He might not be over his ex. What would you do?

Sasha Fierce

Active Member
I have a feeling that this guy I been talking to a couple of weeks may not be totally over his ex. They must have broken up not too long ago. I'm not sure cause I don't wanna pry.

Anyhow, I don't feel that he owes me anything concerning this. But I do owe myself a lot. And since I have knowledge (or strong suspicion rather) that he may not be over it (or still have some remnants of her in his life) it may be best to cut it short before it even begins. Right?

He seems like an otherwise great guy. I know that I like him and would like to see things progress. With this situation its like you lose before you even begin playing. So I should bounce cause I know I have a soft heart.

Two weeks is really early on to be making guesses about this, IMO. Why do you have suspicions? I don't think it's fair or wise to make assumptions. I don't understand why you don't want to 'pry'... If you are considering starting a relationship with him, then the status of his feelings and relationship with his ex is material to that decision. If he wants to be with you, he OWES you honesty and transparency about the issue.

However, if you 'know' that he is not over his ex, then move on. He can not be emotionally available to you the way he should be if he is still sorting that out. It is not worth the headache trying to win his affections from her, and you shouldn't have to.

Above all else, I think you should have a balanced conversation about it instead of guessing, but that's just me because I hate being Inspector Gadget or doing psychoanalysis when a conversation will do. Be honest about where you are and encourage him to do the same. I think you'll get both explicit and implicit information from a good conversation that will help you decide what's bèst.

Good luck!
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If your gut is telling you he still has feelings, then you are more than likely right and should leave him alone. Especially since you said you catch feelings easily, you do not wanna get caught up with a man that's not emotionally available for you. :nono:
I have a feeling that this guy I been talking to a couple of weeks may not be totally over his ex. They must have broken up not too long ago. I'm not sure cause I don't wanna pry.

Anyhow, I don't feel that he owes me anything concerning this. But I do owe myself a lot. And since I have knowledge (or strong suspicion rather) that he may not be over it (or still have some remnants of her in his life) it may be best to cut it short before it even begins. Right?

He seems like an otherwise great guy. I know that I like him and would like to see things progress. With this situation its like you lose before you even begin playing. So I should bounce cause I know I have a soft heart.


And for that reason, I say move on. Not to be mean, starting a relationship with someone who still has baggage is not a good idea.
Doesnt matter how great of a guy he is, if he isnt over his ex, he cant ever be yours. Cut ties with him.
I think two weeks is really too early to conclude to anything.

If I were you, I would keep it light-weight and not put too much stock into him just yet. But I wouldn't cut him off.