Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAIR!..

Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

I laughed so hard that my head hurts!! I'm getting ready to hit my fitness hard!
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

Thanks to you Lucky's Mom and Nonie I got my workout done today. I did some of Jane Fonda's waist workout at the beginning and the waist whittler at the end among other things and it whopped my butt.
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

Congratulations on your growth and getting healthy. :yay:Now that spring is here (sort of), I'm kickin' the winter blues and getting more active. I've also decided to only eat foods from my garden as well as fresh fish.

My first goal is to feel great. More hair would be a nice bonus.
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

LOL glad to see you posting. My hair definitely grows faster when I work out regularly.
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

Congratulations on your growth and getting healthy. :yay:Now that spring is here (sort of), I'm kickin' the winter blues and getting more active. I've also decided to only eat foods from my garden as well as fresh fish.

My first goal is to feel great. More hair would be a nice bonus.

Thanks!!! Honestly - all I cared about was getting healthy. I know lots of folks chop all the hair - and focus soley on the body aspect. I vowed a few years ago that I would never cut my hair again - so - I had to make it work. My husband loves long hair. I cannot escape that..

But - Hair is NOT more important than my health any more.

I don't co wash daily - and I DON'T really focus on my hair at all! I Wrap it at night faithfully - but any other weekly 3 hour tours?? That is OVAH:yep:

I barley do anything to it. And I guess that was the point of my post. Hard work and Sweating for your health - is better than any 100.00 Conditioner out there.
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

Hey LuckysMom:wave: Great to see a post from you. This thread is further confirmation that I need to get my tail to the gym.....been trying, just been lazy. Umm, not sure how the light-hearted reference to sweat went to the left so quickly :huh: but I'm glad we are now all on the same page with you.

I just started a much more simple hair regi and I couldn't be happier. I have given myself back several hours per week! Thanks for sharing!
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

This is why I haven't noticed much growth since last year. I haven't gone to the gym or worked out since April 2010....
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

It was a joke Tiye. :grin:

See you could have just kept that to yourself and inspired a workout bandwagon. :grin: Then someone might unearth a vendor in the back woods of oregon selling the formula equivalent to human sweat for busy people who don't have the time to work out and his sales would suddenly spike. As the hair board world turns. :grin:
Re: Have not posted in AGES - But - Here we go..HUMAN SWEAT IS THE SECRET TO LONG HAI

@Tiye, you're late. No unearthing of some vendor necessary. It's already happened. :look: I nicked that idea already (See upthread) and even have an ad campaign out. Yeah, I even busted OP tryna thwart my hustle with her full disclosure just like you did. :yep:


and owner/maker of

The Nonie Juice You Don't Drink But Serve To Your Head Instead®​
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