Have you ever been in a relationship with someone...

Yea, but I wasn't in a relationship. It was just dating (for like 10 months).:look:

Anyway, yea I was so excited to have found him! He was nice, caring and ambitious. But then I found out he was all about money. Which is usually a good thing. He would steal from his mother to ahve money in his pocket and I thought that was.. a problem. So left that alone.. SUCH a turn off
Yeah... this dude I was dating was the perfect boyfriend
for the first few months but then out of nowhereness
he would get a really bad temper for
no reason whatsoever... I'm pretty laidback... so
it was super awkward I guess he thought I would
put up with his outburts ... he had me twisted...
the first time I saw signs I was like okay maybe it's stress whatever
but the next time... I kindly gave him his walking papers and peaced out.
Goodbye Crazy.
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I dated this man who was sweet, caring and devoted dad to his son and was good to me. We were together for a few months, but as time wore on I realized he had a problem.

He wore a uniform for work and he would come by house after work and one day he took off his shirt and I almost fainted. There was ring-around-the-collar that you would not believe! I said, "I know you did not wear that shirt to work." "Please give it to me so I can wash it." He would not let me wash it. He said, "no, it's fine."

He would come over to stay and my bedroom needed to be fumigated when he left! I kid you not! He would shower and everything, but he had this odor which I finally realized was in his hair!

He needed to wash his hair!

I really cared that I did not hurt his feelings, but I just couldn't take it anymore. One night he came over and I told him that if he wanted to stay he had to go into the shower and wash his hair. I put out some CON and some Nexxus AloeRid and told him to start scrubbing. He did, but the feelings I had for him had disappeared.

This relationship was ended by me that same week.
I dated this man who was sweet, caring and devoted dad to his son and was good to me. We were together for a few months, but as time wore on I realized he had a problem.

He wore a uniform for work and he would come by house after work and one day he took off his shirt and I almost fainted. There was ring-around-the-collar that you would not believe! I said, "I know you did not wear that shirt to work." "Please give it to me so I can wash it." He would not let me wash it. He said, "no, it's fine."

He would come over to stay and my bedroom needed to be fumigated when he left! I kid you not! He would shower and everything, but he had this odor which I finally realized was in his hair!

He needed to wash his hair!

I really cared that I did not hurt his feelings, but I just couldn't take it anymore. One night he came over and I told him that if he wanted to stay he had to go into the shower and wash his hair. I put out some CON and some Nexxus AloeRid and told him to start scrubbing. He did, but the feelings I had for him had disappeared.

This relationship was ended by me that same week.

uuughhh! :nono:
was his hair long or short?
You couldn't smell it your first date?
uuughhh! :nono:
was his hair long or short?
You couldn't smell it your first date?

That was the crazy part. He kept his hair short (went to the barber regularly), but I don't think he "washed" his hair. I didn't notice it right away. I just got stronger and stronger. I finally knew it was his hair when I made him wash it and the smell went away for the most part. But after that, I was like UGH, Yuck...

Very nice guy, but I couldn't, nor wanted, to teach a grown man hygiene.:nono:
Um, yeah. This always seems to happen to me. My last boyfriend, I found out he was a compulsive liar. The man would lie about stupid stuff. Stuff that didn't matter. So I began to assume he was lying about stuff that did matter too and told him to kick rocks.
Yeah I dated someone that really hated his mother. I realized that he was never going to treat me or any daughter's I had with him right.
He was also a liar too. I found out later that he was engaged to some chick in Atlanta. Good luck to her.
I dated a guy that seemed really nice. After going out with him a couple of weeks he would come up to the office a peep through the blinds (where the string goes through the holes) to check up on me. He had to go.
I did.... I have dated a few with some SERIOUS ISSUES. The top two that i dated with problems was my son's father, who could never see anything through. He always started things but could never finish. He started off four different relationships while we were dating, had difficulites with paying rent and bills and being responsible, couldn;t be trusted with any thing of value be it money, a woman a car.... HE had to go immedately.
The next fool with problems, I was at least smart enough to not have a kid with him. He seemed like a real go getter, had a good job, very good looker and successful. That was until i realized he was the most selfish man i have ever met. He was all about him to the point that he didnt even know i was in the room. He would just sit on the computer all day and not talk to me while i was there to spend time with him. He was very materialistic, told me i needed to get my hair done, picked at my self-esteem, just all around awful.
OP if you have a guy with character issues, get rid of him FAST.......
My ex WCG talked so much and put all his friends' business in the street. He'd tell me stuff that I knew they wouldn't want anyone to know. Once we went to visit his parents. Well, his mom had been taking care of his grandmother who can't walk. She has natural 3b hair, and it was all out. I guess she hadn't had time to do it. Anyway, I'm a joker, and so is he. When we left, I made a joke that his mom's hair looked like Sideshow Bob's. It was a joke, and he knew it.

Well, the next thing I know he's coming back and telling me that he told his mom that I said she looked like Sideshow Bob and that she was mad at me. He said, she said, "So, I look like a sideshow now?" Why would you tell your mom that, especially when you can crack all the jokes on my family that you want and even put them in your "comedy act."

Then whenever someone said bad things about me, he would come back, tell me and then laugh about it like it was funny. The worst part is he was the instigator sometimes. :nono:
I call one guy 'emotionally bankrupt.' First, he is sooooo philosophical I don't understand how anyone puts up with him. And I am a self-proclaimed 'egghead' and still could not keep up. Secondly, he didn't know how to express himself on a real level. It's like he wore a mask sometimes to hide his feelings. :nono: The best way I can explain it is that he came off very passive-agressive or sometimes just plain aggressive. He never talks anything out, the issue just lingers. Also, he doesn't know how to show affection.... :yawn:
My ex WCG talked so much and put all his friends' business in the street. He'd tell me stuff that I knew they wouldn't want anyone to know. Once we went to visit his parents. Well, his mom had been taking care of his grandmother who can't walk. She has natural 3b hair, and it was all out. I guess she hadn't had time to do it. Anyway, I'm a joker, and so is he. When we left, I made a joke that his mom's hair looked like Sideshow Bob's. It was a joke, and he knew it.

Well, the next thing I know he's coming back and telling me that he told his mom that I said she looked like Sideshow Bob and that she was mad at me. He said, she said, "So, I look like a sideshow now?" Why would you tell your mom that, especially when you can crack all the jokes on my family that you want and even put them in your "comedy act."

Then whenever someone said bad things about me, he would come back, tell me and then laugh about it like it was funny. The worst part is he was the instigator sometimes. :nono:

Now that I've giggled and laughed at your crazy stories...I'll share. I was dating this man, 10 years older mind you. He had a 3 strike rule. But, apparently he was keeping a secret score-card, because I didn't know anything about it until I had used my 3rd strike and he was directing me to the left.

The last strike came when I said "I don't know, why don't you google it!", in response to some dumb @ss question he was attempting to have a 'meaningful' conversation about.:perplexed The question..."How do you think Shine recorded his album from prison?"

He also hated his mom, so I think my smart @ss mouth saved me from getting too deep with this nut-job. The real kicker is, he's a psychologist!!!:lachen:
I went out a few times (not a relationship nor any sex) with someone who was semi famous (in couple of movies, BET , etc.) and he has MAJOR mental problems! :spinning:

He was severely abused as a child (both physical and sexual), hated and mistrust white people (no counseling for the abuse because white establishments, talked about guns to protect himself and family from the white devil, etc.), and hated his mother (mainly because she did not stop the abuse).

The first (and only time) time that he started SCREAMING at me on the phone about me being like his dead MOTHER - I was OUT! I occasionally still see him in social circle, and turn him down each time he ask me out. :nono:
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I dated a guy that seemed really nice. After going out with him a couple of weeks he would come up to the office a peep through the blinds (where the string goes through the holes) to check up on me. He had to go.
Maybe he just wanted to see you. :)
I did.... I have dated a few with some SERIOUS ISSUES. The top two that i dated with problems was my son's father, who could never see anything through. He always started things but could never finish. He started off four different relationships while we were dating
Say what? :o
I dated a guy that seemed really nice. After going out with him a couple of weeks he would come up to the office a peep through the blinds (where the string goes through the holes) to check up on me. He had to go.

i'm sorry but:lachen::lachen::lachen: dats insane!
Now that I've giggled and laughed at your crazy stories...I'll share. I was dating this man, 10 years older mind you. He had a 3 strike rule. But, apparently he was keeping a secret score-card, because I didn't know anything about it until I had used my 3rd strike and he was directing me to the left.

The last strike came when I said "I don't know, why don't you google it!", in response to some dumb @ss question he was attempting to have a 'meaningful' conversation about.:perplexed The question..."How do you think Shine recorded his album from prison?"

He also hated his mom, so I think my smart @ss mouth saved me from getting too deep with this nut-job. The real kicker is, he's a psychologist!!!:lachen:
OMG!! Too funny :rofl:
I was in a relationship with a guy for about a year and the first time we spent the night together, I found out he was a sleepwalker and a sleep talker. Talk about scared!!!!!!! He had to go, cause I saw a movie where this guy killed his family while he was sleepwalking. :nono:
Very nice guy, but I couldn't, nor wanted, to teach a grown man hygiene.:nono:

I had a very similar experience. I was with a great guy (on paper). Professional, polite, loving, AND tall, dark and handsome:d

I just KNEW he was the One!:love: That is, until I finally took the rose colored glasses off and accepted that he was NASTY!!
He had a constant odor and I got tired of bringing it to his attention. I started to feel like his Mom:sad:

He also had a bit of a superiority complex because he had more formal education than I:bookworm:
I had a very similar experience. I was with a great guy (on paper). Professional, polite, loving, AND tall, dark and handsome:d

I just KNEW he was the One!:love: That is, until I finally took the rose colored glasses off and accepted that he was NASTY!!
He had a constant odor and I got tired of bringing it to his attention. I started to feel like his Mom:sad:

He also had a bit of a superiority complex because he had more formal education than I:bookworm:

I would have had a field day with him before I dumped his stankazz!
After reading this thread, and after a few weeks of healing, mind you, I am SO OVER my ex! Its to the point where I don't want to even acknowledge him as a person I dated

Looking back dating him was the stupidest, yet smartest thing I have ever done in my life...stupid b/c it was damned to fail from the jump ( My pastor said you can't build order on disorder, and the relationship began on deceit) and smart, b/c I now know what I will not tolerate in a relationship.

He has good intentions but a WHOLE lot of learning to do. His mom passed away when he was younger so he has a lot of issues from that...I feel bad putting him on blast but its not like anyone here knows me personally...The last girlfriend was really young...like the mom wanted to press statutory rape charges...and there was a whole lot of family drama...like i went to one of his dad's baby's mama house (visiting...after he begged me to come with them out of town--when I had a major final to study for!) and the baby mama was giving me dirty looks b/c she thought I was the dad's girlfriend! His dad is pushing 50! Most ppl say I look younger than my age (22), so what the hell! And of course the dad's girlfriend was mad b/c the lady was giving her the cold shoulder...and while all this was going on the ex was outside playing basketball...this jerk left me inside with ppl I didn't know, and ppl he didn't really have any relationship with!

I would be all night telling some of the other ridiculousness associated with him, but I'm just going to say I am SO GLAD he walked away from me!!!! I was too in love to see the light, but getting away from him was the greatest thing that has happened to me.

Ladies if a man verbally tells you with his own mouth, that he is a selfish person, and he is a hypocrite...take off running in the opposite direction and DO NOT LOOK BACK..You can not "fix" him..only God can do that. If you want to wait for that man to mature and get right, that's your prerogative but there are going to be a lot of headaches and heartaches along the way...

I for one, am not willing to sacrifice my peace of mind again.
I was in a relationship with a guy for about a year and the first time we spent the night together, I found out he was a sleepwalker and a sleep talker. Talk about scared!!!!!!! He had to go, cause I saw a movie where this guy killed his family while he was sleepwalking. :nono:

child that wasn't a movie, that happened in real life
wow :blush: those are some stries girls,

well i dated one idiot fool indeed! and if someone tells you they got issues believe them and run away!! :axehunter: this guy was very possessive but would tell me stuff like in the caribbean (he was from st martin) men are allowed to cheat on their gf or wives so if i find out anything bout him i shouldnt stress over it he had to go
My highschool sweetheart, loser ex told me that women were inferior. He also had a Neopolian complex since he was pretty short. I never even noticed he was short but he kept drilling it into my head. The list goes on and on and on.

When I got to college I forgot all about him. He's a loser now that lives with Mom, dropped out of Devry, and can't get a date to save his life. Haha.
and then realized he has serious character issues? If so, please share.

Yea, I met this guy and was dating him and realized that he was a pathological liar - like the type to lie and then start actually believing his own bs. Lied about EVERYTHING - like little stupid stuff "are you with Tmobile? nah, Verizon" type stuff. Lied about where he got his haircut. Lied about where he was from (told me he was from Florida, come to find out he's born and raised in Cali). Lied about his family. Just a damn liar.

I also dated this one guy who was a "music producer" (ok - sidebar. I live in LA so meeting someone who claims to be a music producer is the first red flag). Whatever, he was cute and had chips so I was willing to give it a try. We met at Starbucks and he pulls up in his Lexus (I mention this for a reason). First date we went to this excellent sushi restaurant, then to a "get together" at one of his friends' house (who had a beautiful home in Brentwood over looking all of LA). Then we went back to his house for a little bit (no, it did not go down like that - no kissing, nothing). We actually sat back and listened to music and made some "beats" which was new and fun.

OK - here's where it gets interesting. This man was 32. So when we pull up to his house, this sprawling house in Westwood (at least 6000 square feet), we go into the guest house. The whole time he's talking about how he's gotten to where he's at. Blah Blah Blah. I figured thats where the studio was - whatever.

So we're kicking back and all of a sudden I hear a beeping noise, like an intercom or pager. He pretends like he doesn't hear it. Then the beeping noise becomes one long beep. He still pretends like he doesn't hear it.

Then his MOMMA comes over the intercom and says

"________, baby, are you home now?"
Yes Mom.
"Hi, sweetheart - I love your curly hair" (Thats to me. How she saw me I Have NO IDEA). :nono:
"Did you two have fun?"
Yes Mom.
"OK, now".

10 minutes later.
"________, it's time for your company to go home now!"
Yes Mom. :nono::nono::nono:

".....and can you make sure you park MY CAR in the garage".
Yes Mom.

Yea, I met this guy and was dating him and realized that he was a pathological liar - like the type to lie and then start actually believing his own bs. Lied about EVERYTHING - like little stupid stuff "are you with Tmobile? nah, Verizon" type stuff. Lied about where he got his haircut. Lied about where he was from (told me he was from Florida, come to find out he's born and raised in Cali). Lied about his family. Just a damn liar.

I also dated this one guy who was a "music producer" (ok - sidebar. I live in LA so meeting someone who claims to be a music producer is the first red flag). Whatever, he was cute and had chips so I was willing to give it a try. We met at Starbucks and he pulls up in his Lexus (I mention this for a reason). First date we went to this excellent sushi restaurant, then to a "get together" at one of his friends' house (who had a beautiful home in Brentwood over looking all of LA). Then we went back to his house for a little bit (no, it did not go down like that - no kissing, nothing). We actually sat back and listened to music and made some "beats" which was new and fun.

OK - here's where it gets interesting. This man was 32. So when we pull up to his house, this sprawling house in Westwood (at least 6000 square feet), we go into the guest house. The whole time he's talking about how he's gotten to where he's at. Blah Blah Blah. I figured thats where the studio was - whatever.

So we're kicking back and all of a sudden I hear a beeping noise, like an intercom or pager. He pretends like he doesn't hear it. Then the beeping noise becomes one long beep. He still pretends like he doesn't hear it.

Then his MOMMA comes over the intercom and says

"________, baby, are you home now?"
Yes Mom.
"Hi, sweetheart - I love your curly hair" (Thats to me. How she saw me I Have NO IDEA). :nono:
"Did you two have fun?"
Yes Mom.
"OK, now".

10 minutes later.
"________, it's time for your company to go home now!"
Yes Mom. :nono::nono::nono:

".....and can you make sure you park MY CAR in the garage".
Yes Mom.


Ah damn girl :nono: