GodMadeMePretty said:
You better never be alone with her. She sounds like she would get a pair of scissors and whack your hair off out of pure spite.

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I was going to post the same thing!
This is what i mean....women cant take critism.
Maybe it does look a mess or unhealty maybe you should ask a beautician not a novice.
i got my hair flat ironed and one of the guys i know kept walking behind me talking in chinese, like yaki straight weave. please every time he did it i spoke chinese back to him, because i remembered i had been wearing a wig earlier that year that looked just like my hair -- until i chopped the wig up, that is!

but to me it was funny and a compliment that my hair looks like the wig! or the weave, or the chinese lady, whatever he thought!
jainygirl said:
Please i was on the train one day and i heard this girl start getting loud and telling the guy she was with, "nah ahhhh , that cant be her hair that's a weave" I guess her boy commented on my hair. anyway i was feeling especially tacky that day so i took out my comb, took the scrunchie out that was holding my ponytail, combed through my hair from root to tip and twisted my hair into a bun before reapplying my scrunchie. i didnt even turn around--- i just didnt hear her say anything else
-- jainygirl

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OOoh! Suh-WEEEEEET!!!!
ChoclatePrincess said:
Your friend is definitely giving off a lot of hate!

This has happened to me a few times:
Once my girlfriends and I were having a conversation about hair and girlfriend "A" says, "I'm going to cut my hair in a short haircut" so I say "why" and she goes off, "my hair don't make me, I don't need to have long hair, I know you aint never cutting your hair" and I said "you damn skippy I aint!" I detected a little hate and jealousy in her voice. I believe she secretly wants long hair but it's not growing so she keeps cutting it. If short hair is your thing well fine roll with it but that's not for me.

Another incident was with a girl who has nice hair and maybe about 3 past her shoulder. Now I'm coming down the block and I see her and another girl staring at me as I'm walking, my hair just a bouncing and blowing in the wind and of course soon as I get to them this hating @ss chick says "you're twisting your head so much it's going to come off your shoulders!" So I said "No *****, it's called having body, so I don't have to twist my head, it's automatic."

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jainygirl said:
greAtness333 said:
Covagirlm said:
jainygirl said:
Please i was on the train one day and i heard this girl start getting loud and telling the guy she was with, "nah ahhhh , that cant be her hair that's a weave" I guess her boy commented on my hair. anyway i was feeling espcially tacky that day so i took out my comb, took the scrunchie out that was holding my ponytail, combed through my hair from root to tip and twisted my hair into a bun before reapplying my scrunchie. i didnt even turn around--- i just didnt hear her say anything else
-- jainygirl

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Oh ****! I'm loving yalls (ebonics showing) stories. I hope I can reach that point some time soon so I can do the same thing. It's not often I'll act a fool.

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i just realize it mustve looked like i was putting my hair away to keep it from her pseudo abuse
like, "there, there hair....let mama put you away so you dont have to listen to that mean woman talking."
-- jainygirl

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Secretly putting these come-backs into my bag of arsenal, in the event that I need them!!!
i don't think this is about not taking criticism. i mean there is criticism and then there is contempt and meaness and that is what was coming from her.my hair has been in protective styles forever, are always moisturized and i just got a trim. The ends are in perfect condition.There was no need to act how she acted.