He keeps LYING to me!!!!! (kinda long)


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is about Mr. C, who I talked about here. We made plans to go out on a group date Friday and he seemed really excited about it. He's from a town about 45 minutes away so he asked me to text him who was going because he might know them. I told him this girl, let's call her Miss L, was going. Almost immediately, he texted me back, saying he couldn't go, his "adoptive" parents reminded him of something he had planned for the weekend. So I was kinda upset because I felt like he blew me off with a BS excuse :wallbash: Turns out, he had gotten Miss L's phone number at the benefit where I met him from her aunt, so I guess he didn't want to be in the same place as both of us at the same time. :rolleyes:

Well, he calls me tonight and tells me he was at this seafood festival this weekend. His "parents" (old family friends who he's known almost all his life) invited him because the wife invited this girl who she says likes him and she wanted them to get together and talk there. He says Miss L blew him off and was cold to him, saying things were awkward, asking him, "I thought you liked BGT, and she's my friend." (I wouldn't say we're friends. Acquaintances, but that's moot). He says she had been talking about him to all these people, about how excited and nervous she was.

Well, our mutual friend talks to Miss L and Miss L says she is not interested in him nor was she ever, he's lying to me and he was grabbing on this married woman at the festival (which explains why this man wanted to beat him up. He says he had no idea why the man was mad at him. :rolleyes:). He says he had been drinking and not drunk, which might explain his behavior but definitely does not excuse it in MY book. :perplexed

I'm leaving some stuff out, but their stories are 100% different form each other. I'm not trying to date him, at least not anymore :rolleyes: I just want to hang out and get to know him. I know you can't change a man and I don't want to and I know I can't stop him from telling me what he thinks I want to hear, but I don't want him to think he can tell me just anything and I'll believe it. I am usually a pretty gullible person, so I am taking everything he says now with a grain of salt.

I guess I have no questions to ask. I might have answered them all myself. I just don't have a lot of experience with guys, at least not with guys this hot who seem like womanizers and keep lying to cover their lies. Can you guys just give me advice about how to handle this. I feel like he's playing me for a fool. :sad: As my friend said, "How can someone we've known for only one week cause so much drama in out lives?"
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I'm leaving some stuff out, but theirs stories are 100% different form each other. I'm not trying to date him, at least not anymore :rolleyes: I just want to hang out and get to know him.

You wanna get to know him? :look: Do you not know enough about him already based on what you've written? That would be enough for me to not even waste my time with someone like this. :nono:
Girl, RUN and RUN FAST.
Don't ask questions, walk away, and don't look back.
You will be grateful later.
So you're willing to overlook his flaws because you want to be around a hot guy. As long as you know what you're getting into. Don't go around catching feelings.
Yeah, you guys are right. You all have way more experience that I do. I was just hoping that maybe if I confront him, he might, you know... stop :lol: But I know that's not gonna happen.
Chile Boo, he sounds like my pathalogical lying bf who was hot but dense and I started to believe he was just crazy. He's tell you the sky was green if he could get away with it. All he did was frustrate me because his word had no merit at all. I doubted anything that came out and couldnt take him seriously. Like everyone else said, RUN.
Please do not go any further with this liar. A girl I know was warned over and over about a man just like him but she would NOT listen.

Now, a baby and tons of heartache later, he has left her. After all his cheating and lies. She still wanted to be with him but he is the one who is done.

These type of men use you for the time being and move along to the next one as soon as they are ready.

Save your pride, self esteem, and heart the trouble. There are too many men out there to be caught up with this foolishness.
He can't be that cute, and I'm sure you're too good for him anyway.!! His loss...keep it moving.

Remember, you can be as choosy and picky as you want to be when it comes to dating. If there's anything that you feel needs questioning and doesn't make sense to you, get to steppin!! It's a sign that should be acted upon sooner rather than later. Don't doubt yourself, as you'll regret it. He needs to be impressing/chasing/courting you, not the other way around. And because I'm sure he's aware of his looks, he thinks he can get away with it. If he's really interested in you, he wouldn't have lied and he'd be going through hoops to make sure you stick around so he can get to know YOU. He's showing you who he is; if you accept that you can't complain later, because you knew 1 week in how he was.
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he is not worth it:nono:
if he could not come correct the first time, he will not come correct the second time, third time, etc.
i personally think he has already showed you who he is:look:
only thing that is going to happen now is him covering up his lies:sad:
he cannot play you as a fool unless you allow him to......you already know what is good.
it's only been a week and he has caused all this drama:nono:
i'm sorry........he gots to go.
too many other men out there for you:yep:
I couldnt even make it through the first 2 paragraphs of this.. That lets me know there is too much drama...

Leave this dude alone
Girl, RUN and RUN FAST.
Don't ask questions, walk away, and don't look back.
You will be grateful later.

Couldn't have said it any better.... except for the fact that you might want to take a bat so just in case he follows, you can beat him back. :yep:
Developing this any futher is a waste of time. Cut it off !! You will only be hurt and disappointed in the end. Things will not change for the better. Run as far away as possible.

When a person tells you who he is..... believe him.