
Heuxing to me is sleeping around and/or being associated with multiple men. It's not something I do or endorse. I guard my reputation way to much for that. Plus it is a small pool of guys I'm willing to entertain with my time anyway.
Not sure if its a heaux year in the traditional sense :lol:, but I had a year where I was detrmined to find a sex teacher to turn me out. Someone older, someone nasty and it needed not to be a boyfriend.

It was a good decision and good memories for lyfe. I sometimes wish I had more miles tbh. I couldnt do one night stands, but just more mileage in general in a few more cars and off road experiences lol.
Not sure if its a heaux year in the traditional sense :lol:, but I had a year where I was detrmined to find a sex teacher to turn me out. Someone older, someone nasty and it needed not to be a boyfriend.

Now you know couldn't just drop that in here without some more data. How did you find this man? What did you say to illicit the desired response? How did it end? Questions, questions @Sumra :laugh:
Shouldn't be done long term. Mine was also for about 1.5 years. I was 18, and just started. Had a new one every month, for about 5 months. :lol:
Then I kept the top 3 in rotation for a while. Had fun. Once again, no emotions. Then I met who I would later go on to marry. Kept having fun for a short time after. I dropped all my heauxs for him once we became official.
Practice safe sex, don't go overboard, and you'll be fine. I was switching them out b/c I wasn't emotionally connected, and was just searching for the best nut :look:
It was fun, I love that I was young, and I don't regret most of it. :lol:
Fun times! But yeah, don't do it for too long!
Then your "heaux period" just becomes permanent. Lol.
Thanks for the replies yall.
I asked because like a pp I am nervous that marrying with a total lack of experience will leave me feeling idk longing?

While a heaux period for me wouldn't include sleeping around (I have conservative beliefs ) but I do think just a time of exploring your sexually is necessary especially for young black girls
I just wanted t9 hear others stories!
Thanks for replying
Quoted for emphasis.

Tip #1: Nobody has to know, keep you bidness to yourself, so as not to be judged later.

Tip #2: This isn't for everybody, and if you find yourself looking in the mirror and not liking what you see, you've gone too far. Stop immediately!

This. I'm always surprised to hear about other women's business. And then finding out that it was them talking about it to other people :look:

Bragging about a heaux year is a no no.
Quoted for emphasis.

Tip #1: Nobody has to know, keep you bidness to yourself, so as not to be judged later.

Tip #2: This isn't for everybody, and if you find yourself looking in the mirror and not liking what you see, you've gone too far. Stop immediately!

ITA. If it's for anything other than sexual gratification, then that's a no-no, imo. I know a couple of people that sleep around in an attempt to one up each other -_-. Ummmm, ok. Lol. You're having sex just to talk about it? Lmao!
Yep, when I was 23.5-25. I'm smiling now remembering that time period...it was fun. I had a main "rotation" but I was always out meeting and talking to other men. My friends at the time were doing the same thing. I have no regrets...at all. It was during this period that I feel I learned the most about myself and how men operate.