Have you ever cried at a wedding?


Well-Known Member
My sister got married Sunday on March 6 and when she walked down the aisle, my mother started crying happy tears. My brother in law was about to cry as she came down the aisle, ( but he held them in) Then at the reception I gave a speech but I couldn't keep my composure. I was so happy for my sister that I struggled with my speech due to the happy tears. :cry4:

Your turn :grin:
My baby sis is getting married Saturday & I can only hope I don't cry. I've never cried at a wedding though, not even my own.

I had this convo with someone the other day- I asked why? why do people cry at weddings? The response was because a wedding is supposed to be representative of the love God has for us made manifest by the love two people can share for one another. Makes sense.

Congrats to your sis!! :)
My baby sis is getting married Saturday & I can only hope I don't cry. I've never cried at a wedding though, not even my own.

I had this convo with someone the other day- I asked why? why do people cry at weddings? The response was because a wedding is supposed to be representative of the love God has for us made manifest by the love two people can share for one another. Makes sense.

Congrats to your sis!! :)

Thanks. your sis is getting married!?!?! And then she is your baby sister :love2: :grin: make sure you have some kleenex tissues in your hand. ( which is a good thing)

Are you excited?? I know I was when my sister was getting married.
I cry at all weddings - as a rule,, I can't help it. There's just something so tremendously joyous, monumental and spiritual about weddings to me.
I always get teary but don't cry either because I'm not close to the bride or the wedding just isn't romantic at all...like the last one I went to. :nono:
Lol, I went a family friend's wedding in the summer and I almost cried, but I had to hooooold it in because it's one of those ones where you don't know them THAT well to be crying.
Years ago a friend of mine was in an accident that left her with very little movement in her legs. As her dad held her hand, her sister pushed her down the aisle. There was not a dry eye watching her come down the aisle.
Thanks. your sis is getting married!?!?! And then she is your baby sister :love2: :grin: make sure you have some kleenex tissues in your hand. ( which is a good thing)

Are you excited?? I know I was when my sister was getting married.

I'm excited, nervous, worried. Trying to figure out what I'm going to say during the toast (I'm the matron of honor). I'll make sure to go buy some kleenex.
I cried at my BFF wedding. She was a virgin bride and my baby was getting married. She didnt even cry during the wedding but I made her cry at the reception with my speech. LOL! I love her so much.
I cried HARDDDDDDDDD when the youngman( Billy) who has a short leg and slope head got married. Why? Because he overcame so much as a child and adult. The woman that married him overlooked his physical appearance and helps him so much.
I've cried at every single wedding I've been to. At my brother's wedding my dad (best man) was crying and so were the two groomsmen so since then I've felt certified with all my tears. :grin:

I just went to a wedding a few weeks ago and I tried my best not to cry but I just couldn't help myself. What's more of a tear-jerker than being in the presence of love & comittment?!
I cry at weddings. But then, I'm a cry baby. I cry at the news, I cry when friends tell me they're pregnant....lol
I cried when my brothers got married...one of my brothers was crying too (when he got married)! Tears were streaming down his face and his legs were shaking :lol:

My sister was married in the city hall with two friends as witnesses, so I didn't get to see that.

I haven't cried at any other wedding, although I've been to quite a few. I'm usually singing, so I don't have time to think about the couple.
I cried at mine. Hubby cried first, then I did. When I watch the video I saw the audience and bridal party were crying too.
At my best friends wedding I couldn't help it..she was so happy and I knew the crappy relationships she's been in. But I cry at any "change of life" affair..graduations, birthdays, funerals (obv).
I never cried at a wedding, not even my own. I giggled and beamed the entire time I was marrying my husband.

My cousin got married in August and I cried for the first 30 minutes. It touched me immensely to see her walking down the aisle. When I was 13 and she was 11 we always said we would have dresses with a million buttons going down the back. That way our husbands would have to struggle to get in our panties, LOL! I know that was a weird thing to think of but we figured we'd be virgins on our wedding night. I saw her dress but not the back until she walked past me. I lost it! And then her husband met her halfway down the aisle. I lost it again! I had never seen a man get off the altar to do that and escort his future wife the rest of the way. When they recited their vows I cried. When they kissed, I cried again.

It was the most beautiful wedding I had ever seen and to see her marry her King, makes me want to cry all over again. I do feel that when I go to another wedding, I will cry from now on. My cousin did something to me and now I know for sure, the floodgates will permanently be open.
I was a bridesmaid and when my friends dad was walking down the aisle, he started bawling and made us all tear up. It was beautiful

I'm so happy we have a wedding forum
I get choked up and emotional but I don't think I have ever actually let any tears flow at a wedding.

I'm in two weddings this year though so maybe I will? :lachen:
No. I have never cried tears of happiness, the concept is so foreign to me. Happiness can only make me smile and laugh, never cry.
Yes. I was 9 months pregnant at my sisters wedding. As soon as she and my father passed by the pew, I broke down. I'm talking about sobbing and all. It was the most beautiful day ever.
If it's somebody who I'm super close to then I get all choked up and boo-hooey.

But when I'm at a co-workers wedding or an associate then I'm like yay for ya'll.