Has biotin or silica changed your texture?

FlowerHair said:
I thought anything that you eat only affected the new growth, not the hair that is already on your head?? Please correct me if I'm wrong. For example: if you started taking supplements 2 months ago, only about 1/2-1 inch will be different, not the whole head of hair...
To see a real change in texture you would have to wait a bit longer than that IMO. Maybe I'm wrong?

If I implied that either of these supplements changed the whole strand of hair that was not my intention. My hair is texturized so clearly only the new growth would be affected by the supplements. The rest is chemically treated.
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jadetyger said:
Supplements do not change your hair texture...it may make your hair healthier in various aspects...but please don't anyone take supplements expecting their hair to change into something it is not.

We all have beautiful hair...whatever natural texture it may be.

and let the church say amen!
Ok, here's a stupid question.
When you talk about texture do you mean the visual appearance of the hair or how it feels? Visually my hair is the same but it has become super soft.
DahomeyAhosi said:
If I implied that either of these supplements changed the whole strand of hair that was not my intention. My hair is texturized so clearly only the new growth would be affected by the supplements. The rest is chemically treated.

I'm sorry DahomeyAhosi, I didn't direct my statement to you specifically. Sorry if you feel "accused" :D
Hi Cat, Mine has changed as far as the way it feels AND the way it looks. For example I was natural for a year and the back of my head was definitely 100% 4B (frizzy, no curl pattern). Now I have very tight spiral curls (4a). Other parts have changed too but some haven't.
I never believed that hair texture could change and I'm not the most consistent with taking my supplements. My mom was doing my re-touch and was shocked at the change of texture in my new growth. I thought she was crazy but when I ran my fingers through my new growth I didn't feel the little bulby "berber carpet" feeling I usually do so I looked at the roots and was surprised that there was a change. I'm not sure if I attribute it to herbs and vitamins cause while I do take them, its never consistently(however that is about to change as I have joined the Vitamin Challenge).

Someone mentioned that it could be attributed to age. This is what I originally thought, but now all this supplement talk has got me thinking. Maybe because your body is getting all its nutrients plus everything it needs for healthy hair growth, the result is smoother hair and more managable hair because it is in complete health and hydration. Kind of like how your skin can change and become more soft, smooth, and have a dewy glow when the body is beyond nutritionally equipped with everything it needs. Same with fingernails that are brittle and become stronger and more resiliant with proper supplements.
If the average person does not get all the necessary vitamins they need from their daily food intake then the body has to take it from other sources and I'm thinking hair, skin, or nails perhaps the first to get deprived as I would imagine vital organs are of higher priority. So what we always have had may be of a lower level than we realized. Thats why when people take nutritional supplements in addition to a daily healthy diet, then the body has a surplus of nutrients that it can afford to fuel the normally more neglected parts hence we notice better skin, hair, and nails.

So the change in texture we perceive is really just a vast improvement in the texture...same texture but vastly improved thus healthier, smoother and more manageable.

Okay, I didn't mean to bore everyone, LOL! Just my schools of thoughts.
I have been taking Biosil for about 5 months and I have notice no difference. But, I was wearing weaves and braids for so long that i am still trying to get used to knowing my hair. It may be changing and I don't realize it.
I really think it is the biotin. I took biotin before and did not notice a change. My hair seems thinner and I do not like it.Then it must be the biotin. I am also taking pantothenic acid. I thought pantothenic acid thickens the hair?
Somethin has definately changed my texture, not sure which one but I think MSM, EPO, and Flaxseed oil has alot more to do w/my head full of 4a springy NG. I was more 4b and very very little 4a. I love the way it feels playing in it, but my hair tangles more :ohwell: . I would have thought it would tangle less but I guess more strands come together to form that perfectly defined spiral. :cool: It feels good but can't wait to relax it. :look:
supplements can change the texture of your hair its a know documented fact that msm effects curliness of the hair not say that if you take Z supplement you will get Y result but if your body is in need of it you may see a change

just like some people use MTG and get great growth i didnt
some people use biotin and get great growth i didnt
some people use MSM and get great growth i didnt
some people use Nioxin pills and get great growth i didnt

some people have a need and when it is filled they get a reaction i guess i havent found what i have a need for.

i think its important to keep an open mind when questions like this come up just like with any product what works for one may not work or work the same for the other
DahomeyAhosi said:
If I implied that either of these supplements changed the whole strand of hair that was not my intention. My hair is texturized so clearly only the new growth would be affected by the supplements. The rest is chemically treated.

thats funny cause i m a natural 4b and at first i thought that supplements could not change the hair let alone the whole strand of hair specially mine but make it more manageable what i was looking for like to be able to pass a comb,have softer hair. But to my surprise cause i never understood the change of texture, it did change not only my new growth but the whole strand of hair it still nappy but the msm i think cause i use biotin and silica for a while and just observed that the roots had become wavier but when i added the msm in the equation the hair turned nappy straight from roots to tips when i brush it and the texture and feel slightly resembled that of relaxed hair thats really weird i m really puzzled and cant explain it cause the hair looks so straight and feel straight and i used no heat and even the 4b hair that were my whole head ends included changed and became straighter i know its the vitamins i take cause my hair has never been like this. one day i just woke up and the whole hair had changed. i could not twist anymore on dry hair it would not hold it but now that i ran out of the msm and that i add aloe vera gel on wet hair i can twists again and my hair is less straight i guess when i reorder the msm it will change again but i still cant twists on dry hair it does not hold that good

here s a link to show you the texture using no heat i cowashed the day before and let it dry in two ponytails and the next day brush the hair

notice how straight the hair is no heat has been used and notice the weirdest thing if only roots were supposed to be changed how come the whole strand and even the ends look and feel straighter so thats why i feel like when u notice change its the whole strand that changes not only the roots and i cant still explain it cause as a baby and till i was 7 my hair has always been nappy i m not a curly baby and my mom is an African black lady so i dont understand and now i m baffled to explain what determines that certain brands give you a change of texture and others not or a sligth change like wave pattern. what s the science behind that. i was not a believer but i do believe now that vitamins can change your texture
well biotin has made my strands THICK, all the way the ends. flaxseed made my hair very silky and oily.

thre only thing thats changed my texture tho has been Mane N Tail products...

biotin made my regrowth coarse, thick and dry...until i relaxed
msportugal said:
supplements can change the texture of your hair its a know documented fact that msm effects curliness of the hair not say that if you take Z supplement you will get Y result but if your body is in need of it you may see a change

just like some people use MTG and get great growth i didnt
some people use biotin and get great growth i didnt
some people use MSM and get great growth i didnt
some people use Nioxin pills and get great growth i didnt

some people have a need and when it is filled they get a reaction i guess i havent found what i have a need for.

i think its important to keep an open mind when questions like this come up just like with any product what works for one may not work or work the same for the other

Hey Ms Portugal i also think it depends on brands of products for instance many people have great results with freeda biotin i did not i had better results with puritan pride while many did not or its another brand that worked for them. i used msm from Puritan Pride i didnt see growth or change, i used trimedica msm it was a waste of my money no growth no change and finally i tried the carlson msm and it worked . so sometimes its not the biotin or the msm or the silica, but you have to look and try different brands of the same product to find the working ones it s trial and error. you just try until you find the ones that grow your hair. Everybody raves about that GNC hair vits i forgot the name yes ultranourishair and ultra mega it was recommended in the Bargello method but both did not do anything for me . i did not see any growth on it nada. ultra mega left me with neon yellow urine i think i could not absorbe it it was a waste and both bottles are still seating on my desk but then i tried vitol which is time released and it worked so now i keep in mind it does not depend just on the product but on the brand and trust me i wasted mad money trying them all so now i know what works for me. i try everything once if i see no results i discard it