If you been on LHCF for over 2 yrs!

I've been here for more than 4 years and I still haven't reached my BSL hair goal.

During that time I went from natural to relaxed and back to natural. I didn't give my hair a chance to show me what it could do. The longest my hair has ever reached was between shoulder and armpit length, but it wasn't healthy, and I didn't appreciate it. Now that I'm natural again, I've decided to stay natural and avoid doing anything drastic (such as relaxing or BCing again) until after I've reached BSL. I'm always happy when others reached their goals, but because I haven't reached mine after such a long time, I've decided never give advice to anyone regarding hair (LHCF members, my friends, family, etc.) until after I reach BSL.

One thing that surprised me is that I haven't become discouraged enough to give up. I know can achieve and retain healthy BSL hair, so I will do it :yep:. I want to achieve this goal because I've always admired long, healthy hair. Also, there are certain styles that I want to do, and I need the length to do them.
Well, I've been here since 2006. When I first joined my only goal was to grow my hair back to where it was before my hairdresser intentionally messed up my hair..Yes, that's a long story I'll get into another time. I've reached that goal and now my goal is for waistlength by 12/2009- 6/20010. What I have learned here at LHCF has been invaluable. My hair is healthier, maintains good moisture/protein balance, stronger and I don't depend on ANY stylist for ANYTHING anymore. I am 100% self reliant when it comes to my haircare. I love this place.
Me too. I've reached my goals twice since I've been on LHCF, cut my hair to SL and it grew back. I really can't say I have any goals to be honest. I'm maintaining at WL and keeping my ends healthy. I'm not reaching for hip/knee length or anything like that because I don't want to have to maintain it. I just like hanging out with you ladies :yep:.

Cool fotki!
I've been here for 5 years just when I started transitioning. My hair was waist length and eventually went to below shoulder length a year and a half later to get rid of relaxed ends. Then my goal was to get back to waist length.

Right now, I'm below bra-strap and pretty much mid-back and still seeking waist length. I've had setbacks or I would have reached my goal probably 1.5-2 years ago! But I'm working on it!
Shoulder Length, Arm Pit Length, Bra Strap Length, Mid Back Length, Waist Length.....What the h#ll is WSL? -EMJazzy

:lachen: :lachen: I hadn't seen anybody write WSL but that is too funny!
I reached my original goal of bsl awhile ago. Then I wanted something new and started over in 2005 with a bc. My current goal is wl and I will be there this year. So that will make 3 years. Q
Ya'll can see how long I've been a member, (upper right corner for info) and I have reached my goals while here and also while on hiatus for a few years. I lurked for about 2 months before becoming a member, so I actually stumbled upon the site around January 2005. My goals have changed from initially growing to WL relaxed to going natural, to being Classic Natural/transitioning. So far, the wealth of info and support on LHCF has really helped. I've reached my length goals several times, and my other hair goals (to go natural and BC, to regrow back to BSL while texlaxed, and now to transition again without a BC).

ETA: I have cut off almost all my hair TWICE since being a member here. I started at BSL, grew to MBL. Maintained. Cut off to fauxhawk (a la Rihanna 2006) 3-4 inches in length in Sept. 2007. Grew to APL while transitioning. Cut off (BC) to TWA (3-4 inches in length again) in June 2008 after 9 month transition. Grew back to MBL (current, March 2010) in less than 2 years.
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ive been here for 2 or 3 years and i have not reached my goal. i was well on my way to reaching my relaxed hair goal in my first year. but then i decided to do the bc and go natural. my hair is right where it should be in its first year natural. i guess it would take me another two years to reach my goal of mbl stretched.
I've been a member for almost 4 years and unfortunately I have not reached my hair goals (BSL then eventually MBL) :nono: I had some bouts with color that literally ATE my hair then in '08 I decided to texlax (yes, over the colored hair:blush:) which of course led to some stringy nonsense and lots of breakage. So here I am today, 4 years later, transitioning again. I am currently APL (BARELY :grin:) but I'll be gradually trimming off the relaxed ends so I'm sure it's going to get worse before it gets better. Thank God for wigs:lachen:
I joined Jan 2008, but lurked for several months prior to.
I last relaxed Feb 7, 2008 transitioned until & bc'd in October 2008.

I'm just wondering if you have reached your goal length with success, and how long did it take you to reach it.

No, I haven't reached my length goal (WL) I'm 2 years into my journey, about 1 inch from BSL; so I'm happily chugging along.

What were your setback if any?

I can't say that I've had any real setbacks (thank the Lord) to my length. However, I had a baby in November 2008, and several months later just behind my hair line my edges were bald from post-partum shedding. So, I baby those. However, the majority of my hair is thriving.

Also if you haven't reach your goal, can you please explain why you think so.

Time, I need more time. I'm MT'ing 2-3X per week. If my current rate of growth continues or perhaps even accelerates (with the coming warmer months) I could actually make my goal prior to the end of this year. We shall see...:pray:
Well I have been here for a lil longer than 2 years. Actually started participating in healthy hair practices in the later part of my 1st year.

I have NOT reached my goal. Well, sorta. I started with short (ear length)\permed overprocessed hair. I now have healthy CBL, curly natural lightly coloured hair. I'm loving it! My hair is now back to what it was like when I was a young girl. Thick~very thick! and growing nicely.

My goal from here on it BSL. I like pinning my hair up, and for that you need length! Today I am approximately CBL again after being 10 months post of my bc. I can't wait for a FULL 2 year post to see where I am.

I now know what it takes to keep my hair happy and thriving. <you go girl :)~)
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This thread is for those who have been on this forum for 2 years or more. I've been here since '06. I'm just wondering if you have reached your goal length with success, and how long did it take you to reach it. No, I have not reached my goal length yet. My goal is classic length, and by my calculations it should take me another 3 years to get there.

What were your setback if any? Setbacks, can anyone successfully avoid them??? I have had: moisture overload leading to drastic tearing of my hair at the line of demarcation, splits and raggedy ends, tangling, cut out hunks of hair while taking down braids, weaves that ripped my hairline out.... many setbacks.

Also if you haven't reach your goal, can you please explain why you think so.

Well, since I cut my hair down to a TWA, it's simply going to take time to grow that 1" of hair down past my booty. Rome wasn't built in a day.
I reached my initial goal of BSL or was it MBL?
But my target goal has moved to WL or HL with blow dried hair (not pressed).
I been here since 06, my goal was to be BSL I am there now. I want to me Mid back length now. When I first came here my hair was past shoulder but it was double processed. So I had to let that grow out and get myself in check. Also my set back was using a too strong relaxer, I am a true blue 4a and I was using a regular and wondering why my hair was so out of it lol. But I love so many ladies here, I always learn new things.
I've started posting here 7 years ago and my hair never got much longer than APL. I forgot about the forum for a few years and went natural and now my hair is finally BSL.
I was about 3 inches away from reaching my goal of MBL in Jun 2009 then tried my first 6 month stretch and cut off about 4 inches. I've gone through different phases after joining LHCF in 2005. I was a lurker in non-belief for about 1 year in the beginning that AA women could have long hair. Then after 2 years of lurcking I joined & learned all about co-washing and protective styling. I cut back on the forum and just stuck with what I was doing. But recently i've been getting into natural products and really making my hair healthy. So I can say this part of my journey has just begun :yep:
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I've been here for 4 years. My hair isn't long and I don't really have a goal length so I'm not there.

What were your setback if any? Oh lord I've had so many. I got here with really damaged hair that I was overprocessing and killing so it took a long time to nurse it back to health once I figured out what my hair likes. I had a few too much protein incidents, some breakage. I got really sick a couple of times and lost some hair.

Also if you haven't reach your goal, can you please explain why you think so.

I don't think my hair is way longer because once I got it healthy I had some problems figuring out how to retain length. Now I have that part down better I'm retaining way more length. And my hair grows pretty slowly. At this point I could be disappointed since I've seen so many other ladies gaining and keeping length way beyond what I have since I've been here but I look at it this way.

I arrived with maybe 2" of badly broken, over processed super damaged hair. After all the rounds with breakage and shedding and all the other-drama-hair loss-scissor happy trimming-type bad situations; I now have almost APL super thick, super strong healthy hair which is way better in my book than having my hair be way longer and not as strong or healthy.
This thread is for those who have been on this forum for 2 years or more. I'm just wondering if you have reached your goal length with success, and how long did it take you to reach it.

I'm not there yet.

What were your setback if any?

I have some heat damage I am slowly cutting off right now. There was also a failed texlax a few years ago and I had to transition again.

If you haven't reach your goal, can you please explain why you think so.

I need to wear protective styles more. I have stopped all the bandwagons and products. I think that was alot of my problem. I also stopped trimming so much. I get bored easy, so I'm quick to cut. I cut my hair in a shoulder length bob a couple months ago and have been doing flat twists outs so I'll stick with this for awhile and concentrate on length.
I did reach my goal from shoulder length to bra-strap after being a member for 2 years but I damaged my hair back to armpit due to my own mistakes and now it is taking forever to get the length back. I think I might be stuck at arm-pit.
My Goal: BSL but I've been stuck at APL for the pass 2 years.

Setback: I spend too much time on the offtopic forums :) . Every now and then something happens and I have to trim. I don't really care much that I've been stuck at APL. I guess I'm just glad to learn that it's possible. My twin sister is stuck at BSL but she doesn't care to go longer than that.