
New Member
Ok so today is my big retouch day where hopefully I will be right a brastrap. I tried to share this great news with my friend thinking she'll be happy for me and you wouldnt believe how she responded.
She said my hair looked nasty and raggly and I should cut it and stop tryin to be white. WTF?? My hair is so healthy its not even funny especially compared to her ear length rat nest she calls hair. I mean i was so

What type of hater comments have you guys gotten about your hair and how did you react?
You better never be alone with her. She sounds like she would get a pair of scissors and whack your hair off out of pure spite.
Just this past weekend I wore my hair down while in Virginia on one of those spirit cruises during a family reunion. Why did I do that. Hair was flying everywhere when the wind blew! Anyway, I had my back turned while sitting down and felt somebody pulling on my hair. I turned around and it was my husbands nephew. I asked him what he was doing and he said he was checking for tracks and kept yankin at it. I gave him a nasty look and told him to let go of my hair. At the same time his mother was watching shaking her head the whole time and said, "I don't know why he thinks Black people can't grow hair...."

A friend of mine went to a party and wore her hair down. I told her about this board and she's been taking care of her hair for less than a year and is brastrap. She's also told a couple of people about the site and what to do etc. Anyway, she said when they saw her they just couldn't stop starting and then asked her who did her weave!
She told them that it was her hair. Their response was, "No seriously, who did your weave..."
<font color="purple">Nasty comments like that could spell T R O U B L E, if you know what I mean. That wasn't very nice for her to respond like that. I mean, what kind of friend is she anyway? You've worked so hard to get your hair growing nice and long. If I were you, I would slap her hand, but knowing me, I would never do that.
I would not speak to her at all for being so arrogant and rude. Find someone else who appreciates your hair, and not have ugly comments from that person. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but negative comments comming from someone can hurt you hard. </font>
nah..then again...my hair isn't super beautiful and long, but i'm improving my hair regimen and actually CARING about it and i know that in time my hair will gain health and length. i'm more inspired by women who have long/healthy hair. i don't want to rip their faces off because i don't.
GiGi55799 said:
She said my hair looked nasty and raggly and I should cut it and stop tryin to be white.

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She doesn't sound like much of a friend to me...
Envy is really somethin!!...
sounds like your friend has a lil green eyed monster inside of her..tsk tsk

me on the other hand, along time ago i wore my hair down and my friends that had never really seen me with my hair down because thats rare kept asking me was it weave and whenever i said no..no one believed me. somebody even tried to FEEL the tracks.

another time not to long ago i wore a braid out..before i even knew what it was..andmy ex-boyfriends brother came up to me and asked me what was wrong with my WIG..i was soooo embarassed. i had a feeling it looked funy..but i had been receiving mixed comments all day..some people liked it and some didn't.
my cousin once checked my hair for a weave and in my first year of college the other black girls would hate/talk crap or not even talk to me at all just beacuse they thought I was trying to be bad with my long hair. People only say and do natsty things like that b/c they are too jealous and it makes them sick to compliment you. Nevermind them and keep growing your hair GiGi. Why are black women always hating on some because of some hair? Thats why I come to this site because you all are so supportive. Thanks
I don't know what is wrong with some people. There is nuff ladies with beautiful hair that these people can learn freom. My hair is not long but it is starting to become healthy because of the advice and regimen I have put together form talking with you guys. Girl you hold your head up and swing that hair
Yeah, you better watch her. There was another lady on here whose friend was jealous of her hair and the girl put bleach in the lady's hair products!

Get FAR away from her! There's no telling what else she's harbouring against you.
GiGi55799 said:
Ok so today is my big retouch day where hopefully I will be right a brastrap. I tried to share this great news with my friend thinking she'll be happy for me and you wouldnt believe how she responded.
She said my hair looked nasty and raggly and I should cut it and stop tryin to be white. WTF?? My hair is so healthy its not even funny especially compared to her ear length rat nest she calls hair. I mean i was so

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I would tell her, "why so you can glue it on your sorry ass tired looking head" this is why i cant be around people that act ugly, because it makes me call them out on shyt. If you already not looking right....at least be nice-- i mean goodness. -- jainygirl
Awww I'm sorry this happened. I think we have all faced this a time or two.

For instance the other day, I was telling my aunt about daily or semi-daily conditioner washes and all of the benefits that they offer.

You know what she said to me...."But you're not white."

Ugh!!!! Now my aunt does have really healthy thick hair that she does nothing to, but her reaction got me upset. I think she also does not see any benefit, cause she hasn't seen me with any results YET, mostly because I always do something to screw my hair up.

But anyway don't worry about your friend, she'll be jealous when you come in with that long hair swinging tomorrow, don't be afraid to shake it girl!!!
Awww I'm sorry this happened. I think we have all faced this a time or two.

For instance the other day, I was telling my aunt about daily or semi-daily conditioner washes and all of the benefits that they offer.

You know what she said to me...."But you're not white."

Ugh!!!! Now my aunt does have really healthy thick hair that she does nothing to, but her reaction got me upset. I think she also does not see any benefit, cause she hasn't seen me with any results YET, mostly because I always do something to screw my hair up.

But anyway don't worry about your friend, she'll be jealous when you come in with that long hair swinging tomorrow, don't be afraid to shake it girl!!
Your friend is definitely giving off a lot of hate!

This has happened to me a few times:
Once my girlfriends and I were having a conversation about hair and girlfriend "A" says, "I'm going to cut my hair in a short haircut" so I say "why" and she goes off, "my hair don't make me, I don't need to have long hair, I know you aint never cutting your hair" and I said "you damn skippy I aint!" I detected a little hate and jealousy in her voice. I believe she secretly wants long hair but it's not growing so she keeps cutting it. If short hair is your thing well fine roll with it but that's not for me.

Another incident was with a girl who has nice hair and maybe about 3 past her shoulder. Now I'm coming down the block and I see her and another girl staring at me as I'm walking, my hair just a bouncing and blowing in the wind and of course soon as I get to them this hating @ss chick says "you're twisting your head so much it's going to come off your shoulders!" So I said "No *****, it's called having body, so I don't have to twist my head, it's automatic."
at choclate princess, i cant believe you girl. i notice girls giving me faces when i walk down the street with my hair out as well. haters man....
sassygirl125 said:

Dump her! Or keep your hair covered when she's around!

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My thoughts exactly!
You friend is definiately a hater. You just keep taking care of your hair. She is going to lay an egg when you hit waist length.
It's called hate, jealousy, envy. Tell homegirl green is not her color. Even as thick and cottony as my hair is somebody told me my hair is thin and i need to cut my hair cause its never gonna grow unless i get rid of my ends. I just cut my ends. Now I know my hair looks thin when it is straightened but the whole head is like that.If that was the case I should just shave it or not wear it straight. I will do the latter of the two. Sometimes you just can't share good news with people.
GiGi55799 said:
at choclate princess, i cant believe you girl. i notice girls giving me faces when i walk down the street with my hair out as well. haters man....

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I have not told any of my family/friends about this forum and it's not because it's not helpful but because they already think I'm too into myself already! My family sometimes says I'm vain but I just feel like if I don't love myself and think I'm beautiful than somethings wrong! As soon as you start keeping your hair/self looking good you have to think your all that! Shoot, don't be mad at me step your game up!
This is truly sad...I hate when people cannot rejoice in each other's success, but rather, chose to undercut an achievement with spiteful and envious remarks. Is there no end...Congrats to you on your impending goal and steer clear of your so-called friend. The sooner they show themselves, the better IMO.
I think we all know at least one person like that, sad but true. Here's my story that I told a while back:

I was at a friends house over the weekend and she was commenting on how much my hair had grown since the last time she saw me (It has been about a month and 1/2). I started telling her about how I wash it AT LEAST 3 times a week, what products I used and how I keep my ends moist or so and so forth, thinking I might recruit somebody. I was just trying to share some of the knowledge that I have learned here and by reading books on the subject.

Her response was, "What do you think you are? White or hispanic?" My response was, "You were the one that was just telling me how nice my hair looks." She got quiet on me. By the way, she is one of those "unbe-weave-able" sistahs. I have known her for about 12 years and I have only seen her natural hair about twice. If she doesn't have braids, she has a weave.

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Giiiirrrrllll! Well, unfortunately, I've never had anyone hate on my REAL HAIR
but I know exactly how you feel. When you are on 'the come up' and you do something good for yourself it's what I call a "tree-shaking elimination" as far as friends. Just accept her for who she is. She's jealous and probably don't mean you any good. Like everyone else said ..that's the type of people you try to avoid. Good luck and congrats on your hair health, too!
blackhair said:
Just grow your hair longer and longer and she will get sick any time she sees you..

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