headaches with natural hair...


New Member
does anyone else experience this??? This may sound silly but I'm starting to think it's from holding my head up with all of my thick hair
it seems the only time I don't experience headaches is when my hair is pressed - my head feels sooo light.

Any suggestions on why this is so or if you too have or are experiencing this as well.

Would appreciate your feedback!

I personally don't have the same problem but then again my hair is not that thick and is quite lightweight.
To be honest I don't see why your hair should give you headaches unless it is extremely thick and down to your ankels!!
Maybe the time you get your hair pressed coincides with another event in your life (maybe time of the month). I don't know but I've never heard of someone getting headaches because of the hair on their head.
I never thought of this but I have been having almost daily headaches since I went natural back in 2001. Hmmmm,,, you may be on to something
Uh...what makes natural hair different from any other in terms of weight. I think your hair weighs the same whether it is relaxed, natural whatever...although feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
I don't see how pressing hair makes it any lighter??? You still have the same amount of hair, it's just stretched out.

Do you pull your hair up tight? That could be a cause if you and make whatever you are using to pull your hair up too tight...
I agree with the others that the weight of you hair wouldn't be affected by it's being worn naturally curly or pressed out.

Perhaps you're experiencing headaches when it's worn in a natural state b/c you're manipulating your scalp more with detangling, styling, etc... Just a thought.
i just wear it out or do twist outs...i even switched from using elastic bands to bobby pins and not twisting tightly to see if it helps...don't know why but head most definitily feels lighter when my hair is pressed...go figure...
i woulda thought pressing made it heavier with the oil needed to press the hair...maybe its tangles that cause headaches since pressing the hair would decrease the amount of tangles usually. pamper your scalp with some nice massages
-- jainygirl
i experienced this. its like my tightly coiled hair was making my scalp tight. when my hair was wet or moisturized at the root it would ease but as soon as it dried and shrunk up...boy oh boy.
I don't know exactly why this is.
If you're tying your hair elastics/scarves too tightly, then you're going to get headaches. Like another poster commented, your hair is the same weight pressed or relaxed so I don't think your headaches have anything to do with your hair's state, but rather with the way you tie your hair up when you leave it natural.
my diet is quite healthy - I'm not a junk food type person - have the occasional chocolate or so here and there but other than that, I love my fruit and veggies
yeah, the only time this doesn't occur is when my hair is flat ironed...when the pain is real bad, I have to put my head under running water to help soothe it but like your experience, when it dries it's a different story...
what worked for you? how did you conquer this?
I would've thought that since I have 4a/4b/3c hair it wouldn't be happening esp. as the headaches seem to occur th emost in my looser curled (3c/4a) sections.
go figure but please share how you conquered it, please
Natural_Girl said:
does anyone else experience this??? This may sound silly but I'm starting to think it's from holding my head up with all of my thick hair
it seems the only time I don't experience headaches is when my hair is pressed - my head feels sooo light.

Any suggestions on why this is so or if you too have or are experiencing this as well.

Would appreciate your feedback!


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I'm sorry I have no answer. Your experience is interesting though.
getting my hair cornrowed helped because it was pulled straight at the root by the braid. then on the weekends i had a cute braidout fro. but i was in highschool and college so i could wear cornrows all week.

also, wetting my hair daily helped but then the winter time would put a damper on that. anything that stimulated my scalp was good. like rubbing in shampoo, conditioner, scalp massages with rosemary oil, and brushing my roots with a baby brush.

i'm relaxed now so i have different scalp problems. lol
if it's really bad maybe you should see a physician seriously.
i haven't had this experience before. if anything, it felt like my relaxed hair had more of this effect than my natural hair . . . but i guess it's different strokes for different folx.
I have never heard of "hair" giving you a headache.

Especially because of the weight... A ton of feathers and a ton of steel weight the same...A TON! So if you hair is pressed or coily and nappy...it weights the same.

It might be good to research headaches and what causes them.

Also keep a headache diary...Journal what you eat each day, when you eat, when you get a headache, where it is located in your head, the degree and intensity of the pain.

There is an excellent questionare too at www.headache.org

It will help you narrow down what could be causing the headaches.

ETA: Found another great site. ahs.org (American Headache Society)
This could be true
A beautician once told me that when your hair is coiled tightly it's harder for it to push through your follicle. The force may cause tenderness in the scalp. When it is time for a relaxer I experience this.
atlien said:
This could be true
A beautician once told me that when your hair is coiled tightly it's harder for it to push through your follicle. The force may cause tenderness in the scalp. When it is time for a relaxer I experience this.

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I have never experienced this and I am tender headed w/thick natural hair. Now I have incurred headaches from bobby pins, elastic bands,and different manipulated hairstyles...but never from my bush being just out.
my crown used to get sore and weird sensations, like numbness kinda , its the coursest part of my hair, i used to have to oil my scalp and rub it to make it go away some, but this happened when i was relaxing and when i first went natural....it hasnt happened in years