How about taking Spirulina (spin off)

Thanks for this thread OP. I actually started tajubg Spirulina just yesterday. So it's way to early for me to tell, but I'm going to give it three months and then follow with an update of the overall experience. For thoset that do take it: do you have any other side effects or tips regarding it? I really hope it works well for me. :yep:
I've been taking Spirulina for almost a year. I take the capsules from GNC because they don't have a smell or taste. I take 2 to 3 capsules a day. My energy is through the roof, curbed appetite, whites of eyes look brighter, no colds this winter. I rarely get sick anyway, but I was exposed to so many sick coworkers, and my dd had a horrible cold about a month ago. I followed my normal precautionary steps of keeping my hands out of my face and keeping them washed, plus spraying Lysol on door handles, etc. whenever I thought of it. I honestly believe the Spirulina gave me that extra hedge of protection. I'm a user for life.:yep:
I drink a Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness smoothie every morning (for a few weeks now). It has spirulina and chlorella, amongst other things.

Ingredients: Apple Juice from concentrate (apple juice concentrate, water), Pineapple Juice from concentrate (pineapple juice concentrate, water), Mango Puree from concentrate (mango puree concentrate, water), Banana Puree, Kiwi Juice, Natural Flavor, Spirulina, Open Cell Chlorella, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Lime Juice, Zinc Sulfate, Broccoli, Brewed Green Tea, Spinach, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Blue-Green Algae, Echinacea Purpurea Extract, Odorless Garlic, Tamarind Puree, Dragon Fruit Juice, Lemon Bioflavonoids, Jerusalem Artichoke and Nova Scotia Dulce.

I just purchased a 32 oz bottle yesterday for $3.99...i am mad because the receipt says 1 @ 2 for $5.00.. I could've gotten another bottle!!! :wallbash:
The pirce tag on the shelf said $3.99 there was no sign of a 2 for 5!!
Thanks for this thread OP. I actually started tajubg Spirulina just yesterday. So it's way to early for me to tell, but I'm going to give it three months and then follow with an update of the overall experience. For thoset that do take it: do you have any other side effects or tips regarding it? I really hope it works well for me. :yep:

I have been a seasonal allergy sufferer. Spirulina has cleared that for me. The drainage of the mucus has been a godsend! Increase your water intake. If you find you experience constipation, take it with a PROBIOTIC. I hope you get the benefits you are looking for.
I would love to start taking more vitamins and supplements for my overall health benefits but the problem I have is I can't swallow big pills my gag reflex is really strong. Are these Spirulina pills large? It's so bad I take the adult gummy
What is this? PROBIOTIC

Acidophilus Probiotic Formula is a supplement that puts the good bacteria back into your system, gives you balance. Spirulina tends to constipate some users, this eliminates that. Also, increasing your water intake will get rid of constipation as well.
I just purchased a 32 oz bottle yesterday for $3.99...i am mad because the receipt says 1 @ 2 for $5.00.. I could've gotten another bottle!!! :wallbash:
The pirce tag on the shelf said $3.99 there was no sign of a 2 for 5!!

Awwww. Where'd you buy from?! I may need to go stock up!! :grin:
I just started taking spirulina yesterday. I bought it because they had it at Walmart and I didn't have a chance to go to the herb shop to re-up on chlorella. I'd been taking chlorella for about a month. I'm taking other supplements so, I'm not sure whether I'm erroneously giving appropriate credit to chlorella but, I've noticed clearer skin, brighter eye whites, more regular, more energy and most importantly, I've lost 13 lbs with no change in diet or exercise. I've been attributing that to chlorella for sure. Subscribing to this thread to learn more.
Awwww. Where'd you buy from?! I may need to go stock up!! :grin:

The local Giant. Better hurry up! I don't know how long it lasts! I told my father and he laughed and with sarcasm said "You better go get another one!", knowing that there's 2-3 feet of snow outside..:ohwell: Good Luck!
Very interesting. My prenatals (Rainbow Light brand) contain both spirulina and chlorella. I've been taking them since early 2007, when I was pregnant with my first child. Also, I sometimes mix a green powder that contains spirulina, chlorella, and powdered greens into juice or smoothies.
I loove my prenatals; I'll probably never stop taking them. They also contain probiotics. The only downside is that you have to take 6 per day. I'm used to it, though.

Here's a link to a description:

I have 2 check into these cuz rt b4 I found out I was preggo I had JUST started taking chlorella and spirulina (and like 5 other vits) and I stopped taking them cuz I wasn't sure of a safe dose while preg. But If there's some IN a prenatal then it has to be alright right? I was reading this whole thread thinking "man i can't wait to have this baby so I can get back 2 my detox and going green." But maybe i don't have 2 wait now! (well i'm still not gonna detox of course).I trust FOODS that naturally have it but I've been scared 2 take ANY supplements. Thanks 4 this info, bout 2 check it out and change my prenatal vits!!!
I just started taking spirulina yesterday. I bought it because they had it at Walmart and I didn't have a chance to go to the herb shop to re-up on chlorella. I'd been taking chlorella for about a month. I'm taking other supplements so, I'm not sure whether I'm erroneously giving appropriate credit to chlorella but, I've noticed clearer skin, brighter eye whites, more regular, more energy and most importantly, I've lost 13 lbs with no change in diet or exercise. I've been attributing that to chlorella for sure. Subscribing to this thread to learn more.

Wow on your weight loss !
I have 2 check into these cuz rt b4 I found out I was preggo I had JUST started taking chlorella and spirulina (and like 5 other vits) and I stopped taking them cuz I wasn't sure of a safe dose while preg. But If there's some IN a prenatal then it has to be alright right? I was reading this whole thread thinking "man i can't wait to have this baby so I can get back 2 my detox and going green." But maybe i don't have 2 wait now! (well i'm still not gonna detox of course).I trust FOODS that naturally have it but I've been scared 2 take ANY supplements. Thanks 4 this info, bout 2 check it out and change my prenatal vits!!!

Yes, you will probably want to discuss this with your OB, but I can tell you from experience (two pregnancies and a long time breastfeeding) that these prenatals are fabulous. The spirulina and chlorella are a big bonus. These vitamins also seemed to ease my morning sickness.
I've been taking Spirulina along with my other vitamins(biotin, Centrum womens, fish oil) for at least 4 to 5 months. I'm currently taking Earthrise Spirulina 500 mgs tablets. I love it and feel like it just helped my supplements go to another level. I eat right, exercise, and drink lots of water but even with doing that I would still get tired and run down in the past when taking on a lot. Now, I don't get as tired as I used to, and not as easily.

My immune system has definitely gotten a boost. I don't get as sick as easily. I got one bad cold this winter and I was sick for almost a month, but that is nothing compared to before. I used to constantly get sick. That is an improvement for me. I didn't have the horrible side effects that I got from Chlorella. That stuff had me vomitting all over the place. It had to go. I can say that my nails and toe nails are growing like crazy. It may be from a number of things, but it seemed like they really picked up in growth when I incorporated the Spirulina in my diet.

I used to have the slowest growing nails that would break at the slightest thing, but now they grow fast, are more flexible and harder. If I cut them down, they will grow back in about a week.
I love walking daily for exercise and I have to cut my toe nails seem like every week because if I don't they will start to touch the front of my tennis.

I can't really pin point if it has increased my hair growth or not because all of the other stuff that I am doing. If it is that is great, if not that's fine as well. I plan on taking this stuff for life.
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I've been taking spirulina for about a week now after taking Chlorella for a month. Um, I'm not sure if it's the spirulina but, I get the itchies all over my body and it started shortly after I started taking spirulina. I've had no problems with chlorella so, I've decided yesterday to stop taking the spirulina and go back to just chlorella. I was told that it could be a detox symptom but didn't think it should last this long and it drives me crazy. I'm stopping to see what happens. I'm taking a whole host of things but, spirulina was the only new addition to my supplements. Just thought I'd share that.
I've been taking spirulina for about a week now after taking Chlorella for a month. Um, I'm not sure if it's the spirulina but, I get the itchies all over my body and it started shortly after I started taking spirulina. I've had no problems with chlorella so, I've decided yesterday to stop taking the spirulina and go back to just chlorella. I was told that it could be a detox symptom but didn't think it should last this long and it drives me crazy. I'm stopping to see what happens. I'm taking a whole host of things but, spirulina was the only new addition to my supplements. Just thought I'd share that.

It is a detox symptom. Of course the choice is yours, but it should pass soon. More water will help flush it out, toxins are exiting through your skin. Benadryl should help, or an over the counter topical cream.