Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAIR!..

Lucky's Mom

New Member
Howdy! :grin:

I don't ost very often here anymore - But I thought I would share some of my revelations after being at the "Grow Afro Hair Long" stint since about 2005!!!!

As many folks know - I have been natural for about 12 years... and I have had my share of Ups:yep: and Downs:nono: - Like everyone on LHCF!

I have tried - ALMOST - every thing under the Sun... So much So - that My husband insisted that I put a stop the HAIR STUFF! :look:

anyway - :perplexed - I was always looking for more of "this or that" to conquer thinness, growth, etc. etc....and found that I had some success!!!!

However - I realized that a long hair girl - Who was severely out of shape - and out of control weight wise - was ridiculous.

on June 1, 2010 - I began my 400 Days of fitness. I decided that I needed to be healthy and Fit - for many many reasons... But the one payoff for a busy life was that:
a. I had no time to make all these different concoctions!!!:nono:
b. I was Sweating like CRAZY - so wearing Straight hair - Ummm Was a waste of Time:rolleyes:
c. I needed to find an easy way to Cut down on Styling - etc.....

I have been wearing Cornrows ( into a lovely bun) since July. I don't worry so much about DC'ing - I rinse after heavy workouts - and co - wash, every now and then........and when it is time to get re braided - I condition - shampoo - Blow Dry - and keep rolling.
NO fuss.
I use 3 conditioners... Spray aloe vera juice every other day - Maybe..........:look:

I've Tossed out a bunch of stuff I don't use.. and have simplified my life...

The results???? LONGER THICKER - AMAZING HAIR. My hair has never looked this good. ( well - it needs a trim - But - oh Well...)

So - what is my point here?

Working out - is the secret to healthy hair. :lick: I know - I am preaching to the choir - but - I thought I would share!!!!!!

It's the SWEAT!!!! Go out there and SWEAT :boxing:y'all!!!!

Blessings to all of the LHCF Family!
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I think its more so just the working out (which is great for ur body/hair) bc when u work out ur lifestyle and eating habits also change for the better which usually = a better u and hair

Eta: we miss u around here...I've always been a fan of urs

Sent from my HTC Glacier using Long Hair Care Forum App
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

I lived a pretty healthy lifestyle - But I did not workout... and that is what I needed... =)
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

I don't think it's the sweat...it's just the workouts themselves. If anything, sweating does cleanse your body of toxins, your blood circulates better when working out, your metabolism increases, and lots of other good stuff. But, sweat itself is salty and can dry out your hair (in my experience).

I work out frequently and generally co-wash after my workouts. The co-washes also provide more moisture & if I DC while working out, I get an amazing conditioning treatment. ETA: Like the above poster said, I also usually eat better, the more I work out and that helps, too.
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

Good Job! I am happy that you made a life change and got good growth from it!

any pics?
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

Congrats on your growth, but don't forget to give your low to no manipulation and uber simple regimen some of the credit too. :lol:
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

I believe it was a combination of things - the working out to stimulate circulation combined with a healthy diet - my hair grew like crazy the year I had two eggs for breakfast each morning lol - the low manipulation regi, and the constant moisture from the co-washing & spritzing daily! Good job on reaching ur hair & fitness goals! Im on my journey too lol
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

:giggle: Girl, you're gonna have people collecting sweat from dirty folks armpits to make a concoction of some growth aid. :rofl:

Exercise => improved circulation => better delivery of nutrients to all cells including follicles and better collection of toxins from cells including follicles and thus disposal => healthier cells including follicles. Also when follicles are well supplied with blood, they are stronger and less vulnerable to damage.

Sweating also helps us get rid of waste and sweating can prevent a build up of sebum (that oily natural moisturizer our skin/scalp produce that contains a bunch of fats). Too much sebum accumulation in the follicles or scalp can not only lead to dandruff and dermatitis but even to hair loss because it can cause a plug of fat (cholesterol) to form around the hair root. Cholesterol on the scalp/follicles produces an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase which combines testosterone also found in follicles (male hormone) to form DHT. When DHT attaches to hair follicles it chokes them and they eventually shrink and die leading the hair loss or thinning hair. If you work out and you sweat, the sweat helps to "wash" away the sebum and stop its accumulation which would otherwise just give you problems. And chances are, when you sweat too much, you feel icky and in need of a wash which leads a clean scalp and therefore less chance of sebum accumulation and thus enzyme 5 alpha reductase buildup. I mentioned earlier about follicles being stronger when well supplied with blood and the stronger they are the less vulnerable to DHT they are.

Need I mention the benefits of low manipulation?

Also because you are on a health mission, you're probably eating better so that all the food you're consuming is actually wholesome and useful in bringing better health to your cells. Junk food is usually full of empty/useless stuff that takes the place of nutrients and leaves cells malnourished. So your healthy eating is giving your cells the best nutrition ever--including follicles.

Last but not least, when your body isn't happy, you hair isn't happy either. Your body takes care of #1 first (organs, channels that supply organs, etc) before it worries about follicles, so that now that you're taking good care of your total health your hair is getting its share of what it needs for better growth because the "big shots" (body cells) have had their fill so there's enough to share with the "little people" (hair cells). ;)
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Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

I don't think it's the sweat...it's just the workouts themselves. If anything, sweating does cleanse your body of toxins, your blood circulates better when working out, your metabolism increases, and lots of other good stuff. But, sweat itself is salty and can dry out your hair (in my experience).

I work out frequently and generally co-wash after my workouts. The co-washes also provide more moisture & if I DC while working out, I get an amazing conditioning treatment. ETA: Like the above poster said, I also usually eat better, the more I work out and that helps, too.

I agree with this. If the title of this thread was true we would simply use sweat as a growth aid...
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

I don't think it's the sweat...it's just the workouts themselves. If anything, sweating does cleanse your body of toxins, your blood circulates better when working out, your metabolism increases, and lots of other good stuff. But, sweat itself is salty and can dry out your hair (in my experience).

I work out frequently and generally co-wash after my workouts. The co-washes also provide more moisture & if I DC while working out, I get an amazing conditioning treatment. ETA: Like the above poster said, I also usually eat better, the more I work out and that helps, too.

The Title of the post was a Joke. I know it's not the sweat :grin::yep:
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

Good Job! I am happy that you made a life change and got good growth from it!

any pics?

Thanks Mama!!! :kiss:

I dont take hair pics anymore. I am sort of Over it. the last pic I took was the one in my signature :lick: That was July 2010.
I have FB Pics. :drunk:
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

She said it in the post that she credited her exercising to her hair retention. I think the thread title was just an attention grabber. I'm pretty sure she doesn't believe sweat to be the cause.

Working out - is the secret to long healthy hair. :lick: I know - I am preaching to the choir - but - I thought I would share!!!!!!

@OP I believe that and low manipulation and healthy eating would be where credit is due. Also I would love pics of your cornrow styles. I never care for how cornrows look on me but I'm always on a hunt for ones that would compliment my face shape. So what exercises have you been doing? I've been trying to focus on fitness as well this year.
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

I agree with this. If the title of this thread was true we would simply use sweat as a growth aid...

@AlliCat, I'm so glad to hear you haven't jumped on this mine coz I'm about to patent this ish right here! I'ma sue any of you that try to copy my idea of the growth aid, no kidding! :whip: I thought of it first...just was slow to post coz I ramble too much.

I'm not playing AlliCat... :bat: No piggybacking on my money-making idea--and that goes for all y'all--or someone'll get hurt up in here. :whip:

ETA: Ooh, I think I even have an ad campaign for it. :yay:

The Nonie Juice You Don't Drink but Serve to Your Head Instead!
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Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

:giggle: Girl, you're gonna have people collecting sweat from dirty folks armpits to make a concoction of some growth aid. :rofl:

Exercise => improved circulation => better delivery of nutrients to all cells including follicles and better collection of toxins from cells including follicles and thus disposal => healthier cells including follicles. Also when follicles are well supplied with blood, they are stronger and less vulnerable to damage.

Sweating also helps us get rid of waste and sweating can prevent a build up of sebum (that oily natural moisturizer our skin/scalp produce that contains a bunch of fats). Too much sebum accumulation in the follicles or scalp can not only lead to dandruff and dermatitis but even to hair loss because it can cause a plug of fat (cholesterol) to form around the hair root. Cholesterol on the scalp/follicles produces an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase which combines testosterone also found in follicles (male hormone) to form DHT. When DHT attaches to hair follicles it chokes them and they eventually shrink and die leading the hair loss or thinning hair. If you work out and you sweat, the sweat helps to "wash" away the sebum and stop its accumulation which would otherwise just give you problems. And chances are, when you sweat too much, you feel icky and in need of a wash which leads a clean scalp and therefore less chance of sebum accumulation and thus enzyme 5 alpha reductase buildup. I mentioned earlier about follicles being stronger when well supplied with blood and the stronger they are the less vulnerable to DHT they are.

Need I mention the benefits of low manipulation?

Also because you are on a health mission, you're probably eating better so that all the food you're consuming is actually wholesome and useful in bringing better health to your cells. Junk food is usually full of empty/useless stuff that takes the place of nutrients and leaves cells malnourished. So your healthy eating is giving your cells the best nutrition ever--including follicles.

Last but not least, when your body isn't happy, you hair isn't happy either. Your body takes care of #1 first (organs, channels that supply organs, etc) before it worries about follicles, so that now that you're taking good care of your total health your hair is getting its share of what it needs for better growth because the "big shots" (body cells) have had their fill so there's enough to share with the "little people" (hair cells). ;)

NONIE!!!! :runninghug:
:kiss: I screamed out Loud laughing!!!! OMG!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

I figured Some people ( Namely NONIE ) would know I was joking! LOL
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

I agree with this. If the title of this thread was true we would simply use sweat as a growth aid...


Really - I know I don't post much - But um.... :look::look::look:

It was a JOKE.

Please - everyone who is reading this - please dont go run around the block and put sweat on your head!

I guess I should have Prefaced this - since people put everything from Bacon GREASE To :look: "down there" cream on their heads.....
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

LOL - NONIE - I am dying of Laughter!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!


ok.................. For the Smart people in the room:rolleyes:

"Human Sweat for longer hair" Was an INFERENCE.( nonie - did I spell that right?) This means - that it is not LITERAL.

Clearly - I am aware that Clean eating - and Working hard - gives a great result in our OVERALL health.

My point was that 5 million products that claim promises do SQUAT.

vitamins and Drinks don't mean JACK if you don't take care of all of it! ( the whole body..)

That's it!!!!


:drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk: Y'all will see me - in July - Possibly............... After my 400 days are done.

Yall wear a sista OUT!
Unless you are friends with me on FB!
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Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

What the?! Somehow I think yet another person is calling me out and telling me to get my butt in the gym. Ok. Ok! I don't need a boulder to fall on my head. I'm in the gym... yeah, uh...next week... or so. :look:
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

What the?! Somehow I think yet another person is calling me out and telling me to get my butt in the gym. Ok. Ok! I don't need a boulder to fall on my head. I'm in the gym... yeah, uh...next week... or so. :look:

Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

She said it in the post that she credited her exercising to her hair retention. I think the thread title was just an attention grabber. I'm pretty sure she doesn't believe sweat to be the cause.

@OP I believe that and low manipulation and healthy eating would be where credit is due. Also I would love pics of your cornrow styles. I never care for how cornrows look on me but I'm always on a hunt for ones that would compliment my face shape. So what exercises have you been doing? I've been trying to focus on fitness as well this year.

I don't take hair pictures any more :sad: but I may be in a couple of print ads in about a month!
I will let you know!
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

@Lucky's Mom, you're gonna give yourself hypertension tryna make yourself clearer than you already have :lachen: Not to mention you're screwing my hustle :mad: What's wrong witchu?:rolleyes: I know...you just mad I owned you by taking an idea you came up with and running with it before you could. While I think of a name for my product, I'll make the ad campaign my siggy!



and owner/maker of

The Nonie Juice You Don't Drink But Serve To Your Head Instead
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Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

@Lucky's Mom, you're gonna give yourself hypertension tryna make yourself clearer than you already have :lachen: Not to mention you're screwing my hustle :mad: What's wrong witchu?:rolleyes: I know...you just mad I owned you by taking an idea you came up with and running with it before you could. While I think of a name for my product, I'll make the ad campaign my siggy!



and owner/maker of​

The Nonie Juice You Don't Drink But Serve To Your Head Instead®​

Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

I'm with NJoy this thread is helping to get me off my butt and workout today. Oh, and Lucky's Mom your siggy always cracks me up.

ETA: Nonie, you are a mess!:lachen::lachen:
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Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

It's the circulation more so than the sweat. It's what the experts say and what I'm working on now. :)
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

What the?! Somehow I think yet another person is calling me out and telling me to get my butt in the gym. Ok. Ok! I don't need a boulder to fall on my head. I'm in the gym... yeah, uh...next week... or so. :look:

^ This Congrats luckys mom on your growth and lifestyle change . My little one is 5 mos now so no more excuses back on the horse or exercise bike more acccurately.:yep:
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

LOL - NONIE - I am dying of Laughter!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!


ok.................. For the Smart people in the room:rolleyes:

"Human Sweat for longer hair" Was an INFERENCE.( nonie - did I spell that right?) This means - that it is not LITERAL.

Clearly - I am aware that Clean eating - and Working hard - gives a great result in our OVERALL health.

My point was that 5 million products that claim promises do SQUAT.

vitamins and Drinks don't mean JACK if you don't take care of all of it! ( the whole body..)

That's it!!!!


:drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk: Y'all will see me - in July - Possibly............... After my 400 days are done.

Yall wear a sista OUT!
Unless you are friends with me on FB!

For the smart people in the room????? Really, was that necessary? :ohwell:
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

^ I thought it was all in good fun.
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

For the smart people in the room????? Really, was that necessary? :ohwell:

^ I thought it was all in good fun.

:look::look: Yes - It was all in good fun.:yep: And I thought making myself clear would be helpful... because alot of folks take things so literally. I forgot about that here on LHCF.

I meant to offend no one....

Now back to my own world!