Biotin, Silica or MSM -- does one work better?

Which worked better for your hair?

  • Biotin

    Votes: 39 24.5%
  • Silica

    Votes: 18 11.3%
  • MSM

    Votes: 32 20.1%
  • None of them worked for me

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • I use them all!

    Votes: 66 41.5%

  • Total voters
I bought some msm right now since I dont want to order online I just bought from walmart. Ill see what happens. When I get the money I can hopefully get the silica
I've fallen off of vitamins, but I am going to rededicate myself to my vitamin intake and start by taking bamboo, biotin.. and collagen.. right now.
Zuleika, I know you were not talking to me but I have just ordered the bambooleaftea brand which should be here Monday. Can't wait to start taking it.

As a side note, this ladies business address is listed just down the street from my house. I was so excited that I drove over thinking I could just pick some up instead of ordering it online. Anyway the address turned out to be a damn UPS store lol. I ended up ordering it off of Amazon.

Anyway I have been having some serious hair issues since my baby was born last year. Toward December I began to experince horrible dryness and breakage. I implemented B vitimins into my regimen and my hair has turned around tremendously. I have had bad experiences with MSM in the past so I decided to try the bamboo tea. I hope this helps to at least strengthen my hair to prevent further breakage.
Bamboo silica is awasome...I just restocked for the next 3 months..

Happy Hair Growing!
I definitely credit bamboo tea in addition to vigorous massaging every night and dermarolling for my hair regrowth in the bald spots. I order my bamboo tea from Nadege. I drink 1 cup every night with honey.

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so just ordered two 30 day supplies worth of tea. I need all the help i can get with promoting growth, especially with these edges
I posted this in another thread but I will do a quick update here. After taking biotin faithfully for 6 months (range of doses 1500mcg to 100mg) I am convinced it is not "a supplement that gives me results." Starting today I am discontinuing taking biotin and replacing it with Viviscal. I purchased a 6 month supply so I will take it daily for 6 months and monitor any improvement (GROWTH!!!).
I take Bamboo Silica - but jury is still out.
I take powdered MSM - but will begin adding Liquid MSM to oil blends for topical application.

hey ilong how goes it with the viviscal?
bklynLadee - My hair is growing but so far I am not seeing any growth greater than average growth. October 1 will be 3 months of me taking Viviscal consistently. The claim is that results should be seen after two months. If this is true and allowing for a margin for variability, I should see growth soon if Viviscal is going to work for me. I will do a length check in October and compare to length checks from August and September. I hope a growth spurt kicks in soon.
Bamboo Silica is a wonder drug.

I get at least 3/4" a month these days....

I swear I thought it was just me!

I took it for the first time 2nd week in August. Fast forward to a month later in Sept, I don't know if it is just me but it seemed like it grew 3/4 to 1 inch in the time. I will take pics tomorrow just to be sure and compare. If it is what I thought it was, I will post pics. :yep:
Hi all, would live to try the bamboo silica, the tea is not available here in uk! What brand do you all take and what strength ? Thanks



$6.99 free shipping with $50 purchase, which is easy if you order a six month supply of Maxi Hair and Bamboo.

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Imoan yes, please do update about the Viviscal. I was thinking about getting them. I am taking Nature's Life Marine Collagen now and want to try the bamboo tea.
I take all three actually, I have been using msm the most consistently and for the longest. Bamboo extract keeps my hair strong, I tried pulling a strand and it just wouldnt budge. Msm lengthens my growth phase and biotin helps with consistent growth.
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I swear I thought it was just me!

I took it for the first time 2nd week in August. Fast forward to a month later in Sept, I don't know if it is just me but it seemed like it grew 3/4 to 1 inch in the time. I will take pics tomorrow just to be sure and compare. If it is what I thought it was, I will post pics. :yep:

momi RegaLady which brands are yall using?
Viviscal Update:

As of today, I have been taking Viviscal for exactly 15 weeks. If I have missed a dose it has only been two . Although my hair is growing, it is nothing above the average (~.5 inches per month). My daughter mentioned Saturday that she thought my hair was a lot thicker.

I had thought to post pics with updates this month, but I've decided to wait until December, which will complete a 6 month period of taking Viviscal.

My retention is EXCELLENT (I track lost hairs by placing the hair in a baggy and marking the date on the baggy.) I may have lost 10 strands in the last month. BUT I attribute this success to faithfully M&S and weekly rinses with garlic and tea (started in September). (I do the rinses on my granddaugther and the results are the same GREAT RETENTION) I mention this only to address the question if maybe poor retention thwarted length.

I PS 95% of the time and the only time I use heat is to flatiron ONE section of hair for a length check. I cleanse my hair (co-wash or shampoo) weekly and apply protein at least once a month. I don't have any health issues which would prevent Viviscal effectiveness. So, I would consider myself a very good candidate for taking the supplement and if it was effective I should see results.

Given the cost of Viviscal if significant growth isn't realized by December, there will be no sound justification for me to re-purchase. I am researching Hairfinity but if the ingredients are the same as a basic HSN supplement (as indicated by another member) then I will pass. I've purchased a collagen supplement already - just in case. (I don't want to have a break in my regimen).

In summary, I don't have a basis for recommending Viviscal at this time. If my results change - I will update this post.
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Froreal3 - my pleasure!
As a side note - I was lurking another forum and a member mentioned she called Viviscal and was told she should see results in 5-6 months.

I checked the website and for sure it now says 6 months for results. I think Viviscal extended the "time to see results" from 2-3 months to 6 months because consumers have complained about "NO RESULTS".
It also appears the wording has been revised to NOT promote " grow hair long" but "achieve stronger, fuller, healthier hair".

VIVISCAL is :nono: for hair growth IMO! The last 2 months will be the final judge!
Froreal3 - my pleasure!
As a side note - I was lurking another forum and a member mentioned she called Viviscal and was told she should see results in 5-6 months.

I checked the website and for sure it now says 6 months for results. I think Viviscal extended the "time to see results" from 2-3 months to 6 months because consumers have complained about "NO RESULTS".
It also appears the wording has been revised to NOT promote " grow hair long" but "achieve stronger, fuller, healthier hair".

VIVISCAL is :nono: for hair growth IMO! The last 2 months will be the final judge!

*side eyeing Viviscal*

ETA: ilong for the price they charge people should be seeing results in 2 weeks! Might as well buy some dag on MN for all that mess!
regina07, I agree with what the previous posters said about silica. Have not tried biotin as a supplement on its own to form an opinion. I have been using MSM for over a year and although I love MSM for the internal health benefits plus softening of new growth, however, it had no impact in lessening the shedding and breakage. I recently went through a period of intense shedding and subsequent breakage brought on by the use of Wen. I tried a bunch of things, henna, cassia, black tea rinses, garlic conditioners and although I saw some reduced shedding, none of these stopped the shedding completely until I incorporated silica in my diet by drinking bamboo leaf tea. As stated above by lindsaywhat, bamboo has high levels of silica. I started drinking bamboo leaf tea approx 30 days ago and the result was immediate. Over time, I noticed that my hair felt stronger, less fragile and prone to breakage and the shedding has completely stopped. My wash day has seen significant decrease in breakage when detangling. My nails also grew like weeds. Best of all the bamboo leaf tea taste so nice and mild that I can drink cup a day which is enjoyable to me. I purchased the bamboo leaf tea from a blogger named Nadege over at relaxed hair health. Here is the link if you're interested... If you visit the site, you'll find out more about the benefits of incorporating silica in your diet to improve hair health. I truly love the stuff and will always have as part of my diet. HHG.

I just ordered the tea! I can't wait to receive it!
I compared the growth difference in my length check pictures and noticed something interesting. Prior to October hair growth was better than it was in November and December. I was still taking Viviscal and my HSN vitamins - but I ran out of Bamboo silica during September so I couldn't take them. It may be too early to make the claim - but it appears the bamboo contributed quite a bit to my growth.

I re-stocked and began it about December 10th. I purchased enough for 3 months. I will definitely monitor my growth.

Lita - ITA with you - Bamboo Extract (Silica) is great stuff!:yep:
BTW- I decided to just take YouTheory collagen as a replacement for Viviscal.