He Asked Her To Pee On Him.

But that is what sex is about for you. Some people incorporate all sorts of 'behaviors and practices' into their sex lives. It may seem weird to you but that's how they roll. People are into all sorts of things and as CrackersPhinn said, what two consenting adults do in their relationship (within reason) is harmless for them. You might never try some of the things that they do but that doesn't mean that they don't like each other or are not into each other. A couple who only has sex in the missionary position in the dark with their clothes on would be aghast at some of the sexual activities mentioned on this board-does that mean that these things are wrong?

I think that most of these 'kinks' aren't new it's just that people never discussed them. I bet some men (and women) were enjoying (if you want to call it that) golden showers back in the day.
Sex is intercourse. That’s the basic definition. Kinks, fetishes, etc are just that. I’m talking about the psychology of engaging in more than what the basic definition of what sex is. What would drive someone to want to be urinated on? You are making it about consenting adults. I mean consenting adults can have a naked water balloon fight, which would turn them on. That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m asking about the mental science behind it. Crackers did bring more of a logical explanation of what I am questioning.
Meh. There are worse kinks. Lol. Its not my thing but it can get worse. I've heard about worse on Twitter. *barf*

It's a matter of accept or reject. The guy I met after my ex told me he wanted me pee on him. That was our last phonecall....mostly because he's cheap based on some other things he shared in that conversation and of course way too forward in sharing his kink. It made me wonder if that was primer for something else coming and I didn't want to find out....especially since he was a 50/50 guy. :look:
What’s a 50/50 guy?
I’m not sure if I’m more disrurbed by this or ANR/ABF

Hmmm....I think human waste is more disturbing, but the ABF crowd has women inducing lactation....which sounds painful and time consuming. At least urine happens naturally daily. These women prep for months to do this with their husbands.
I know of a woman whose date casually asked her to use her dildo on him anally while they were Netflix and chilling. [Some/Most] men are really just that forward with their kinks. She said at first she was disgusted but then she got tickled and wanted to see how serious he was so she shrugged, ran to her bedroom to grab her goodie box, and proceeded to impale him with her Rabbit.

She said that she couldn’t stop laughing because he was on his back with his legs kicked up like a dying roach just screaming while she put in that wrist work. When he left she threw her dildo in the trash, blocked his number, and went to work on Monday like nothing happened.

I say all of that to ask OP...what was your friend’s reaction. Did she storm out or ask for a glass of water?

I wonder if this is something the guy would need on a frequent basis. I can see doing something like this every once in awhile (happy birthday! *pssssssss*) for a guy you’re casually dealing with and don’t really care about but who takes you nice places and treats you well etc. But for a husband or a bf? What if he wants it every single time? Even half the time sounds exhausting.

The pee doesn’t bother me. I’m concerned about how often he thinks I’ll be chugging a gallon of water during my end of day commute just so he can sleep extra goodt that night
Maybe it's because detached casual sex isn't as fulfilling as people would like to believe and it creates a need to constantly outdo what you've already done to feel fulfilled. You have to keep upping the ante.
You captured something I felt but couldn't quite verbalize over the years. I'm not a prude but I sense that the need to send and receive nudes and engage in more "exciting" sex is rooted in the detachment. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that stuff but sex not being enough is telling. Its one thing if we were talking about people who've been together for several years but people come out the gate needing extras just to be satisfied.
You captured something I felt but couldn't quite verbalize over the years. I'm not a prude but I sense that the need to send and receive nudes and engage in more "exciting" sex is rooted in the detachment. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that stuff but sex not being enough is telling. Its one thing if we were talking about people who've been together for several years but people come out the gate needing extras just to be satisfied.
Exactly! No matter how much we try to run from the obvious, sex is a deeply intimate act and the more we try to make it this cold, detached thing, is the more we try to fill those needs in other ways. The more we engage with these extremes is the harder it is to be satisfied. It's off-putting to me. The odours alone :nono:
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I have done a few freaky things in relationships, but it was never because sex wasn't enough. In fact it was in that time when it's still fresh and just seeing him walking towards you makes you feel butterflies and a simple kiss sends an electric shock through you. There was no "need" for anything else to make things more exciting. I did some things that I've always wanted to try and tried a couple of things I wasnt so bothered about - I'm open minded and need an open minded man so we can match sexuality wise.

I also tried all of the usual more accepted stuff. Funnily enough one of the sex acts that is often accepted as fairly regular is probably my worst sexual experience and I can't imagine ever enjoying it. But some women look me in the eye and say they like it and I have to give it each to their own. Everyones sexuality is different. Just because someoen likes something you dont doesn't mean theres something wrong with them or their sex life.

I don't need more than the basics to enjoy sex, but I enjoy some non basic stuff. This thread made me want to make some requests though lol.
Maybe it's because detached casual sex isn't as fulfilling as people would like to believe and it creates a need to constantly outdo what you've already done to feel fulfilled. You have to keep upping the ante.
You captured something I felt but couldn't quite verbalize over the years. I'm not a prude but I sense that the need to send and receive nudes and engage in more "exciting" sex is rooted in the detachment. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that stuff but sex not being enough is telling. Its one thing if we were talking about people who've been together for several years but people come out the gate needing extras just to be satisfied.
In some cases, the “extras” may be nothing more than “currency” in the dating marketplace, a way to more likely get chosen. I know a relative of mine was engaging in some kinky stuff with an ex, not because she wanted to do those things but because she wanted to make him happy/didn’t want him to leave her.
In some cases, the “extras” may be nothing more than “currency” in the dating marketplace, a way to more likely get chosen. I know a relative of mine was engaging in some kinky stuff with an ex, not because she wanted to do those things but because she wanted to make him happy/didn’t want him to leave her.

Totally agree. I also wonder how some women navigate doing all this extra that they don't really want to do, and then not getting the reactions/benefits that they intended.
In some cases, the “extras” may be nothing more than “currency” in the dating marketplace, a way to more likely get chosen. I know a relative of mine was engaging in some kinky stuff with an ex, not because she wanted to do those things but because she wanted to make him happy/didn’t want him to leave her.
You could also throw in changing social norms as a reason people are doing what they're doing sexually. I don't take issue with what others are doing because it's not my business. My point was only that "needing" extras and not being satisfied with regular sex is telling and indicative of a bigger issue IMO. People that don't need it but choose to do it for other reasons don't fall into the same category.

I consider myself quite open minded sexually but it seems like anything less than the extremes is considered vanilla nowadays. I wish a MF would ask me to take a **** in his mouth
Ditto. I was going to use the term vanilla upthread but it's unclear what it means anymore. It used to be that vanilla was missionary but now it seems that it includes all sex acts that don't involve toys, devices, or other people.

Totally agree. I also wonder how some women navigate doing all this extra that they don't really want to do, and then not getting the reactions/benefits that they intended.
There was a story recently about a bw who set a dudes house on fire because they had just had a threesome and after it was over he told her to go home but let the other lady stay.

I think the result of these women competing in the freaky olympics to get dudes explains part of the truly irrational violence which is usually directed at other bw.
I know of a woman whose date casually asked her to use her dildo on him anally while they were Netflix and chilling. [Some/Most] men are really just that forward with their kinks. She said at first she was disgusted but then she got tickled and wanted to see how serious he was so she shrugged, ran to her bedroom to grab her goodie box, and proceeded to impale him with her Rabbit.

She said that she couldn’t stop laughing because he was on his back with his legs kicked up like a dying roach just screaming while she put in that wrist work. When he left she threw her dildo in the trash, blocked his number, and went to work on Monday like nothing happened.

I say all of that to ask OP...what was your friend’s reaction. Did she storm out or ask for a glass of water?


Oh man, he thought that he found the girl of his dreams.........and then she ghosted him :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
What kinda booty play?

I don’t have a problem with the pee, really. I just don’t understand what they do about the pee soaked bed. Do they keep a rubber sheet? When it’s time to get down, one goes, “Hey baby, why don’t you go grab the rubber sheet :eyebrows2: ”.
They do it in the shower/bathroom not on the bed lol . At least he asked her to pee on him and not the opposite . This is a sexual deviant dude who watches a lot of porn. Guaranteed .
IMO most fetishes are born from some childhood experience that may not necessarily have been trauma related. When I say fetish, I mean something perceived by most as nonsexual that a person needs to be incorporated in sex for them to feel the act is complete. Whenever I hear of men wanting to pee on women, I always think of little baby boys who laugh when they hit somebody with a surprise spray during a diaper change or bath. I think there's something about the feeling of relief combined with laughter that men later try to recreate in a sexual situation.

Kinda the same way I think women who want to be choked and abused are trying to recreate an experience that they have control over.
I think they re also exacerbated by the massive amount of porn available on the internet ,eventually you get desensitized to the hardcore stuff and start watching/experimenting with the
Kinky stuff . Porn is the problem .
Maybe it's because detached casual sex isn't as fulfilling as people would like to believe and it creates a need to constantly outdo what you've already done to feel fulfilled. You have to keep upping the ante.

Nah. Married people are freakier than those out here having casual sex :lol:. My friend worked at Adam and Eve and said married couples in their 40s and 50s were her biggest return customers. Kinks have nothing to do with casual sex.
Nah. Married people are freakier than those out here having casual sex :lol:. My friend worked at Adam and Eve and said married couples in their 40s and 50s were her biggest return customers. Kinks have nothing to do with casual sex.
Same theory applies. It’s emotionally detached sex. Folks gotta create scenes, bring in a bunch of props and gadgets, etc..
it’s like cooking with the most basic ingredients, basic tools and the meal comes out incredible because of the love and energy that was put in to it. But the meal where all of the latest and greatest gadgets, tools, and equipment used just doesn’t have the same love and warmth to it. It may taste good, but that’s it.
Same theory applies. It’s emotionally detached sex. Folks gotta create scenes, bring in a bunch of props and gadgets, etc..
it’s like cooking with the most basic ingredients, basic tools and the meal comes out incredible because of the love and energy that was put in to it. But the meal where all of the latest and greatest gadgets, tools, and equipment used just doesn’t have the same love and warmth to it. It may taste good, but that’s it.

Unless you are a part of these marriages and in their bedrooms, you have no idea whether their sex is "detached" or not. I'm not a fan of toys personally but not because gadgets somehow change the level of intimacy...that idea is just absurd. Emotional intimacy and connection with your partner doesn't spontaneously disappear because of a toy.