have you encountered...

I know what you mean. But live and let live.

I'm kind of obsessive (really anal) about righting perceived wrongs and correcting inaccuracies, but I'm trying hard to learn to bite my tongue. My new rule is: If it's not a matter of that would endanger somebody, I must let it be. Why create discord for unimportant reasons?

Yesterday, at the supermarket, the cashier was arguing with the bagger (both twenty-something males) about Spanish and French being "romantic" languages. I wanted to shout "romance" not "romantic". But I didn't say anything. So proud of myself.
@ lilikoi - But to some they ARE romantic languages. :love: hehe :giggle:

Back to OP...

I have random straight pieces but it's because my hair is a plethora of oddness.... I have alot of different textures and some of them really are uber kinky with little to no curl pattern (shrinkage is crazy at my crown), in other places I have the most beautiful perfect coily magnificence, and at the base it's weird wavy and straight-ish but very soft. Although it's thick, it's also fine so heavy products will make the back straighten out more than the rest. Heat damage? No. I don't use alot of heat... and when I do it's low temp. It really is the way my hair is. So I'll rock twists or what not to make the textures blend depending on how I'm wearing it. Or I'll push my band up higher in the back so that my "droopy soft bits" will be supported to stand out with the rest of my puff/fro.

Anyway, I understand where you're coming from but a majority of the time people that don't want to listen won't. And some folks don't understand their own hair so how will they truly understand someone else's hair?

In short.... live and let live. :yep: