have you found your soulmate yet??....I have, he just doesn't know it yet


Well-Known Member
so I was watching the time travelers wife (that movie didnt make a lick of sense) and i go to thinking about soulmates. I've known this boy sense fifth grade. I remember it so clearly and I have a horrible memory!! I liked him for YEARS and was in love with him my junior and senior year of highschool but he never loved me back in that way so i gave up loving him. We were always close, still are. everyone has always said me and him will probably wind up together and i always brushed those comments off because my father raised me to be a realist and realists dont believe in soulmates and happy endings but for some reason I cant shake that me and him will wind up together. no matter how much we fight we always come back. he told me just today cuz we got into it "i need you, i love you like a sister" and my mom said (shes a hopeless romantic who thinks everything works out for the best) when he gets older and you guys mature you will find eachother and he will be ready for you. i wasnt sure what she meant by that. i do remember one time he told me if we did get together it would be a very serious relationship and he wasnt ready for that. at the time i rolled my eyes at the excuse but its true, we know each other better than we know ourselves. (when i get like this i watch love and basketball :rolleyes:) so idk if hes going to be the groom at my wedding or be the best man.

sorry about the novel you guys but i needed to get that off my chest! lol
have u guys found ur soulmate? is there a guy who thinks your his? i would love to here the story of ur relationship if you found him!
I had a longer response typed out..but deleted it by accident :wallbash:

Anyway, I have nothing positive to add actually. I don't believe in soulmates, in the sense of one person being THE ONE AND ONLY. I think it adds too much pressure AND there are BILLIONS of people on this Earth, how do you know that the person is even on your continent? Anyway, I digress.

I hope it works out for you.
Sometimes I wonder if my ex boyfriend and I were ever really meant to be. He's never been off my mind for the four years I've known him now, and even though we split two and a half years ago, I still think I feel something for him :ohwell:. He's had other girls after me, whilst I've had no one, and this is getting quite depressing to be honest :(

I hope things work out better for you OP. Your story sounds kinda sweet, rather like a romance film :)
Sometimes I wonder if my ex boyfriend and I were ever really meant to be. He's never been off my mind for the four years I've known him now, and even though we split two and a half years ago, I still think I feel something for him :ohwell:. He's had other girls after me, whilst I've had no one, and this is getting quite depressing to be honest :(

I hope things work out better for you OP. Your story sounds kinda sweet, rather like a romance film :)

Yeah, that's why I'm kinda scratching my head with the OP's situation. In all honesty OP, doesn't sound that promising and I hope you're not waiting around for this guy.

As for soul mates in general. I tend not to believe in them.
i'm def not waiting around!! i will date other guys and fall in love if it happens. I just think if we wind up together i wouldnt be surprised