Have U Reached Brastrap Length


New Member
Hey girls

I was reading the old thread about (Re: The Brastrap by 2005 Thread) and I was wondering have you reached your goal. If you have not reached your goal would you like to set the same goal for 2006 for brastrap length.

My questions are

1, Did you reach your goal
2, What did you do to reach your goal
3, What would you like to do diffrently to reach your goal.

Any input would be great!!!!

Thanks :D
I would like to join "bs by 2006". I'm trying to grow my crown to shoulder length (curly). That should make it bs stretched.
With mtg help i should be close to bra stap by the end of this year. Or very close to it god willing the growth does not return to normal:eek: . This mtg is amazing I hope the growth does not stop. I am3 weeks post relaxer and the new growth is here by .5-.6 of an inch normally i would have to wait 6-8 week for new growth. This is the only thing that gave me growth nothing else not the pills , surge, conditioner not even visical.
I don't remember when I posted in the "Brastrap by 2005" thread. After getting a relaxer today, I was pass BSL after my rollers were taken out. I just let her cut about 2-3 inches because I wanted a new style, which I like very much.

For me, it was all about being consistent. It didn't matter what products I was using; all that mattered was that my hair was getting daily moisture from daily co-washing, weekly protein treatments, sealing my ends with grease or oil.

The only thing I'd do differently is to not wear my hair down as much as I did from Jan-May. HTH, Black Sista! :wave:
Yes, I reached brastrap earlier this year although my goal was and still is to have beautiful, healthy hair-no matter what the length.

I stuck to my regimen of washing every 3 days, staying away from heat, rollersetting my hair to airdry (or dry under a cool setting), keeping my hair and especially my ends moisturized, stretching out my relaxers (13 - 15 weeks), doing protein treatments (Keraphix) every 3-4 weeks or so, wearing braidouts or updos.

I wouldn't do anything different.