He asked me to send naked pictures of myself...


New Member
I don't frequent the relationship forum that often but I was reading another thread and it reminded me of a situation that happened a month or so ago.

My first boyfriend, my first and only love, we are still friends to this day. What is truly amazing about it is there was a point in time when we broke up that I never thought I'd talk to him again but that was years ago so things have changed and we are now pretty cool with each other....but that's it. I have no feelings for him whatsoever and I'm amazed looking back, that I was actually in love with this guy at one point.

Anywho, I was texting my ex once (he lives up north) and he was like "I want some sexy pictures of you." He is a real clown, and so I took it as a joke (cuz he knows there is no way he would ever get something like that from ME). :rolleyes: And jokingly said "Sure...just send me yours first and then I'll send you mine" ;) And that was the end of that convo. ;)

Anyhow, a couple of weeks later, he ends up visiting family in my town and we go out for lunch. I brought up that conversation and was like, "Who does that anyway? I mean, who's gonna text you naked pictures of themself?" Well lo and behold he hands me his phone and he has over a dozen naked pics of women that had been text-ed to him! And they were women he knew cuz I saw the names. :blush: I mean, I guess I shouldn't be surprised but I really was...I mean, all these girls were butt naked and there he was showing me THEIR pics. When I told him I was disgusted he just shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. Well I guess if it's not a big deal for him to ask and not a big deal for the woman to send it then I guess I shouldn't take issue with it, right? What grown folks do is their business but I couldn't help but feel like this type of action is why some men objectify women so easily...?
I really don't see how women can send explicit pics of themselves to random men not knowing what the guy will do with the pics.

I don't blame the men, but I really want to know why women do this? I really don't get it? Help me understand.
I don't think it's high self esteem. I love my husband and we've been married for a minute and once he asked me how I felt about something like that. I was like nope. And I trust the guy as much as I can possibly trust him. He was just like, okay and we never talked about it again. It has nothing to do with trust for me, those things can just accidentally be seen by the wrong person and BAM there goes my modesty. So we both understand.
OP, I couldn't have responded to your post any better than this...

...What grown folks do is their business but I couldn't help but feel like this type of action is why some men objectify women so easily...?
If that's not a true statement, I don't know what is. :yep: But IMO, to be fair, the men who feel they can make certain requests are right up there with the women who leap to fulfill them.
I really don't see how women can send explicit pics of themselves to random men not knowing what the guy will do with the pics.

I don't blame the men, but I really want to know why women do this? I really don't get it? Help me understand.

Girl yea. I never get that either. I wouldn't send a man outside of my husband naked pictures, that includes making movies and all these other silly things people do.
Girl yea. I never get that either. I wouldn't send a man outside of my husband naked pictures, that includes making movies and all these other silly things people do.

Right I couldn't bring myself to do it WITH my own husband.
It's called sexting...and apparently, it's really BIG with the younger crowd...like teens...the station I work at is doing a sweeps story about it...we're going to "try" to talk to teens about it, and find out why....plus, depending upon how old you are, it can be considered as child porn, and you can and WILL go to jail for it...
It's called sexting...and apparently, it's really BIG with the younger crowd...like teens...the station I work at is doing a sweeps story about it...we're going to "try" to talk to teens about it, and find out why....plus, depending upon how old you are, it can be considered as child porn, and you can and WILL go to jail for it...

Oh....well my EX is 31 and NONE of those women were "nan near" teen-age :lachen:
I also just don't get the general "point" of getting a naked pic of someone. Is it just to see if the woman will actually do it? Is it so you can show your buddies how many women you can get to do such a thing?

I just don't get it....
I also just don't get the general "point" of getting a naked pic of someone. Is it just to see if the woman will actually do it? Is it so you can show your buddies how many women you can get to do such a thing?
I just don't get it....

I think that it's all of the bolded. If your ex has all of those girls in his phone, he probably sends those "let me have some sexy pics" text messages to quite a few women. And just think, what if he had been sitting at lunch with some other girl who was not going to send the pics and you had- some other girl would've seen it all! One of my SO's friends is like that. He got a new phone and I asked to see it and was playing with the camera. When I opened up the album, there were multiple pics of nude/damn near nude women! You could tell that they were of actual women he knew because they were all taken in his living room where we were sitting:perplexed :nono: He would purposely include the painting or lamp or some identifying aspect of his living room in every pic so that his boys would believe him.
I also just don't get the general "point" of getting a naked pic of someone. Is it just to see if the woman will actually do it? Is it so you can show your buddies how many women you can get to do such a thing?

I just don't get it....

Oh you know they showing buddies. They all get together and see who got the most fools to send them naked pics.
Umm I don't get it either. My brother had a phone full of them and an email account that chicks used to send them to. You won't never see my naked behind in anybody's inbox. Oh it's not just women. Men do it too. When men get stupid and ask me to send them, i say "you first" and some of the idiots actually send it. :nono:
this is more common than u think. my friend's phone is loaded with skank a danks that just send pics, and even vids of stuff u would not believe them doing to themself by themself. they dont show their faces tho...
Oh you know they showing buddies. They all get together and see who got the most fools to send them naked pics.

Pretty much.:ohwell:

And those chicks would swear you all kind of a lie and hater for saying that he's disrespectin their relationship and showing those pics off.
LOL. What is WITH this? I got back in touch with my ex and he wanted me to do the same thing. I was like, um...WTF? goodnight. Hasn't texted me since.
Ladies, men do this to. I met a guy a few weeks ago and he sent me his "member" after I didn't answer his call a few times. I replied with "Please do not call me again".