When a "natural head" sees another in public...

When you see another "natural head," what is the usual response?

  • We both smile at each other knowingly as we admire each other's natural hair.

    Votes: 67 64.4%
  • Indifference...eh, just another hairstyle, I suppose.

    Votes: 36 34.6%
  • The look isn't usually nice...even if she IS another natural

    Votes: 4 3.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I might say something to the person but so many of the women here really don't know how to take compliments so I usually just gush to DH about it.

Unfortunately, you are correct. At a child's birthday party, I attempted to compliment a natural woman (she and I being the only naturals there) who was a mother of another child. Her response was " oh, my hair is a mess" and she said it like she meant it and then walked off to talk to another woman in our group. Its like she was embarrassed that I liked her hair.

Anywho, I still compliment naturals when I get a chance particularly those rocking big styles, b/c in Houston you don't see that much.
Well if there are frowns it's usually at me b'c although I'm approx. two years natural teh first year my hair was braided under a wig and now I am 1 year of wearing my hair out. It was ok in the winter but this was my first summer as a natural and boy was it a journey. So I guess I can say I am a untamed natural :-( I will get it together someday.

But mainly when I see a natural it's all good and I if I really like the sistas hair am boldly able to approach her to asked what products she used and how it was done. And to my surprise the products are usually cheap products found at the LHS.
The last encounter I had with a natural was cool. We complimented each other and did a product comparison. I got her hooked on Hairveda!
I don't pay that much attention to others cuz I'm too busy minding my own biz. If I do notice, I make no assumptions about the person's attitudes, politics, or anything else.
People make way to big a deal over natural/relaxed, IMHO.
others usually ask me what i put in my hair and then say something to the effect that mine is "easy to handle" or "curly" or something... I'm like... u know so little about the hour I spend with a wide toothed comb and mane n tail detangler... and that is step 2 of 5 LOL
I always complement other naturals and will make suggestions if asked. But what I hate is when they say stuff like this: "You got good hair mine won't look like yours." I always ask "What's good hair":wallbash:I them if you give your hair some TLC, it'll love ya back.
there are a lot of naturals in the dc area, so it's pretty common to see a variety of natural heads whether it's long, short, coily or curly. where compliments are given and received is when the hairstyle itself is innovative. ex. intricate cornrows, twist updos, overall maintenance, hair color, etc

Ditto what she said.
I like seeing other naturals and give a smile but,If I see a nice style natural or not
I give a nice smile...

Happy Hair Growing!
there are a lot of naturals in the dc area, so it's pretty common to see a variety of natural heads whether it's long, short, coily or curly. where compliments are given and received is when the hairstyle itself is innovative. ex. intricate cornrows, twist updos, overall maintenance, hair color, etc

Yes this is true for me too.
I see a lot of naturals. I do comment when I see something unique or a style that I'd like to borrow. OR since I have little girls, I like to comment on beautiful hair on little ones.
I do the glance. The only time I go out of my way is when its a teenager cause its really rare in our area for someone in high school to go natural. I feel they need all the support I can offer.
My 13 y/o cousin jsut did a BC and she loves it. I think she wants to keep it short she loves it so much. Wish I could've taken pics...
I love natural hair even though I am not natural. One time at Safeway I met 4 woman all with sister locks. One of the woman had blond locks, one had them short, and one had bsl locks and the last one locks that were longer than waist length and she had them curly. I had to come over and tell them how beautiful their hair was and we had such a nice conversation. I try to compliment every natural woman that I meet.
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I smile at naturals and thats my cue to see if they friendly or not to start up a convo. I have had a couple of naturals come up to me and ask about my hair and how long I have been natural. But its only a few as you dont see many here in KY
I speak to them in a complimentary fashion and have, thus, engaged in some wonderful conversations in that regard.
I guess I'd have to call mine a general indifference. Because I'm such a hair addict, I don't care whether it's natural or relaxed, loc'd or braided. When I see amazing hair with health and especially length or just an extremely well executed style. I've gotta say something and express my elation.

BEautiful is just beautiful. I will say though that when I run into another long haired natural with a similar texture. Oh...it's on then.

I'm all about questions and stories and exchanging emails and all of that.

I'm such a hair stalker:yep:
Uhm..hello..separated at birth?? I AM TOTALLY the same!! I LOVE HAIR. I can talk about it all day long and it doesn't matter to me as far as relaxed/natural, I'm looking at: Is it healthy??

I must say that I recently unveiled the hair ya'll. Yes...had been rocking braids since the land before time and finally took the fourth set down this past Friday. I went to church Sunday, lots of compliments, oh what did you do to your hair, some off-stares (kick rocks I say!! Kick rocks!!); but overall a cool lil response.

One not so great encounter with another natural, but who knows waht that can be attributed to..sigh.

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In most cases I will give an approving glance, however if I'm like internally drooling over their hair, I will provide a compliment. I usually find myself asking them what products or techniques they are using
I dont see to many naturals around here.. it's mostly weaves and damaged to no hair around here.... so when I do see another natural..we admire each others hair smile and keep it moving...I hate it sometimes though, cause I feel like I be all in up their hair..lmao... wonderin what products they use and stuff.. smh
@ bolded -same thing here in Florida. They kind of look at me like "dont smile at me" :rolleyes:
This has been hit and miss for me (I'm in FL too). Some ladies readily shared tips, regimens, and experience with me while others seemed snobby when I complimented them. I give people the benefit of the doubt, going natural may not be a life changing decision for them as it was for me.
In in Phoenix so I smile at all the AA I come into contact with. There aren't many of us here. I tend to smile at those who are natural and a conversation soon follows. Those who are natural tend to offer compliments and those with locs almost always want to talk. I get compliments from a lot of white women too- especially when my hair is curled.

I noticed some people here don't smile or speak, but I don't let that stop me. I'm "country" so I speak to everyone who doesn't look insane.
Yep, that's how I was raised! We spoke to everyone!