
New Member
I'm asking this because I am very hopeful my hair will grow longer than it ever has before. It is grazin my shoulders right now and this is the same length my hair has been almost all my life. Its like it gets to this length and stops growing.

I want to know if any of you since coming on this board or taking care of your hair have you achieved a length you never thought was possible for your hair? It seems a lot of you had long hair as a child or just generally have long hair that will grow. I'm getting discouraged and starting to think my hair will never grow longer than this.
Don't get discouraged hon. Your hair WILL grow. A lot of use have always had hair that never seems to get past a certain length. But that's only becuase we didn't know how to care for our hair. Now that you know what to do, your hair will thrive, trust me. Take a look at Adirenne's album. Her hair was stuck at her beginning length for years.
I'm trying not to get discoraged but I'm starting to believe either you got it or you don't. And I don't think I have it. I'm taking care of my hair and will continue to do so but hopefully it will grow longer than it has ever been before
I know what u are going to say: "Anky, ponytail styles break off my hair, so don't reccomend protective styles to me anymore

if u look @ my account @ http://public.fotki.com/anky/throwback_pictures/ (password: hair) u will see that i was @ a standstill of shoulder length for a long time. I wanted long hair so bad, but I never used conditioner, I didn't know the best rollersetting techniques, and my sister-in-law would cut so much of my hair because of split ends.

in may when i found some tips from Motowngirl's site, I saw growth immediately because i was protecting my ends from the friction of my shoulders. then i found LHCF in october (and used their wonderful tips) and my length now is 13 inches... as opposed to maybe 7-8 inches in may. I never thought it would get this long. even my cousin makes fun of me and says it has to be a weave.

everybody's hair grows. thats pretty much why we need touchups all the time lol. if u find what works for you and stay consistent, u will retain all your growth!
The hardest part about growing out is patience, isn't it.

I do believe that since learning to take better care of my hair (and b/c I learned to take care of it day to day myself) that it is indeed growing FASter than it ever has before.

But hang in there. Your hair is growing. It's growing right now. You'll get there and have some good experiences along the way: The people. The experiments: the smells, the sounds. And then you'll watch your hair reach certain targets. You'll feel it finally touch to here, touch to Here, touch to HERE.

Enjoy the journey. But patience is hard, I know..
I had really long hair when I was a child (a lot of people did) but when I started getting relaxers it all went downhill. My hair had never been shorter than the nape of my neck but it hasn't been as long as it is now since I was in elementary school.
yes anky you know me. No protective styles. I'm just not trying to wear a bun in my head everyday looking like my name should be Ms. Crabtree.
and yes putting my hair up does break my hair off. I just can't do it up everyday its just not attractive to me either.
lisatamika said:
I had really long hair when I was a child (a lot of people did)

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See that's what I mean. I never even had long hair when I was young. I think a lot of women had long hair when they were young and their hair is pre destined to grow that length again with proper care but if you never had it at all then it seems impossible to get to me.
I feel just like you Wolftrap. My hair wasn't that long when I was a child either and that is why, I am soooo skeptical of it growing now.
maybe people's parents didn't know how to care for the hair and that's why it stayed so short. i know my mom didn't know what the heck she was doing. my BROTHERS did a better job than she did (check my bio below).
My hair got its longest when I was between the ages of 16-19. At that time I pretty much had my hair styled in wet set styles, such as a wrap--most often, all though it took a looong time to dry. After wards the stylist would bump the ends with marcel curlers; "Sister curls", french rolls, phony ponies.

The blow drying and hot curling was at a bare minimum.
I most certainly have. The front right side of my hair has grown several inches. This was a side that had always been very short, no matter how long the rest of my hair was. I am closer to brastrap than I have ever been. Also my nape hairs are coils that stretch out to about 5 inches when they've never been more than an inch in length. I have been relentlessly faithful to my regimens (even when feeling bored with them) because I believe that I could have what my inspiration who is Adrienne, has. I see everything that has happened for her as happening for me. For me, it's been all about maintaining the health and moisture my strands and keeping my scalp clean because as long as you need to relax every so often, you KNOW your hair is growing. Hang in there and believe
as corny as it sounds.
Yes, ever since I came to this site, my hair has finally gotten below the nape of my neck. I've learned so much about wet sets and roller sets, so that's helped me a lot.
Don't lose hope. As most of the ladies here have said check out Adrienne's pictures. She is living proof and an inspiration that hair can grow even if you never had long hair before.
I agree with Anky. Maybe whoever was taking care of your hair as a child did things that caused your hair to break off: infrequent washing, too tight ponytails, bad rubberbands. So past results are not necessarily an indicator of future potential!!

My hair was the exact same length for over 20 years!! I just believed that was my hair limit. My hair started growing by accident. I was SOOO busy with work, that I just didn't have time to do it. So I basically stopped hot curling it everyday, and would just use a lot of gel on the edges and twist the rest up.

This went on for a few months. When I finally got around to pressing it, it was like, "Hey, it looks a little longer." But I thought I was just tripping. Eventually I put two and two together and realized that, "Man, all that heat was causing my hair to break off." And NOW my hair is the longest it's ever been in my life. Do you hear me?

Don't lose faith. Figure out what you did in the past that harmed your hair and stop doing it. My enemy was excessive heat.
ok I looked at Adriennes album and I guess that gives me some hope that my hair will EVENTUALLY grow. I guess I just need to be more patient but it has been the same length for YEARS. Hopefully in the summer it will grow. I am going to do daily CO washes and start surging in the summer. I hope it works!
When I first came to the board I was looking for tips on how to grow back thinining hairline and bald spots.
I did not care about the rest of my hair getting longer but
to my surprise my hair was shoulder length in no time.
I have never been shoulder length in my life.
I have achieved growth from coming to this board. I could never get my hair to even touch my shoulders. Now my hair touches the very top of my shoulder blades.

I was feeling the same way when I started. I thought I would never acheive anything.

Dont worry as long as you keep up you regimen with moisture,protective styles, and trimming split ends. You should be fine
As a child my hair was NEVER long. The longest it had ever gotten was ear length. Because of the knowledge I have gained on this board my hair is less than a 1/2 of an inch shy of armpit length in the front and armpit length in the back. I was skeptical too in the beginning, but the more I applied tips and techniques from this board the more my hair grew. I will finally be posting pics soon!
As a child growing up, my hair was never long, it was always a inch below my earlobe. When I was 18, when it was curly permed, it grow past my shoulders, then it broke, then I was natural for about 18 months, but it barely touched the nape of my neck. When it was relaxed, it was always collarbone length, and I suffered badly from thin ends. Since I started washing and rinsing more frequent, my back hair stretches comfortably to my shoulders, and it is just a inch or so away from my collarbone. So I am very excited and pleased. The exciting thing about this, is that I am natural and I don't go to any hair salons or anything. Just simple things like taking supplments, washing or rinsing frequently are the key.
I saw her pics and they are pretty. She has very pretty hair, but she had long hair when she was a child to.
I checked out Adrienne's album after I saw your post. Her hair growth is fantastic and inspiring. Does anyone know what she uses on her hair?
I totally agree with HoneyLemonDrop.

I've never had hair the length my hair is now. I think the longest mine was was probably 4 or 5 inches past the shoulders before I started visiting hair forums, reading literature on hair growth and maintenance, and making my hair a priority. When I first started growing my hair out, like many ladies here, people doubted that I would have success. But I believed because I'd seen photos of other ladies who'd grown their hair long.

Whenever I am approaching a challenging situation, I think of something Maya Angelou said: "I don't think there's anything in the world I can't do....In my creative source. I don't see why I can't sculpt. Why shouldn't I? Human beings sculpt. I'm a human being."

Whatever challenege I'm facing, I just substitute a new word or phrase for "sculpt," and go forward with the belief that I can do whatever I put my prayers, time, energy, and finances toward.

I sincerely believe that YOU WILL be successful!
kaykay said:
I saw her pics and they are pretty. She has very pretty hair, but she had long hair when she was a child to.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, my hair was longish as a child. But my hair stayed the EXACT same length for over 20 years. Elementary = same length. High School = same length. College = same length. After college = same length.

Within the last year and a half or so, I have experienced growth that I have NEVER had before. Growth that occurred when I changed up my routine and started caring about my hair.

Ironically, my sister (who as a child had hair exactly the same texture/length as I had as a child) now has chin length, thin, raggedy hair. Why? Because she abuses her hair with the wrong products, wrong techiniques, and makes bad choices.

I again repeat what I said earlier: what happened in the past is not necessarily a determining factor for what anyone's future hair potential is!