Have you ever been viewed as genetic material for breeding?


Well-Known Member
Last January I met this guy at my friends birthday party who was visiting from out of state. Immediately I was taken aback by his sheer fineness, and when we started talking I was pleased to find out that we had some things in common and he was easy to talk to. So we hung out the next day, things went very nicely, but he was leaving town the day after to go back to school. So I was pretty much like okay, whatever, dude looks greeeeaaaattt, is smart and funny blahblah, but lives in another state.

A couple of days later we speak on the phone, and he's like "You need to move here, so we can date, get married, and have kids to send them to the NBA". Of course I laughed it off like "fool, you crazy...ummm..I don't know you". We talked/texted on and off for the next few months but not frequently.

Fast forward to July, he was in NY for the month. During that one month of hanging out, several times he spoke about having kids, actually not a time passed when I saw him that he didn't mention combining our genes together to create a superbaby to send to the NBA, and had a detailed plan on how its gonna happen. In the beginning I thought it was funny/cute/sarcastic, but now I'm thinking that its kinda strange and I think that in his head he's serious. He joked about us "breeding" even if we marry other people.

I havent spoken to him in almost two months, and the other day I get a text about our "plan", and how I'm the best breeder. I jokingly replied but in my head I'm like, you havent called me in 2 months, but send me a text about using my womb? Am I a horse? It was just awkward to me.

This has happened to me before, I used to talk to this dude from Cameroon, and told me that he wanted to repopulate the African nation and we should have mandingo kids together. When I told him I've never been pregnant before he almost had a fit.

I guess I'm flattered, offended, and confused at the same time. I'm starting to think tall men are just weird. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Forgive me if this all sounds stupid, but I just really want to know.
Yes I'll never forget that fool named Dedrick! Uh he was dead serious too:spinning: Now I know no on really wants an unattractive child but errah I told him outside of money what was he going to contribute in the looks department:lachen:
Run Forrest Run. Dude talking kids and he doesn't even know you well. Plus add into the fact that he thinks that by some chance his kids will make it to NBA. Kids have better chances of being doctors, lawyers, etc and his aspirations is NBA. Ugh that makes me sick, folks always want to easy way out, use your friggin brain sometimes.

BTW I am not saying that athletes are dumb, there are a few intelligent ones but............
Run Forrest Run. Dude talking kids and he doesn't even know you well. Plus add into the fact that he thinks that by some chance his kids will make it to NBA. Kids have better chances of being doctors, lawyers, etc and his aspirations is NBA. Ugh that makes me sick, folks always want to easy way out, use your friggin brain sometimes.

BTW I am not saying that athletes are dumb, there are a few intelligent ones but............

lol! It's a shame because he has other good qualities, but that basketball dream is sooo odd...It makes me think if we were to have kids and they came out 4'11" with no game he would disown them.
lol! It's a shame because he has other good qualities, but that basketball dream is sooo odd...It makes me think if we were to have kids and they came out 4'11" with no game he would disown them.
Gurl, you would be on Maury with him talkin about "Dem ain't my kids, cuz they too short and they don't have mine eyes, Dem is Pookie's kidz they look just like him and his momma, she ain't nothin but a hoe, she want my paper. I make tall kidz".
Ive had a few men who wanted to "breed" me....its never insulted me however with the exception of one male who I consider my soulmate and we always talk about how our genetics combined along with mindsets and spiritual health, we will create super baby....the others over the years just made me chuckle with their suggestions I have their baby
I have but not to that extent and wow, that guy sounds a bit off!
I'd meet guys who would talk about my hair and skin-tone and decide I should be their gf just on those details which were always a turn off for me. They'd ramble on about what our kids would look like....c'mon now.
I'm a 6 foot big Ole Bralic chick. Most guys I date are over 6'5. Whenever people see us together they are like DAMN, you might as well get that contract with the NBA now for whatever babies you have
Dude sounds crazy!

Nobody is trying to breed with my 5'1 self. I wouldn't mind breeding with a man from India who is smart and about 6'3. Then when I go to the Indian store for hair products they won't look at me funny.

Don't know what DH would think about that though:lachen:.
Dude sounds crazy!

Nobody is trying to breed with my 5'1 self. I wouldn't mind breeding with a man from India who is smart and about 6'3. Then when I go to the Indian store for hair products they won't look at me funny.

Don't know what DH would think about that though:lachen:.

:lachen: you are wrong for that one!
i'm 5'11 w/ an athletic type built. Used to happen all the time, especially with men from African countries.

Yes! Maybe it's a cultural thing, to want to continue that sturdy stock of genes!

Okay, so the consensus is that brother man is a bit weird. Thank you ladies, I thought I was over analyzing the situation. The next time he makes that suggestion I'm gonna respond in a way to let him know that I think a:he's jumping the gun like a ****, and b:it makes me feel like a race horse.
I'm a 6 foot big Ole Bralic chick. Most guys I date are over 6'5. Whenever people see us together they are like DAMN, you might as well get that contract with the NBA now for whatever babies you have

.....well you should....

just joking :grin:
Last January I met this guy at my friends birthday party who was visiting from out of state. Immediately I was taken aback by his sheer fineness, and when we started talking I was pleased to find out that we had some things in common and he was easy to talk to. So we hung out the next day, things went very nicely, but he was leaving town the day after to go back to school. So I was pretty much like okay, whatever, dude looks greeeeaaaattt, is smart and funny blahblah, but lives in another state.

A couple of days later we speak on the phone, and he's like "You need to move here, so we can date, get married, and have kids to send them to the NBA". Of course I laughed it off like "fool, you crazy...ummm..I don't know you". We talked/texted on and off for the next few months but not frequently.

Fast forward to July, he was in NY for the month. During that one month of hanging out, several times he spoke about having kids, actually not a time passed when I saw him that he didn't mention combining our genes together to create a superbaby to send to the NBA, and had a detailed plan on how its gonna happen. In the beginning I thought it was funny/cute/sarcastic, but now I'm thinking that its kinda strange and I think that in his head he's serious. He joked about us "breeding" even if we marry other people.

I havent spoken to him in almost two months, and the other day I get a text about our "plan", and how I'm the best breeder. I jokingly replied but in my head I'm like, you havent called me in 2 months, but send me a text about using my womb? Am I a horse? It was just awkward to me.

This has happened to me before, I used to talk to this dude from Cameroon, and told me that he wanted to repopulate the African nation and we should have mandingo kids together. When I told him I've never been pregnant before he almost had a fit.

I guess I'm flattered, offended, and confused at the same time. I'm starting to think tall men are just weird. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Forgive me if this all sounds stupid, but I just really want to know.

No one has ever mentioned my breeding potential, at least to my face, but it's not unusual at all for people to consider their offspring if they mate with certain types.

When the Olympics were on, the commentators said that a big reason that Yao Ming's parents married was because they wanted to create a tall, athletic, future ball player.
If he wants to breed with u for ur height and just for ur height alone , maybe he needs to get out more.
There are sooo many tall women out there 5'10 and up...
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I thought I was the only one who felt like a breeding prospect!

As recently as a few days ago, I had someone (6-5 former ball player) suggest we get together and have several superkids!

Another instance was on a date at a 4-star restaurant where the guy (gaw-jus, 6-4, former model-now broker) loudly proclaimed: "If I didn't already have kids, I woulda BEEN got you pregnant! See, I'm a SMART n---ga; I know a great investment opportunity when I see it...TALK about money we'll have... You're tall [I'm 6-1], you're athletic, really cute, hold your age well [I'm 40 but I have to swear folks down that I'm not 27], got GOOD hair [that makes me cringe when people say that], and you're very smart, too [I'm a medical editor and a purveyor of useless information--so much that I could probably win a few rounds of Jeopardy]...and THEN some!"

But I get it all the time. I wonder if that's how the pro ballers feel?

*shakes head*
I was told by a guy that I started dating and later became a friend that his biological clock was ticking and he wanted to get me pregers. I initially laughed and asked why he then ran down a complete list which freaked me out because then I knew he was serious. The major factors were that I was smart, pretty, had a good job, didn't seem like I'd get on his nerves and lastly I seem like I'd be good in bed and those are only a few.

Another guy that I'd seriously dated and had stopped the dating part but continued the sex part confessed to me that he'd seriously contemplated putting holes in his condoms to get me pregnant because he knew I'd be with him if I was pregnant. Little did he know if I'm having sex then I'm on birth control although scary none the less.

People think females only come up with these crazy schemes guys have strange plans of their own.