He cheated because she wasn't "thick" enough


New Member
My friend just called crying saying she found out her boyfriend cheated on her. He said his reason is because she isnt thick enough. Shes real upset and keeps telling me shes been trying real hard to gain weight. I dont know what to say...
Oh goodness. If she was thicker he would have cheated with a thinner one. I hope you told her this.
Too many questions here. Before she goes changing her body type, unless she is unhealthy she needs to be okay with herself and her weight.
I told her it was just an excuse but she feels its her fault because he has been telling her shes gotten too thin and shes no longer "desirable" for a long time now
celiabug said:
I told her it was just an excuse but she feels its her fault because he has been telling her shes gotten too thin and shes no longer "desirable" for a long time now

This is when she should have told him GOODBYE!

Are you kidding me? He said this and she kept him? She tried gaining weight for him? What on earth.......

She must have a very low opinion of herself. Ugh! So sad.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
Oh goodness. If she was thicker he would have cheated with a thinner one. I hope you told her this.

Exactly- he's just using the weight issue as a way to excuse his trifling behavior. Personally I find this even more repulsive than if he said he cheated because he wanted sex, or more attention or something that had to do with him. He's such a lowlife that he is blaming HIS cheating on her and also lowering her self esteem in the same breath. I hope your friend can move on and work on her self esteem. There's a man out there who will love her- skinny legs and all- and take responsibility for his actions.
DH asked why didn't he just break up with her if he wasn't attracted to her?

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
Please help her to understand that he cheated on her because HE wanted to and it has nothing to do with how she looks. As long as she's healthy, she shouldn't worry about her weight and she certainly shouldn't let another man dictate how she feels about her own image.

I call BS. He cheated because he wanted to cheat, crazy bastid.

Please let your friend know that it was not her fault, she did nothing wrong and give her a hug from me.
I told her to tell him how he would feel if she told him he was undesirable and that if he loved her it wouldn't matter how skinny she is he would be faithful,

she said " That's not gonna phase him he knows he looks good now that he's been back ina gym. I don't even take joy in looking at myself ... Just looking to see what flaws I could improve on.
Faithful... Ugh he wasn't, but I need to put it aside because it's done. "
She should have told him she cheated on him as well cause he wasn't "big" enough...that would have broken his little ego.
He's an idiot and she's better off without him.
You friend's boyfriend is a piece of garbage! She needs to break up with him. His behavior is emotionally abusive and he will find other excuses to cheat. I bet her body is just fine too. i wonder what's up with black people's obsession with "thickness."
What a douche :nono:

My mom's friend's hubby is like that. Total jerk. She has this amazing body and he keeps calling her fat, then he'll hit on me every time he sees me (I'm a size 16). He's disgusting :nono:
This guy is selfish and if he felt that way why didn't he just break up with her? People don't form relationships to hurt each other and tear each other down. He did her a service showing her what kid of person he is. Drop that stat.
Yeah...yeah...he's an A$$hole and alla that but your friend is a WILLING PARTICIPANT in the demise of her own dignity...

Tell your friend to woman up...grow some ovaries...and stop letting this man run all over her.
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I told her to tell him how he would feel if she told him he was undesirable and that if he loved her it wouldn't matter how skinny she is he would be faithful,

she said " That's not gonna phase him he knows he looks good now that he's been back ina gym. I don't even take joy in looking at myself ... Just looking to see what flaws I could improve on.
Faithful... Ugh he wasn't, but I need to put it aside because it's done. "

he is going to have her questioning something else about herself if she stays with him.
I haven't read the replies so this could be said before. Just had to reply because my ex used to say that same bs to me. He was a sneaky manipulative a-hole. At the time I didn't recognize it as mental abuse. Now I do, but by the time I ended our relationship I was broken. Low self esteem, trying to gain weight just because he made me believe my size wasn't good enough etc. 8 years later and I can still have those moments of insecurity when it comes to my size.

From experience I know that it can be hard to loose these negative thoughts about her size but I hope your friend will soon realize that there is nothing wrong with her but that he is the one doing her wrong!
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I don't know why she cryin. she doesn't see it now, but dem bamas ALWAYS COME BACK in some kinda shape form or fashion. She's cryin now, but she'll have the last laugh...revenge is a b!tch....

tell her to just sit back and wade in da water chile....just waaaade in da water. he'll be back. by then, she won't want him. when he does call or try to come back, she can bounce dat bama and slam dunk his azzz right on out the door.

tell her don't start eatin now to gain weight. summer time is comin..ain't nobody got time for dat..