Have You Ever....


New Member
Have you ever been madly in love with someone who ended up marrying someone else. Then, years later, you see that the person you were in loved with looks a hot mess and thank GOD that you missed that shipwreck?

Just sayin.' LOL
Yes, yes, yes!!! My older childrens father, when I left him he was the best looking thing since sliced bread, had a problem with his hands but very nice looking.....Now, this joker, has so many tats and bronze teeth, yes bronze thats what cheap flea market fools gold looks like bronze....I look back at what my life could have been and thank God for moving me from that place...Kids at 14 and another at 16...Me now MBA aspiring JD...God knows best....we best to listen....
Yes, Lord! I never knew what I saw in that man (12 years and 3 children later). I never had anything with him. I have so much without him! And he's not even good looking :lachen:!
God does know best!
yes, the married guy who still tries to maintain a friendship. his body grew and his head shrunk or something. the killer is, he was thinking that i still found him attractive until he saw my current SO, now he talks evil about him. does a lot of "i bet tony dont .........." talk. makes him sound girlie.
We broke up on bad terms; 5 years later I saw him, he was married and balding, and we were both like 25 at the time. The icing on the cake was when he told me that I was the best girlfriend he ever had!