Healthy Hair


New Member
What are the best tips to have healthy hair???
When can you tell when your hair is at its best???
What enhances healthy hair???

I am more concerned about having healthy hair than having it long and unhealthy!!!!:yep:
drinking lots and lots of water.
moisturizing. by moisturizing i mean that whenever you wash your hair with shampoo you should deep condition. washing with conditioners. and daily moisturizing and sealing with oils.
keeping ends trimed.
wearing protective styles: rollersets, ponytails, wet buns ect.

right now my hair is very thin from relaxers so i am transitioning. i have been doing so for ten months. my hair is thickening up so thats one way i know its healthy. another way i know is that i almost never have breakage.

i hope this helps.
Deep conditioning with a quality conditioner
Balanced Diet with plenty of water and EFA's
Healthy styling tools no jacked up combs or brushes
What are the best tips to have healthy hair??? treat your hair like fine silk, let all your practices fall under that general rule
When can you tell when your hair is at its best??? you will feel it, listen to your hair and you will start to understand it as you give it more attention
What enhances healthy hair??? I know that what maintains healthy hair is DCing and as stated above treating your hair like silk

I am more concerned about having healthy hair than having it long and unhealthy!!!!:yep:

Just start with the basics and don't overwhelm yourself, you'll find your reggie and figure out what your hair needs to be it's best. It's different for everyone but basically a great balance of moisture and protein and not roughing up your hair too much are basic guidelines.
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What are the best tips to have healthy hair???

Protect it!!!!! treat it like fine lace..... and get it/keep it in optimal condition
When can you tell when your hair is at its best???

It looks and feels great!
What enhances healthy hair???

A healthy lifestyle

What are the best tips to have healthy hair???Star from the inside with a good diet, limit you use of heat, relaxers, protect your hair during the relaxer process, DC, moisturize often
When can you tell when your hair is at its best???To me healthy hair feels moist, it has its own natural shine, and doesnt need oil sheen, or rinses to make it shine, it breaks very little
What enhances healthy hair???a good hair care regimen

I am more concerned about having healthy hair than having it long and unhealthy!!!!:yep:

answers above
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Here are my five keys to healthy hair growth (copied from my fotki):

* Regular Exercise, Healthy Diet, including Drinking Plenty of Water - enhances blood circulation, supplies the body with nutrients, and flushes out toxins from the body. A healthy body produces healthy hair
* Moisture - strengthens hair, leading to reduced breakage and more length retention
* No Direct Heat - allows hair to retain moisture and avoid damage and breakage
* Low Manipulation - helps to reduce breakage and unnecessary shedding from excessive combing, brushing, rough detangling, excessive styling or styles that put stress on the hair, etc., leading to more length retention
* Protection - includes wearing a scarf and/or bonnet at bedtime and keeping ends off shoulders/clothing to protect hair from breakage
1. Finding the right moisture/protein balance.
2. Reading whats on the packet and the ingredient list, not just buying a product coz the packaging looks pretty. ( I used to do this)
3. Protect your ends
4. Create a regime
5. Limit your heat usage
I share the same philosophy. I'd rather have healthy hair anyday over long hair. I think the hard part is finding what works for you and sticking to it. Alot of ladies here have alot of remedies that work for them. I think we have to avoid getting on the bandwagon of methods other people use. What works for someone else may not work for you. But once you find what works for you my advise to stick to it! That is how I am maintaining my healthy hair.