Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina...


Well-Known Member
...or another super food?

I have a counter full of supplements and I'm considering ditching alot of them for chlorella and spirulina. I'm considering adding Maca as well. My only concern is not getting enough zinc and vitamin D. My list of "I should take this" just keeps growing and I'm sick of taking this, this, this, and that.

Any feedback ladies?
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

No. I take Chlorella as well as MSM, Biotin and this year I am also taking Chewable C and Vit D. I buy my vits from GNC. Forgot to add that I take Fish oil on occasion.
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afrochique said:
No. I take Chlorella as well as MSM, Biotin and this year I am also taking Chewable C and Vit D. I buy my vits from GNC.

What is chlorella for if u don't mind me asking? Lol :)
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

It is made of chlorophyll ( plant green matter). I take it in pill form but it is also available in powder form. As yodie mentioned, it is considered a superfood: contains all nutrients.
Biotin caused me to have breakouts. Ever since I started taking Chlorella, breakouts stopped completely, not even a pimple during that time of the month. I now receive compliments on what was once acne- prone skin. I am also very regular now.
afrochique said:
It is made of chlorophyll ( plant green matter). I take it in pill form but it is also available in powder form. As yodie mentioned, it is considered a superfood: contains all nutrients.
Biotin caused me to have breakouts. Ever since I started taking Chlorella, breakouts stopped completely, not even a pimple during that time of the month. I now receive compliments on what was once acne- prone skin. I am also very regular now.

Oh wow this sounds great! Thanks for the info :D
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

I do a Superfoods blend daily along with a hair vitamin, vit. D and MSM.
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

I take liquid chlorophyll and spirulina (powder) daily as well as nioxin, but I've never been one to take a bunch of supplements (pill form), which is why I chose to go the liquid and powder route (except for the nioxin, of course)...it just gets to be too much with all of those pills! lol. I too had to stop taking biotin because of the breakouts. I was thinking about adding silica to the mix, but only if I can find it it some kind of liquid form to mix with the chlorophyll and spirulina...
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

ummmm i just took my handful of supplements lololol

I have spirulina powder but it tastes gross so I hardly have it
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..


these are the ingredients
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

I take liquid chlorophyll and spirulina (powder) daily as well as nioxin, but I've never been one to take a bunch of supplements (pill form), which is why I chose to go the liquid and powder route (except for the nioxin, of course)...it just gets to be too much with all of those pills! lol. I too had to stop taking biotin because of the breakouts. I was thinking about adding silica to the mix, but only if I can find it it some kind of liquid form to mix with the chlorophyll and spirulina...

I prefer liquid absorption wise, not taste. So, I feel ya on this.

Ladies, what about fish oils?
I want to add Spirulina as well, but Spirulina always made me constipated. I'll see what happens this time around.
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

I was taking a buttload of vitamins, but got tired of taking 3547965485 pills a day.

So now, I take powdered chlorella (but I'll be switching back to pills as SOON as the powder is gone :barf: ) powdered collagen and aloe vera juice. :)
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

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Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

I recently started taking a Spirulina Women's Multi vitamin(http://www.nutrex-hawaii.com/spirulina.html ) in addition to vitamin d omega 3,6,9 and msm w/ glucosamine.

Can anyone recommend the brand of msm powder they're taking, I'd love add it to my juice instead? TIA.
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

I do a Superfoods blend daily along with a hair vitamin, vit. D and MSM.
This is what I do too except my multi is not a hair vit, it's a pre-natal vit (b/c of estrogenic concerns) and I also take extra vit C. I get great results rom this combo so, I just do it.:lol:
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

Great comments.
I'm seriously going to streamline a lot of what I'm taking and focus more on liquid multi and minerals, along with a superfood blend. I don't think my body absorbs pill very well.
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

I used NOW brand powder for almost a year. I don't drink in the morning so I decided to switch to the powder capsules instead.

I'm thinking of doing the same. I've already started on a Green supplement (Maximum Greens Complete) and I would like to supplement that with extra Chlorella. I plan to continue my MSM b/c it decreases my periods and keeps my breasts nice and full (vanity, I know) and I'm prescribed Vitamin D due to my dangerously low levels.

Once the vitamin D is done, I'm only taking the Green supplement, Chlorella and MSM. I'm also thinking of stopping the Maximum Greens in a few months if I'm not seeing any benefits.
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

I used NOW brand powder for almost a year. I don't drink in the morning so I decided to switch to the powder capsules instead.

I'm thinking of doing the same. I've already started on a Green supplement (Maximum Greens Complete) and I would like to supplement that with extra Chlorella. I plan to continue my MSM b/c it decreases my periods and keeps my breasts nice and full (vanity, I know) and I'm prescribed Vitamin D due to my dangerously low levels.

Once the vitamin D is done, I'm only taking the Green supplement, Chlorella and MSM. I'm also thinking of stopping the Maximum Greens in a few months if I'm not seeing any benefits.

MzSwift, Thanks for the info; I bought Source Naturals MSM powder, so far so good. I went through the same thing with my vitamin d level a few years ago it was almost non existent now I take at least 2000 iu per day in addition to getting out in the florida sunshine.
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

So jealous!! My heart is in a sunny climate but I'm stuck in Michigan. I think I'm gonna save up a buy a second home in FL. I always have a good time when I visit.

Yeah, and I'm kinda embarassed about my dosage. My doc prescribed me 50,000 (yes, in the ten thousands) iu's of Vitamin D. I believe it is different than the OTC supplements (D2 vs D3) and I only have to take it once per week. But nothing beats good ole fashioned sunshine. sigh.
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

So jealous!! My heart is in a sunny climate but I'm stuck in Michigan. I think I'm gonna save up a buy a second home in FL. I always have a good time when I visit.

Yeah, and I'm kinda embarassed about my dosage. My doc prescribed me 50,000 (yes, in the ten thousands) iu's of Vitamin D. I believe it is different than the OTC supplements (D2 vs D3) and I only have to take it once per week. But nothing beats good ole fashioned sunshine. sigh.

MzSwift Don't be embarassed I was prescribed the same and I live in Florida, go figure but I was hiding from the sun but not anymore every time it's out so am I.:lachen: It'll be in the mid 70's and low 80's the rest of the week and I'll be outside at least an hour every day.:yep:
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

Spirulina/CoQ10 (family hx of heart dz)/Tonalin/NAC/Salmon Oil. Spirulina replaced the B12 dots, and the prenatal vitamins.
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

No. I thought about it a while ago but my cod liver oil and B-vitamins are working well for me.
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

I'm eliminating excess. I'll see how it works.
Re: Have you replaced your long list of supplements with chlorella and/or spirulina..

i wish i could, but chlorella makes me bloat like the hoover dam and spirulina makes my skin look funny