Have people seen your natural texture and been suprised?


New Member
So, I'm back on the LHCF block and have decided to give up heat for the rest of the year. I've been strictly air drying. I'm texlaxed, so my hair still has some puff, wave, and texture.

I've also been wearing it down.

So, I had a caucasian (male) co-worker come up to me and say "I thought your hair was straight?"

I said, "yeah, well, I've decided to stop straightening it and just let it hang loose close to my natural texture."

He goes "I thought your hair was NATURALLY straight!" :blush:

Have you ever run across people who genuinely thought your straightened hair was in someway natural??

That shocked me-- I did'nt know there were people out there who thought black people had naturally straight hair? I know texture and curl patterns vary from person to person, but wow.....

Anyway, I thought that was strange and thought i'd share:spinning:
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My folks were shocked... they had no clue.... they doubted that my hair was manageable until I came home from college this winter... now they say I have "good hurr", when last year, they said it was the nappiest stuff!

My roommate (poor girl).... saw my hair after I washed it one day. I was blowing it out when she was like "Gosh, you have a lot of hair It's like really really curly". I said "Well, I have naturally curly hair, like most Black people, I just washed it... I flat iron my hair to get it straight...like you do right?"
She responds, "I didn't know Black people straightened their hair." :lachen:

(I know this is off topic a bit) My other roomate thought it was funny that I could flat iron my hair. She came in the hallway, saw my straightened hair and said "WOW!! your hair is SOOOO straight and silky... It's almost like...wh---" I rebutted "Like what? White people's hair?"

She apologized "Well, I didn't mean it like that..." I said, "Well, looks like I'm going to wash my hair now... don't want to walk around looking 'White', do I?"

Idk...No offense to relaxed ladies. I just didn't want to be compared to a White woman just because I straightened my hair for a day.:nono:
the white people at my job love my hair. the black people just stare at it and say nothing.

when i first went natural in college a lot of people told me my hair was "ugly for someone so fair skinned" :rolleyes: bow i guess they like it and say i have good hair :rolleyes:
Yup... my boyfriend. I have a relaxer but I guess I'm what everyone would call texlaxed because it is far from bone straight. I ended up washing it over his place one time and letting it airdry. He was amazed and actually prefers my hair wavy/curly or whatever it does, I just call it the BIG hair! :grin: he thought my hair was just str8
Yes they have.

It's "nice", "good" "coolie" "nappy" etc. . .

Everyone has a different opinion.

My parents love my hair... so does my sister.

I have a male friend who seen it when I didn't know what I was doing to it. . . and he just attacks it. :rolleyes:
Most white folks have no idea that most sistas with straight hair are either relaxing or pressing/ironing it straight. Never understood why, since most of them do the same things to get their hair straight too.
When my brother came home from Iraq, he was like "Where did you get all those curls". I said I guess from Mom & Dad. :lachen:

Then he just had to touch it and say "Ooo it's so soft". I'm like, how is it supposed to be? :ohwell: I'm all natural.
I was surprised by the texture of my hair.

I went natural fully prepared to deal with brillo pad hair. I was shocked the first time I saw a coil. Now that ain't to say that if I get lazy my hair don't act a fool, but as long as I look after it things are fine.

The first time my brother saw my hair in a puff he was like, "whose waves you done stole?":lachen:
My folks were shocked... they had no clue.... they doubted that my hair was manageable until I came home from college this winter... now they say I have "good hurr", when last year, they said it was the nappiest stuff!

My roommate (poor girl).... saw my hair after I washed it one day. I was blowing it out when she was like "Gosh, you have a lot of hair It's like really really curly". I said "Well, I have naturally curly hair, like most Black people, I just washed it... I flat iron my hair to get it straight...like you do right?"
She responds, "I didn't know Black people straightened their hair." :lachen:

(I know this is off topic a bit) My other roomate thought it was funny that I could flat iron my hair. She came in the hallway, saw my straightened hair and said "WOW!! your hair is SOOOO straight and silky... It's almost like...wh---" I rebutted "Like what? White people's hair?"

She apologized "Well, I didn't mean it like that..." I said, "Well, looks like I'm going to wash my hair now... don't want to walk around looking 'White', do I?"

Idk...No offense to relaxed ladies. I just didn't want to be compared to a White woman just because I straightened my hair for a day.:nono:

hahaha :lachen::lachen:
the white people at my job love my hair. the black people just stare at it and say nothing.

when i first went natural in college a lot of people told me my hair was "ugly for someone so fair skinned" :rolleyes: bow i guess they like it and say i have good hair :rolleyes:

oh my gosh!!! All the black women in my department give me this look like HOW COULD YOU LET PEOPLE SEE *OUR* NATURAL TEXTURE??!?!
Yeah, some folks have asked me "how'd you get your hair like that?" :look:

A majority of my coworkers prefer my curly hair to my straight hair.
Yeah, some folks have asked me "how'd you get your hair like that?" :look:

A majority of my coworkers prefer my curly hair to my straight hair.

it's funny, now that' i've been on this board, i've learned to prefer MY hair curly to straight. it feels liberating. i could go on, but i'm truly grateful to have found this board....i've learned to have pride in what i got going on.
Well, I wonder what white ppl are saying now since there are more commericals and shows (Special K commerical, ATNM, etc.) with natural hair textures.... We need to come out more... maybe we'll see them rocking fros and stuff..........

it's funny, now that' i've been on this board, i've learned to prefer MY hair curly to straight. it feels liberating. i could go on, but i'm truly grateful to have found this board....i've learned to have pride in what i got going on.

I agree.... I prefer my curly hair too... people of all races (well, except the black folks) like my hair this way... All i get from black ppl is "I bet your hair is long straightened":ohwell:

I'm glad I'm on a board that appreciates all types of hair... we all have the same goal to get long, healthy locks, right?
I often get told that if their hair texture was like mine- they'd go natural. I kindly respond that it all good hair and that my hair type is the most recalcitrant multi-textured naps of them all!
Say it out loud-I'm napp and Im proud!
My SO! He loves my natural hair. When I stretched for the 4 months and he'd see my waves and play in my new growth... be begged me not to relax. I did anyway tho. :rolleyes:
I agree.... I prefer my curly hair too... people of all races (well, except the black folks) like my hair this way... All i get from black ppl is "I bet your hair is long straightened":ohwell:

I'm glad I'm on a board that appreciates all types of hair... we all have the same goal to get long, healthy locks, right?

yup. i get that from black ppl too "ohh, your hair would be so pretty if it was straightened..."

unfortunately, i think it just stems from that sad thing some people have about their hair still and don't feel like it's "good hair" unless it's long.

healthy, no matter the texture, like you said is what counts.
oh my gosh!!! All the black women in my department give me this look like HOW COULD YOU LET PEOPLE SEE *OUR* NATURAL TEXTURE??!?!

I get these looks just about everyday from the black women in my department, too!!! :lachen: It is actually kinda sad and funny at the same time!
I have the opposite reaction. My natural hair surprises people because it's so straight and wavy. People tell me all the time, oh you have "beautiful hair".

Sometimes, though, I do get naturals who look at me suspect. I guess they assume that all natural hair for Black people should be kinkier or coarser or much coily. When they see my hair though, lots of naturals would say things like, "do you press your natural hair?" or some brothers have asked me where I was from, because they just figure that I can't be African American.

I gotta get a camera so I can put up pics, so you guys can help me figure out what my hair type is. The closest I can say is that it maybe a combination of 1a/4a or 2a/3c/4a.
Yep, I had a braider work on my hair, and she was like it's so soft. It looks nappy but it's not nappy at all. :rolleyes:

When I was natural, I had black folks telling me my hair was "that different texture" - whatever that means - because it's curls up. :rolleyes:

Now I'm texlaxed and when I wash and go, I still get the "good hair" comments. :rolleyes: