heavy handed people...how do you manage?


Ms. Nobody
I am very heavy handed when it comes to products. my hair needs alot of products for me to get it the way i like. in turn it makes me have to spend more money because i run through products quick. so how do you deal with this problem? i would like to only buy products 2X a month or less
I go through products really fast, too. I'm trying to train myself to use less, especially after seeing Macherie's rollersetting video. It's INSANE how little product she uses for all of that hair! She uses like a dime size amount of moisturizer for her whole head, so if she needs that tiny amount, I KNOW I'm using too much!

It's hard using less, especially conditioner. I've caught myself a few times slathering it on, and I have to remind myself to stop. The next time you go to style your hair, start off with a teeny bit and slowly add more to see how much you really need :)
I'm heavy-handed with conditioner because I want to make sure every strand is saturated, :ohwell: and then I rinse thoroughly. However, when it comes to leave-ins, I use tiny amounts, dime-sized and sometimes even pea-sized, because I want my hair to "move" and not be weighed down.
For conditioners, where I am most heavy handed in my routine, I use less expensive products found easily at drugstores and Target, Wal-Mart etc. There are a lot of fantastic conditioners that don't cost and arm and a leg that work well. For my DC on dry hair where my hair uses tons of conditioner, I often use cholesterol as the base for my conditioning mixes.

I never skimp when it comes to conditioner! :drunk:
If I used a dime size of ANYTHING I would be wasting my time. I use way more than that on 1 of about 12 sections total when I do my hair. This is why I use cheaper products.
:lachen::lachen::lachen:I thought this was going to be a thread about beating your kids!


I'm also guilty of being heavy handed. I'm heavy handed with conditioners in the shower. I think that's mainly because I don't really part my hair to apply (which I need to work on).

However, I also don't use that much on my hair when I'm rollersetting. I'm not as heavy handed (even though sometimes I come close).
Well I'm heavy handed and LUVIN IT!! :grin:

I peeped the tiny amount of leave in Ma was using and I was like :eek:


I LOVE loading on the products, especially my conditioner.

Uh, yeah I tried only a little of leave-in for my 1st rollerset and it was horrible!

I tried it again with my normal amount of leave-in and it was so much better!
I had to laugh when I saw this title because it's just so me. I've ruined countless hairstyles because of this. I don't know what makes me do it but I really had to work on it because I was tired of ruining my hair by using too many leave-ins and having it be a weighted down stringy mess. I have to take a deep breath and relax before applying products:lachen:. Seriously, I think I just get too excited, lol.
Loads of product works for me....
I make my own stuff - so then I don't worry about running out most times.

There are a few things I still buy - but - My hair seems to be better for it.

Moderation is key in most cases.
Loads of product works for me....
I make my own stuff - so then I don't worry about running out most times.

There are a few things I still buy - but - My hair seems to be better for it.

Moderation is key in most cases.

I am heavy handed also, that is why all of my products are cheap and easy to find.
The way I slather stuff on this head, girl I need stock in the stuff I use!:lachen: I have a greedy head that has a hearty appetite for moisture. I'm a compulsive product buyer. When I'm somewhere and see something that I use or could use, I buy it and store it. I think it's a little problem and I'm working on it:perplexed. You should see my cabinet in the bathroom, it's almost ridiculous...