Has Anyone Visited the Former Concentration Camps?


New Member
In Europe? I'm planning on it when in Europe. But the thing is, I know of people who saw very evil spirits there lurking about. Some of them heard crying and screaming from the deceased former prisoners. Just about anyone who goes there feels spiritual oppression. I'm just wondering if I should even go. It's important to pay homage to ancestors, to kin, honoring those who lost their lives to evil people. But I just don't know. What have been your experiences personally or knowledge of others who have gone?
I've never been and I think it would bother me mentally just knowing the history of it and all those lives lost. If you go post back with pics.

Slightly off topic: I am still trying to get more info one the camps they say is here in America.
My dad went but had to leave half way through because he got sick and started throwing up from all the images he saw.

It's on my list of "things I want to see before I die"; it's a part of history and it's a constant reminder of how far people can come despite those who try to destroy life. Personally, I think you should go.
DH and I visited Dachau Concentration Camp last year in Germany. There was an overall dark and dreary atmosphere, however I saw no evil spirits and heard no screaming.

It was an experience that I will never forget. I am glad DH and I made the trip.
I already pray for those innocent souls that perished but being of a family who regularly views supernatural things...I just didn't wanna guess if we'd immediately see them and then be sorry about it. I've always wanted to go...that is, until I heard other's experiences. Still thinking.....
I've never personally gone but I knw pple who have been to concetration camps. Anyway they did talk about feeling and hearing things such as whispers in the ear and so on. Its a very thick and haunting atmosphere and my friend who went said she just started shivering for hours and it wasnt even cold. She's not someone who cries easy, she doesnt believe in spirits and ghosts so whatever she saw or heard she didnt talk about and simply dismissed it.
I have not been to one but would like a chance to visit. I plan on touring Europe eventually. Pray about it GV. If God gives you peace about it go. If he does not don't go.