He won't give me his address??


New Member
I have been dating this guy for 6 months. He gave me his address once before and I lost it. Today I asked for it and he told me no. I think he may have another woman? What do you all think.
Go with your gut. Anyone respecting you and wanting to be open and honest, which is what you deserve and nothing less would have no problem giving you that information.
This reminds me of that thread where the poster didn't know where dude lived for a LONG time.

I've been in this position before. He was married.

Now I expect to know your address AND show up at your house UNANNOUNCED to see if you are legit.
Um ya might want ta:auto:really fast. Before you really fall for the guy, THEN find out he's a jerk. I mean, it's not like you had a uhaul around the corner....right?:perplexed
One of my friends dated a guy for a year, and never knew where he lived. He kept giving her really bogus excuses for not having her over at his place. He didn't have a problem coming to her place though. This friend is 52 y/o btw. It was soooo sad when she found out he had another woman all along. Believe it or not her cousin found out where he lived, and they went over there to spy on him. She even had the guts to knock on his door, and he refused to answer it. The next day at work he sent her a message in all caps telling her to don't EVER do that again. smh
why bother? he is hiding something anyway...you need to cut ties now

Closure. Sometimes ya just GOTTA know!! :grin:

<<Not to mention WE want to know.>>

Just don't confront him or do anything disgraceful or dangerous. There are too many fish in the sea - Bigger, less smelly fish with fewer scales. I do so solemnly swear!
I would only go to satisfy my curiosity, and OP I hope that's the reason you are going.

If a man feels the need to hide something as important as his address from you...that is a MAJOR red flag. Even if he isn't married or shackin or a messy pig or whatever, he already has trust issues this early? Gee wizz.

I wondered why he gave it to you the first time at all. It could just be that between then and now someone has moved in or he just started whatever he is doing and figured he can't remind you the address now.
I found the address. I am going to do a drive by.... tomorrow

Before you go, Google Earth or Google Map it.

BUT more importantly WHY are you going?

He has already demonstrated to you that he does not want you there and he does not want you to know where he lives.

At this point, who cares if he has someone else, he does not want you.

Alas, if you must torment yourself further, I hope you find exactly what you are looking for.

I agree with much of what has been posted and who's to say that the address he gave you at first is even correct.

That may be a fake address.

So do some research before you waste your gas.
I found the address. I am going to do a drive by.... tomorrow

For what? The relationship can't possibly be that serious if you have been dating him for six months and have yet to be to his house (personally, I don't consider 2 hrs long distance). I say just drop him without giving him notice and move on to the next.

BUT.....if you must go, be careful. One of my homegirls was in a similar situation and she winded up getting into a fight with what she believed to be the other woman but come to find out it was his WIFE. Police were called and she was taken directly to the precinct....
I found the address. I am going to do a drive by.... tomorrow
He lives two hours away? Don't even bother using up good gas for that. Find something fun to do and call it a day. He's not worth it, and it sounds like he may not be that into you.
I say go. I hate not having answers! You want to know if what you are thinking is correct. Be careful! Do not speed.
This reminds me of that thread where the poster didn't know where dude lived for a LONG time.

I've been in this position before. He was married.

Now I expect to know your address AND show up at your house UNANNOUNCED to see if you are legit.

That was my first gut reaction as well.
It's okay to have assumptions but you have to validate them. OP has a hunch and I don;t blame her for validating it. I would do the same just to prove to my self what the deal is.
Can I play Devil's Advocate and just say that maybe since u lost it the first time he figured why bother since u didn't bother saving it?

But on another note, in 6 months you've never been to his crib? I dunno, Without me asking my dude put his full address, all his email addresses, his IMs and all his numbers in my phone after 2 weeks...