Has biotin or silica changed your texture?


New Member
I've been taking MSM for over a year now for tendonitis and noticed no difference in my hair texture. However I started Biotin and Silica about two months ago and my hair has undergoing a radical change. My 4 A/B hair is now 3B/C and 4A. I am trying to determine which supplement to attribute this change to so if you've had similar experiences please share.
I am on the Bargello vitamin regimen. My hair texture has not changed one bit. My hair is still nappy as ever, but my hair is almost 25% thicker than it was before and my hair is baby soft now.
I've been taking MSM for over a year now for tendonitis and noticed no difference in my hair texture. However I started Biotin and Silica about two months ago and my hair has undergoing a radical change. My 4 A/B hair is now 3B/C and 4A. I am trying to determine which supplement to attribute this change to so if you've had similar experiences please share.

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What brand of MSM were u taking and for how long?
I have no difference either. I've taken country pride 5mg, Vascular Research 10mg., and other brands. I've been taking biotin for 2 years now. It does keep a lot of the hair on your head though.

Nothing I've taken has really changed my texture, it has made it feel better though.

I think its definitely the Biotin because I once had 4b hair and now my hair is naturally wavy with a 3c/4a texture. As a matter of fact this lady commented on my hair today and said "I wish I had your hair" and then she said "your hair is naturally wavy,right?". Well a long time ago I would of had to say no but now it is in fact naturally wavy because thats how it grows since I started Biotin.

I've been taking MSM for over a year now for tendonitis and noticed no difference in my hair texture. However I started Biotin and Silica about two months ago and my hair has undergoing a radical change. My 4 A/B hair is now 3B/C and 4A. I am trying to determine which supplement to attribute this change to so if you've had similar experiences please share.

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What brand of MSM were u taking and for how long?

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I've been taking GNC MSM for over a year.

I think its definitely the Biotin because I once had 4b hair and now my hair is naturally wavy with a 3c/4a texture. As a matter of fact this lady commented on my hair today and said "I wish I had your hair" and then she said "your hair is naturally wavy,right?". Well a long time ago I would of had to say no but now it is in fact naturally wavy because thats how it grows since I started Biotin.


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Wow that's interesting! Maybe it is the biotin. Definitely going to stick with it for more reasons that one!
Supplements do not change your hair texture...it may make your hair healthier in various aspects...but please don't anyone take supplements expecting their hair to change into something it is not.

We all have beautiful hair...whatever natural texture it may be.
jadetyger - Many people have experienced a change in the texture hair from taking MSM and now biotin.
I have read the testimonies about changing texture. I increased my MSM from 1000mg to 2000mg...and my hair went from wavy around my face... to curling tightly like my Dad's. I think what has greatly affected the texture of my hair is Flaxseed oil and EPO... my new growth is much softer and pliable now.
Don't get me wrong jade, I think my natural hair was beautiful in appearance but I couldn't comb it (was putting in a lot of time and getting nothing more than breakage) so if it remains as it is that will keep me from having to texturize.
I'm afraid that some naturals will start popping serious amounts of pills in hopes that their nappy texture will turn to type 3 hair, a.k.a. the better hair texture.

It's sad that people still can't get out of the "good hair vs. bad hair" mentality, whether relaxed or natural.
I am not trying to miraculously jump from 4a hair type to 3a. There are parts of my hair that are different textures and I am hoping that MSM will even it out a bit so that I can further prolong the time bet. relaxers. I love the texture of my hair, its thick smooth and wavy. However, after relaxing for so many years there are parts of my hair that are a bit dry and coarse and a complete different texture than the other parts of my new growth. I hope MSM will make a difference. Afterall, it doesnt hurt to try.
It was this thread DahomeyAhosi!
. Anywho Tee Tee are you still experiencing that hair texture change if so what brand of biotin are you taking
Oh boy I really didn't know how to rate textures back then! I apologize for that. Yes my texture has been soft for months now...so easy to comb that I'm considering going natural again at the end of this year. I only texturized because combing as hell but I miss the strength of my natural hair. I take Freeda Biotin. I was taking PP but honestly neither has done much so when I'm done with this bottle that'll be it. I use GNC Silica and it's great.
jadetyger said:
Supplements do not change your hair texture...it may make your hair healthier in various aspects...but please don't anyone take supplements expecting their hair to change into something it is not.

We all have beautiful hair...whatever natural texture it may be.

Thank you Jadetyger, I was going to say it but you put it in a much nicer way than I would've said it.

Hair supplements can not change the texture of your hair, if they did then the person who decided to put it in a bottle and call it MSM and Biotin would be happily rich off of that alone.

I just think maybe your hair was that texture all along and u just didnt know it, or maybe its your texturized hair that is kind of making yu a bit confused. I dont know but that is what I would think. Or maybe you never looked at your hair texture carefully before. Or it could come with age too not the vitamins.
In addition to a multivitamin I've been taking biotin and MSM since May. I have noticed a difference in my hair texture. I've always stretched my relaxers so I've gotten used to what my new growth feels like and now my curls are looser and more defined.
No change in texture, but my hair is shinier & stronger with the silica. I've taken it for almost 4 years now as well as MSM & Biotin. It also makes my skin look "dewy" so I'd take it for that alone! :lol:
What I think we need to keep in mind that everyone is different. Everyone's body reacts differently to the same things. Some peoples hair just gets thicker from supplements. All my life I have never been able to slick my hair back with gel, until I took my first hair supplements(Gueye's Hair Vitamins). I could wet my hair and get curls( I remember when I was little and I would get in the water and come out with a big matted afro). When I would stop taking them my hair would revert back to its initial texture. My sister's noticed the difference. My mom noticed,hell even my hair dresser noticed the difference in my texture. I never expected it but my hair is different until this day. Don't get me wrong, I was never ashamed of my coarser hair but my I can say that hair supplements have changed my hair texture. I agree with Jadetyger that you should take them and expect a different texture, because I don't think it happens to everyone. Just one of those freaky things.
My hair texture has changed too its a lot more straighter and my new growth is more curly. But I've only realised that it's the Biotin after seeing this post.
It also sheds less.

I take extreme biotin from walmart 1.5mg each..I take 2 a day.
I started taking GNC Hair and Nails about 1 month 2 weeks now it has biotin in it. Because I am fresh to taking hair vitamins I must say I already see a big.... difference. My hair has always been thick and coarse, but it was weak and breaking. Joining the forum allowed me to acquire a lot of knowledge about different techniques to maintain healthy hair. However, it was not until I picked up my first bottle of GNC I really began to notice the difference. I am now 4 weeks post relaxer and you cannot even tell. My hair is no longer coarse and unmanageable, but it is soft and the new growths are wavy and not in a tight coils. Do not get me wrong I loved my hair before coarse and all, but the vitamins really do help. Let put it like this: I no longer have the need to brush my edges, my hair no longer breaks with the blow of the wind, I can wash almost everyday without worrying about how I am going to hide my new growths, I can run my hand through my hair without it being stuck (sad but true), my peers noticed (when I do let my hair down, which is not often), etc…The list goes on trust me. Now I religiously take my pills every morning without missing a beat. Usually I hate taking pills and sometimes forget to take my birth control. But some how everyday I manage to take my GNC.

Sorry so long...But I had to tell it. :cool:
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I am still taking silica and getting get results from it. I removed biotin from my supplement mixture to determine whether or not it was doing anything so I think I have narrowed down the change to the silica.
I thought anything that you eat only affected the new growth, not the hair that is already on your head?? Please correct me if I'm wrong. For example: if you started taking supplements 2 months ago, only about 1/2-1 inch will be different, not the whole head of hair...
To see a real change in texture you would have to wait a bit longer than that IMO. Maybe I'm wrong?