He Sent Red Roses


Well-Known Member
...they were meant to be received at my workplace on Friday, was rescheduled for Saturday at my residence and neither happened given a delay with the company. They were meant as a surprise but he had let in on the surprise because he wanted to know if he should proceed with the order.

I said yes and got them delivered today.

My question is, what do red roses indicate when sent by someone who you were once romantically involved with but still communicated sporadically as friends throughout the years?

Things ended due to one starting a career out of state and one naive college student who wanted to explore her options.

I don't want to read too much into things and will reserve my opinion until I hear the opinions of others.

Thanks ladies.
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That he may still be interested in romantic possibilities? None of my 'platonic friends' sent red roses especially on a weekend that's reserved for lovers.
That is so sweet and thoughtful! However, I had to learn to train myself not to assume or apply meaning where there could possibly be no meaning at all beyond a kind gesture or just simply ask. I would enjoy the gesture and wait until he says something or if you can't, just ask.
If you are interested in having a relationship with him, just ask what they meant to him and take it from there.
He sent you red roses plain and simple. I wouldn't read anything into it. If he wants to pick up something he should open his mouth. JMHO
I think red roses is suppose to be for passion. Anyway, here's what I do with my red roses: I let them dry then I pull each stem one by one, without breaking it, and use them as decoration.