
So, I work at a hospital in Nursing Administration. So I was just walking through the office and I saw this Sista who was visting my office with some killer Locs and great color. But I just smiled because she was having a conversation with my boss. But as I was walking back, she said wow your hair is really PRETTY! Heheh :-D

I B.C. June 7 and have been wearing a TWA ever since. Starting sunday, I began to do two strand twist, that took me all the way to tuesday night to complete. [It took so long because I only had like 1 1/2 to 2 hours to complete them each day and this was my first time hehe]. So when she said that to me.. I was like WOW! Because to be truthful, I was a little scared about this new hair style (my TWIST, not my TWA).

So, I was wow thanks and I smiled and told her, that her color was great and she smiled. YAY!

The little comments that can brighten somebodies day. Well, I just wanted to share this experience.

Do you all ever comment when you see someone else with great hair? And How do you feel when you get a comment and whats your response?

TrustMeLove said:
Do you all ever comment when you see someone else with great hair? And How do you feel when you get a comment and whats your response?


Oh I compliment people when they have pretty hair all the time. It makes people happy and I like to make them feel good about themselves. As for me, occasionally I have strangers come up to me and compliment me on my hair. I actually get embarrassed, not the bad embarrassed, but I am get the flattered embarrassed (does that make sense?) I just smile big and say thank you and answer any questions they have about it.
I'm glad your twist came out nice.
I always try to complement people whose hair I admire. A lot of times with strangers, it eases the tension (if there is any). And I love being complemented of course and answering questions about how or who did what. ;)
I only compliment people I know. When someone I know compliments my hair, I'm sooo happy! :grin: When it's a stranger, I blush and think wow. It makes me so feel good.