Have you become more sensitive sense joining hair boards?


Well-Known Member
I know I have. Comments that used to not bother me previously bother me now (ie,is your hair real? I can't go natural like you, your hair is big!, etc). I also recall not getting uptight if someone touched my hair before asking, but now I do (depending on the person and their mannerisms). What about you?
Yes!!! I am a 4b natural and I am wearing my hair in cornrows under a wig. I don't have the nerve to wear it without some kinda of pony or something. I have a moment when I am taking off my wig to either CO wash or in general and its that feeling that "it's not mine." My SO is supportive but it still makes me sad sometimes because its much shorter from when he met me. Don't get me wrong i know that's not the reason he loves me but a woman's hair is her crwon and glory. I use this board for educating myself about proper hair growth, inspiration, etc but at times it's difficult to see everyone with thier long luxurious lox and I'm over here with shrinkage and post-BC!!!
Have become more sensitive to other people's hair challenges. I used to see ladies with nice-looking relaxed hair and assumed it was just like that. Now I know how much "behind the scenes" effort is involved. I also used to be a much more "assertive" natural, but now I'm aware of how much people struggle with natural hair, I've learned some humility.