys love me. I have a theory on this. I think most short guys have to overcompensate for being short so they develop other aspects of ther personality making them more confident. I think tall guys are used to getting too much attention from being tall that they never fully develop the other aspects of their personality. I think most tall guys don't have the confidence to approach a tall woman. Alot of tall guys I know never approach women they make women approach them.:perplexed
I am 5'7" 1/2 (the half kind of counts :lol:) and my SO is 6'1" or 6'2". I love the height difference. But before him I usually attracted short (5'8" to 5'10") men with football physiques. :ohwell: I prefer the tall and lean look :)
Ahaha, my current is 6'3" and I'm 5'0". It's pretty cute, I'm always on my toes to kiss him. The only bad thing is that over a foot height difference makes sex a bit difficult in some positions. But we definitely manage... ;)